What I have seen here is that people pretty much do the same. When they first get here their stories start small. As they get the support they need they share a bit more
I think this is so true, when i first looked here the only posts I took any notice of were ones that I could check and research for myself, I seriously doubted 'apostates' and believed much of what they said to be untrue.
Now I find comparing other peoples stories to my own experiences and realising that these things do go on, we justified and covered up and excused and presumed it was a one off
My own experience is light compared to some, but I have personally experienced abuse (physical and emotional) from my stepfather which was tape recorded by my mother, played back to the body of elders who wiped the tape saying she 'led' him into it. He swore repeatedly on the tape at me, the worst kind of words. . After 10 years of this when he finally almost killed my mother the elders took action. And he was disfellowshipped.. and subsequently reinstated. I put that down at the time to mans imperfection. And kept saying to myself.. this is not Jehovah, this is man
But this organisation claims to be gods organisation.
I have opened my mind and realised that probably a lot worse and a lot more hideous things went on. Some of the tales here are slightly unbelievable, as a witness for 22 years I realise that some of them just would not have gone on. But most people are genuine and hurt and find here other like minded ones.
If you followed another thread you would see many here do not hate the JWs, most of them are good, loving, people, and doing what they believe is right. But once you are out.. and the longer you are out you do get to see things for how ugly they actually are.
Thank you for starting this thread, I have much enjoyed reading the posts.