horrible life, you may have the infamous land, it was once called peru, but im changed it to infamous land... all yours, and u own the ppl so find the hottest one and u can have him as your pool boy... ok picture changing time..
the infamous one
our creepy new guy .
welcome the infamous one!!
horrible life, you may have the infamous land, it was once called peru, but im changed it to infamous land... all yours, and u own the ppl so find the hottest one and u can have him as your pool boy... ok picture changing time..
the infamous one
if you haven't signed up yet there are only a couple of weeks left secret santa 2005. .
for all of you who are on the secret santa gift exchange.
give people an idea of what you like.
send me a cheap cheap prostitute with many stds.. i wanna take her to the hall and pass her off as my gf... HA HA HA HA HA
or maybe just a book, im a university student, i love to read
or anything portugal or soccer related... ha ha ha
the infamous one
our creepy new guy .
welcome the infamous one!!
im changing my pic then... now there shall be no creepiness and u guys will be surprised when i take over the world... oh and i wil do it... peaches, u shall be in charge of syria...
the infamous one
our creepy new guy .
welcome the infamous one!!
you guys r bastards!!! ha ha, thanks, and i was kidding geez.. dont make me creep you out..
the infamous one
an older woman and a younger woman with a baby in a stoller knocked on my door.
my house is so decorated with spider webs,pumpkins,skulls,gravestones, etc.
when i opened the door the crawling hand and candy dishes started thier seperate sounds and music, i just started to laugh.. she didn't introduce herself as one of jehovah's witnesses, she said she was doing volunteer work.
i told i was DF'ed once, they dont come anymore...now i wont live forever oh no.....
the infamous one
is it just me, or is controversial music more truthful than, lets say...."the truth" ???
i've been warned against music like this since as long as i can remember but nuthing stopped me from listening to it and relating better to tha lyrics than any speech i've been givin at meetings.
music is a big part of my life and i'm making it a career goal, but i hear that jw's cant go into tha entertainment business... your trying to tell me that a job that puts food on tha table, and a lil more, is any different from selling shoes in a lil store?
welcome to the site boyee.... and theres nothign wrong with a shoe store... the emphasis on music and it being improper is because the society knows how influential music can be... anything that goes against their bullshit is wrong.. they dont want u thinking for yourself, cuz then youll be smart enough to realize whats goin on, and ull walk away.. MUSIC IS THE DEVILL BECAUSE IT CAN MAKE YOU THINK!
whatever their bs is behind me, hopefully behind you too
the infamous one
how many of you stayed in the "lie" longer than you believed it was true because you needed financial support from someone in the borg.. i know i stayed longer than i wanted to so that i could become financially independant from my parents and therefore i could do as i pleased without the financial ramifications.
i had notihng to do but run away!!!! so i didnt have to stay longer than i had to, but then again, i was there till i was 18, but the thing is, i was still confused...
the infamous one
welcome to the forum!.
enjoy the posts, and enjoy posting.
i already know what i personally think and feel about things.
yeah welcome... now im just wondering why no one ever welcomed me ha ha, jk
the infamous one
my non-jw hubbie wrote this last night, whose sole exposure to jw gatherings is a couple of hours at the last convention..... .
[setting: the present day.
a father is in a comfortable chair in his lounge room, reading a copy of "awake!
damn hes good!!!!
next scene, at the kingdom hall:
same fatjher and son in the second room, son bent over and pantless, father ready to mount him... but right before te does, the elders walk in and say, "what are you doing br. Smythe?"
Br. Smythe: "Well, my son committed heresy and i am punishing him. I know im supposed to go to 18 hours straight of convention, but i prefer this punishment, since my wife wont have sex with me because you have all made her tihnkits evil..."
Elder Johnson (aka PO):"I understand. we just have to do one thing a little differently!!"
the whole elder body of seven drops their pants and mount the boy one at a time.
the young boy was disfellowshipped that same meeting for homsexuality...
the infamous one
while i didn't like being a jw there were 1 or 2 good points.
what was your favorite thing about being a jw?.
mine was all the parties and social gatherings we had.
i miss the freedom from having to think... they made all my decisions for me... WAIT A MINUTE, thats not a good thing at all!
i kinda miss the some of the guys tho, we used to party, its funny a j-dub kid knew how to party, all cuz they werent allowed...
the infamous one