yeah blondie. always good for a laugh... thanks for the work
the infamous one
blondie you prolly get tired of hearing this but thanks so much for your labor of love.
i dont get the mags anymore, but im glad to be able to keep up with what's being said in the wt through your weekly comments on the wt study.. i would think it might get tiresome to wade through the bs in the articles week after week.
im sure it takes a lot of your time to research, then type your post.
yeah blondie. always good for a laugh... thanks for the work
the infamous one
what are your favorite notable bible passages, why and how does it affect your life?
i have a few such as; "for if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing he is dececiving his own mind.
"also from presumptuous acts hold your servant back; do not let them dominate me.
ha ha, im such a shit disturber...
the infamous one
horrible life i know you are such a talented dental hygeniest... can you help these poor critters with their teeth problems?
may i present to you.... the alabama hunting dogs!!
what are you talkin about, htose dogs have better teeth than me....
the infamous one
like when you hear someone say they are christian and talk about jesus lot do you relate them to being like jehovahs witnesses on instinct?
nope i think, do i have to hear you preach too? listen, and i mean this honestly, becuase of my experiences with religion, i think it is up to me to search it out if i want it... if i dont want it, i wont look for it... religion is not something to be peddled...
the infamous one
just curious.
i was 17 when i was last spanked.
it was the day of my high school graduation.
spankings kinda stopped when i was like ten or 11... then it just turned into brutal beatings for a while... i bet if i were still there and still was too ashamed to gfight back, they would still be goin on...
the infamous one
our son william grant was born last wednesday 2/11/05 at 20:43, weighing 9lb 2oz (4140g).
we are both really well.. it wasn't the birth experience i had hoped for - on my long list of things i didn't want to happen, the only things i avoided were induction, pethidine, episiotomy (i pushed too efficiently, no time to do it!
) and caesarean.
CONGRATS... soon u must show us some pictures...
the infamous one
i like threads about me.. they make me feel special
the infamous one
ok guys, im off to bed.. keep this thread goin it makes me feel good!!! LMAO night night yall, luv you lots
the infamous one
PORTUGAL.... born there, adopted and brought to canada at 4, went back for 10 years and now im here again...
the infamous one
LOL, thanks misanthropic... i think yall are awesome too... and ghetto fab means absolutely nothing to me... im by far one of the whitest portuguese men you will ever meet... its the crazy weather in this country.. ha ha ha ha... the infamous one hates the cold... wants to go back home, but cant...
the infamous one