well i know its been said before...... but i agree so whole heartedly that i decided to reiterate it to make it VERY VERY CLEAR!!!
besides, why would you wanna date someone whos not allowed to have sex???
the infamous one
ok, i'm new here, so please be gentle.
maybe the advice i need is somewhere else in this forum, but i really don't want to have to search for it, i really need some advice now and i don't have the time to sift through all of the other entries here.
so please bear with me and share any and all advice you have, even if you think it's not what i want to hear.
well i know its been said before...... but i agree so whole heartedly that i decided to reiterate it to make it VERY VERY CLEAR!!!
besides, why would you wanna date someone whos not allowed to have sex???
the infamous one
one of my ex-best friends, and his wife, sent a card, from both of them, saying "happy aniversary" (whatever).
enclosed was a bottle of scotch.
in my friend's hand writting.
i got bottles of booze from elders when they knew i was underage.... they just bought me booze and said, just for being a good boy.... it was kinda weird...
the infamous one
busy in the evening time.
i have an assignment which caused me to go to 2nd shift, and i noticed that it is not so busy here.
im cute, i just couldnt grate cheese on my abs... DAMN... soccer really only focuses on legs.... i bet i can run longer than u tho enigma
the infamous one
i'm the aunty of 3 the boys i wrote about a few weeks ago who had lost their jw father to suicide.
my (16 year old) nephew has come to live with me and he has been brought up as a jw all of his life, although not baptised yet.
he hasn't made one mention of them or meetings at all since his father's death, ( 4 weeks ago) other than to tell me he was very disappointed in the lack of support shown his dad by the elders of his congregation during his lowest moments of depression and to the boys since.
yeah i agree enigma one... take him out, let him see that the "world" is not all about drug, and drinking and murder and evil and bl a bla bla... this willhelp him see the lies for himself...
the infamous one
i love it
the infamous one
i read ladylees thread about her sister and realized how short life is, sometimes you loose track of time and don't even realize it.
we are all so busy with a million things and sometimes we forget to tell our brothers and sisters how we feel about them so i will take the time to tell them tonight how much i love them.
the following is a list of some of the things i love about my sisters.. .
i hate this... thanks for the advice tho hun, i think i will try to call her...
the infamous one
when i first came here a while back there was plenty of discussion around and about jw topics and general chit chat but of late i've felt quite a sharp increase in posts that are: .
1/ preaching aethism (as opposed to putting it forward in a respectful way as an alternate viewpoint.
2/ vitriolic attacks on those who dare have another view ('damn those stupid heretical believers') .
this is kinda ridiculous.. to be honest with you, it seems the original poster bickered with someone and instead of thinking to himself: "hmmm, this person i argued with may have a point" or at least "i am angry, but theres no need to flip out", the poster said, EVERYONE, OR AT LEAST MOST ARE ATHEIST BASTARDS....
first off, atheism is a religion in itself... i will not say i am atheist, for i think there must be some sort of creator, but not one as infinite and all powerful as we like to think... what i do not believe in is RELIGION!!! religion has been used to entrap so many...
the new person you are talking about, and if it is who i think it is, (cough cough TETRA cough cough) is actually an intelligent person, who believes what he believes... i have never been belittled by anyone on this site, and must say, through my bitterness, some of my jokes or sarcasm can be taken that way, and for this i apologize...
again, dont be such a drama queen... beliefs will always bring much passion... everything that is ever said about religion or GOD must be taken witha grain of salt... otherwise there will be many problems and fights...
the infamous one
ps. i have never used capital letters either, doesnt that emphasize when i do????
i read ladylees thread about her sister and realized how short life is, sometimes you loose track of time and don't even realize it.
we are all so busy with a million things and sometimes we forget to tell our brothers and sisters how we feel about them so i will take the time to tell them tonight how much i love them.
the following is a list of some of the things i love about my sisters.. .
ive tried my parents wont let me talk to her right now, they keep hanging up, its just emails right now and it sucks shit.... except i sneak into her school as often as possible and take her to lunch...
the infamous one
busy in the evening time.
i have an assignment which caused me to go to 2nd shift, and i noticed that it is not so busy here.
damn, enigma, i need some tips, i started working out but still no results... HA HA HA
the infamous one
busy in the evening time.
i have an assignment which caused me to go to 2nd shift, and i noticed that it is not so busy here.
HL, you do not have to choose, i will be too busy ruling the world to be a pool boy....... but i shall come visit you, one of my thousands of concubines... DONT TELL LOLA!!!
the infamous one
p.s. i may be young, but im still bitter and funny :P