Now for YK. . .
YK: You asked if I ever heard of the arch of Titus?
Yes, ad nauseam, actually.
Hmmmmm. . . have you ever heard of revisionist histroy? Something written after the fact? The existence of the arch confirms nothing except the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. To connect it to words that could easily have been written as apologia by an understandably devastated member of that Jewish nation, desperate to justify the destruction of that “holy city,” is a bit of a reach in my mind. It’s one you are free to make however.
It is also interesting to me that only one bible writer saw fit to record a prophecy of such enormous impact, and that Paul did not see fit to reference it directly in his letter to the Hebrews at a time when it was so near to being fulfilled. His words being undeniably written prior to the Roman invasion.
On this subject: I’ve recently been reading a book that describes various documents from the early church. Believe me, they left the REALLY weird stuff out when they established the cannon. However, many of these bizarre documents stood as “inspired” missives up to that point. What does their physical existence prove? Ala your arch argument?
You said: “That's stupid. I don't claim to be a prophet.” But you are a self-appointed foreteller of events, are you not? That you bury your prognostications in the shifting sands of bible prophecy hardly alters that fact. Your basic argument, that the words of Jesus are inescapably fixed in future events, is hardly bolstered by your many interpretive failures. Perhaps that’s why you ignored (as is your wont) my references to performance – your own is so dismal.
You said: “Obviously you can't refute the fact that Jesus foretold the apostasy that you have become emeshed in.”
I don’t view it as a fact. Therefore, there is nothing to refute.
So I’ll repeat yet AGAIN: As Jesus (the true prophet said): “The scribes and the Pharisees (or any others who falsely claim divine authority) have seated themselves in the seat of Moses . . . for they say but do not perform.”
So even with him, performance was an issue.
I realized that in endlessly going door to door (just as YK endlessly rants) with this “sky is falling” message – and then having people see that the sky never falls – only served to dishonor God, and made the scriptures a laughing stock. What kind of faith does this “boy who cried wolf” fairy tale create? What kind of confidence does this failed message inspire? None - except to frighten people into jettisoning their lives in favor of serving and enriching a human corporation.
Performance was an issue with me as well.
Refute that.