You missed my point.
Some things are out of our control like where you were born and to whom. Much of the rest is the result of our choices. We should not attempt to blame others when we decide to smoke, eat fatty foods and commit crimes.
the current discussion of an ex-gb member has prompted me to ponder this question:.
just how much of our personal circumstances can/do we take responsibility for, and how much do we blame the wts?
you may have grown up as a jw, coerced into leaving early to pioneer, not go to university, have no kids, even stay single for the pursuit of singleness in the kingdom work to pioneer or go to bethel.
with all the recent political threads, i have a question.
what do you think/feel/believe the government or your country *owes* you as a citizen?.
i am talking about pensions, health care and other *social services*.
cronboy said
"I'm also for universal healthcare (which will probably get me in trouble in an otherwise Libertarian thread ). "
You really want the Federal Government to decide who gets what treatment? And will the drug companies continue to research possible new drugs if they can not make a profit?
Teenyuck, I believe you would make a good Libertarian. The Republican Party really is not about smaller government anymore. They seek to control what is moral and good for the population and Bush is the one that wants to increase the size of Medicare with prescription drugs.
It is now to the point in the US that to get elected you need to hand out as much possible to your base. Where will it end? If I were a young person born after 1970 in the US, I would not count on getting Social Security. There is no such thing as a Social Security Trust Fund. Just US Government IOUs.
According to H. S. Dent the US will have another Great Depression starting in the 2008 to 2010 timeframe.
the current discussion of an ex-gb member has prompted me to ponder this question:.
just how much of our personal circumstances can/do we take responsibility for, and how much do we blame the wts?
you may have grown up as a jw, coerced into leaving early to pioneer, not go to university, have no kids, even stay single for the pursuit of singleness in the kingdom work to pioneer or go to bethel.
Are the tobacco companies really responsible for deaths associated with smoking?
Is McDonalds responsible for people being fat?
Are the gun manufactures responsible when someone dies of gunshot wounds?
All three are choices, just like following the WTBTS.
Now some I agree have valid complaints that can be proved in courts. I wish those people success if that is what they wish to do.
As to Education and Material aspects of following a religion, I really don’t think anyone that blames the WTBTS for their lot in life really has anything to complain about. Why?
As to financial success:
The biggest factors in success are:
The genes you received from your birth parents
The Country or Area you were raised
Moral and work ethic of the people who raised you
We have no control over those factors; it is the luck of the draw!
As already pointed out by some on this thread, some of us have overcome many hardships and still can consider themselves happy and successful.
I know scores of people who had the opportunity to get a college education, who still find themselves without the financial security many of you attribute to a good and proper education. I also know millionaires who received only a GED or a High School Education.
Anyone in the developed world (such as the US) with a little luck and a great deal of hard work can have financial security. It is a sad statement that this can not be said for some places on this planet.
how many jws are there currently in the wt who want out but are held back by things they feel they can't control?
i hear posters say that if they're still jws then they must believe it.
what about the people whose whole family are jws and don't have any outside friends to turn to or for whatever reason are relying on their jw family for financial help and know that if they expressed doubts they would be cut off no questions asked.
If you are married to a true believer and 90% of your friends and family are in; it is not that easy to mail in your DA letter.
how can anyone with more than a handful of neurons maintain confidence in the watchtower organization?.
as dumbing down of the organization deepens, together with stubborn rejection of compassion and good sense, the .
pressure on capable, half-way sane witnesses is intensifying.
"All of this is dead end thinking - that won't sustain another generation of Witnesses."
You are correct, but somehow the Catholic Church has been able to survive over 2000 years.
Many current JWs may become nominal JWs, just like most Catholics are only Nominal at Best. Most don’t worry about the Divorce or Birth Control requirements of the church. They love the Pope, but only go to church when they feel like it. The Memorial Attendance numbers vs. those who count time already show that most are at best nominal JWs.
The real problem will come when they have trouble attracting Elders and Pioneers. Just as the Catholics have trouble getting Priests and Nuns. At least the Catholics pay their employees. They have already lost most of the more intelligent elders. I think a great deal of the better Elders have stepped down and if they still attend are really just Nominal JWs. That is what I did. What gets me is that they somehow are still getting young people to pioneer. I just don’t understand why.
i've been thinking and wondering a lot lately about the existance of god.
i haven't had much chance to talk to atheists before, and i was just wondering what was it that convinced you that there wasn't a god?
i'm not asking whether there's proof of god or not...i'm just curious about personal feelings and experiences, if you don't mind sharing.
I believe some form of intelligence is responsible for life on earth. Maybe an ET.
But if God exists I believe he is just looking at the Box Scores. And that assumes anyone is keeping score.
has anyone noticed that jws who appear to be higher up on the 'socio-economic' ladder get special treatment at the kh?
no matter how many khs i've visited, i've noticed that jws who are not well off socially/financially/physically are treated with less respect/dignity than those with a business of their own, or just a higher quality of life.
i've been to many 'gatherings' where jws filter themselves out according to race or socio-economic standing.
wednesday, you may be right, I was in the group and didn’t know it.
Someone a few months ago indicated that maybe, when I was an Elder, that the other Elders kept things from me and didn’t tell me everything that was going on in the Congregation. This could have very well been the case, because they knew I would go ballistic.
After 5 years of arguments with Circuit Overseers and the other Elders I just resigned.
has anyone noticed that jws who appear to be higher up on the 'socio-economic' ladder get special treatment at the kh?
no matter how many khs i've visited, i've noticed that jws who are not well off socially/financially/physically are treated with less respect/dignity than those with a business of their own, or just a higher quality of life.
i've been to many 'gatherings' where jws filter themselves out according to race or socio-economic standing.
I was an Elder for 5 plus years and a MS for 25 years. The key word is was.
And yes all congregations are different. But in my area the elders are not janitors and their wives don’t act like because their husband is an Elder that it somehow benefits them.
I have known some really Fair Intelligent Elders with very nice wives. Except for a handful they are now Ex-Elders.
What amazes me is that they are not all Ex-Elders.
latin, I would say that you tend to be a little extreme and the world is only Black and White for you. I have news for you it is not!!!!
so many of us, so many reasons we left or were kicked out.
from that point, how long did it take for you to not feel guilty about things and realize that the wts is not the "truth" as they always claim and that they have no say in whatever happens to us later.. for me, it was a slow fade.
not so much because i was determind to leave it; it was basically laziness in that regard.
The first 10 years I just went to the meetings because of my mother. Hey I was only a kid.
The next 10 it was because of friendships. We had a great many youths in our area and we became life long friends
The next 10, I guess you would say that I was attending, but not really there. They viewed me as being too materialistic. I purchased my first home in 1975!
Then I decided reach out and became an elder. Five years of Elders Meeting and anyone with any sense of decency will start to question many aspects of the "Truth". I resigned as an elder and read the Bible for a second and third time. The rest is a completely different topic.
has anyone noticed that jws who appear to be higher up on the 'socio-economic' ladder get special treatment at the kh?
no matter how many khs i've visited, i've noticed that jws who are not well off socially/financially/physically are treated with less respect/dignity than those with a business of their own, or just a higher quality of life.
i've been to many 'gatherings' where jws filter themselves out according to race or socio-economic standing.
I must be in a congregation / area outside the norm. I think every congregation is really quite different. I have never met a First Lady of the Congregation. Elder wives are for the most part are very humble in my area.
Our PO, is a Pioneer and his wife supports him. I really don’t think she in anyway thinks or acts like the First Lady. Our sister Congregation, the PO is rather well off and his wife is a really down to earth person.
Because of the area no one in the Congregation is living off of Food Stamps. Yes Social Groups exist, but it has more to do with friendships. I think people actually separate themselves by their own actions or lack there of.