The overall growth in the US may be 2%. But, it is because the Spanish are growing at an unbelievable rate. Wait until the young Spanish start coming of age. They will be English speakers raised in the American Culture.
JoinedPosts by Analysis
by integ inmy mother attended the special one day assembly program saturday, and told me that there were 5 people getting baptized.
now i would think that at least 10 times that amount have either left the org.
during that time, or been disfellowshipped from the congregations in the circuit.
Reform or Retire?
by core indo we change our attitude when we get out?
caspian indicated (when he was an active elder over a year ago) how he was working with other like minded elders from within to achieve reform - but like many of us he is now "out" or fading - many others of us thought that change for good could be achieved - have we all moved from that position if we are out - have we given up trying - have we stopped contact with those we though agreed with us - is it easier to just move on?
caspian - do you think that the others you were involved with are still trying to make changes - did you achieve much when you were actively trying to promote decent standards ?
An Elder may be able to help a few within his congregation. Reform is out of the question.
As to Ray, he came too early to attempt any reform. Maybe today if someone attempted from within they could make some good steps toward mainstream thinking.
The only hope for total reform is if the at least 3 of 5 new GB Members over time become reform minded. In the US, the President always attempts to select Judges for the Supreme Court that will decide cases in the way they want them decided. In the end no one ever knows for sure how they will Judge until they have been on the Bench for many years. Some have an independence that somehow comes out after they are there for a few years. Rutherford, Franz and Knorr all had a great impact on changes within. I don?t mean to say they were positive changes. But at this point even a major negative change could end up in the long run in the reform movement. Why do I say that? I don?t think the average JW will actually drink the Kool-Aid.
Why do the watchtower studies have no doctrine anymore?
by truthseeker inover the last few years, it has become apparent that the teachings which were popular in the 80s, the ones that have not changed (unlike the generation of 1914), are no longer being mentioned in the study articles.. teachings like the 1200 days, the gentile times, even 1914 is not referenced with 607bce anymore.
it seems as if each article is nothing more than a lesson, how can we do more, give more, donate more etc.. it seems that only their books contain the doctrine they expound, the watchtower has no doctrine.. what happened to the articles on hellfire, immortality of the soul, condition of the dead?
these are never mentioned in wt articles.. the quality of the articles is so dumb it's laughable.
My Question is what doctrinal changes have they made in the last 5 years?
They now have the minor clarifications in Questions from Readers.
Could Science Disprove Sectarianism?
by metatron inreligious claims are commonly unverifiable.
everybody and anybody can claim that they : 1) are god's true people.
and 2) have god's exclusive favor.. however, various scientists around the world are testing the idea that prayer can heal.
We have all heard of the Placebo effect of control groups taking sugar pills. So I think some would say Science has already proved the power of prayer and hope.
Is Mankind Born Evil....or Good?
by Farkel inmany ancients including confucious and lao tzu took opposing views about this subject and their arguments are fascinating to read.
their arguments are nearly 2,500 years old.
the greeks also lively debated this question.. of course, as dubs (and in fact, in most christian faiths) we were taught that man was born inherently evil, and the quest is to overcome that and work towards the good.
I don’t really view it that we are born either good or evil.
I think all babies are born with a desire to be comfortable (food, warmth, pain free etc.) and to be accepted (or Loved).
Based on their genetic makeup of the individual they will act good or evil based on the environmental nature of their formative years. What or how they act is their way of being comfortable and to fit in and be liked by others.
As to modern medicine never allowing another Hitler, the lust for power will ensure that we have more Hitlers. How many countries in this world today are people oppressed and killed for no other reason then their race or religion? Hopefully we will not have another Hitler on a Global scale.
To me the true test would be a study of identical twins raised in completely different environments.
I have read that some researchers of note in DNA, view DNA as the Software Program that controls our makeup. Based on inputs from the environment different people will react differently to the events in the lives. For example Saint Patrick was enslaved as a young man and escaped. His nature (or software) was to bring Christianity to his captures. Another completely rational reaction would be to become a warrior and conquer his captures and enslave them.
A Canadian's Rant
by Yizuman inbelow is posted from another forum.... .
we americans gotta come up with something to counterpoint the canadians!
here he says are reasons why canadians are the best..... .
The ten reasons Canada is the weak sister of the US.
- They think the Monarch in England is still an important individual on the World Scene
- The US Hockey Teams are now better then their proud Canadian teams
8. All the really good Canadians play for US Teams
- If their Healthcare was so great, why do the rich come to the states to be treated?
- Beaches, they come to the US in April and think it is the middle of summer
- The Montreal Expos Good team no support
- The Canadian $ is only worth 72 US Cents
- If Canadian Football is so great, why do the good players finally end up in the NFL?
- For that matter most of the talented Canadians come to the US to make a living. Singer, Actors, Hockey Players you name it they come to the US
And the number one reason Eastern Canada will one-day be the 51 st state in the Great United States. They have the largest group of French Speaking people outside of France. They don’t realize that they have a Civil War in their Future. The Western Canadians will not continue to put up with the French. And the Eastern Provinces will not survive on their own.
PS the war of 1812 was between England and the US. Yea they burned the White House, but Andy Jackson kicked some British Arses.
Who has the best chance of defeating Bush in '04?
by badwillie ini will be backing former vermont gov howard dean to run in '04.
my reason: clinton was quoted recently as saying that "strong and wrong always beats weak and right".
i remember during the run up to election in 2000 watching the bush vs. gore debates and thinking..i know gore is smarter but he comes across as weaker in debate.
If the economy is going full speed ahead, no one will beat Bush. If not we will have a replay of 1976 and 1992. A Democratic Governor will come from no where and win.
By full speed ahead I mean Unemployment is down.
For Comic Relief I would love to see Hillary Clinton and Bush go at it in 2004.
Which is more likely. . .
by StinkyPantz happen first in the us?
or do you think neither will ever happen?
consider that they are both members of a majority group and a minority group.
It is strange that only 6 people have been suggested to be the first Black or Woman President. That is the reason it may take much longer then we think. What will come first are more Blacks and Females as Governors. Or have a Black or Female VP. Rice would have a very good chance if Bush had her run as his VP in 2004. The last 8 US Presidents have either been an Ex-VP or Ex-Governor.
When will a Latin American become President?
How Much is Personal Responsibility vs WTS' Fault?
by Prisca inthe current discussion of an ex-gb member has prompted me to ponder this question:.
just how much of our personal circumstances can/do we take responsibility for, and how much do we blame the wts?
you may have grown up as a jw, coerced into leaving early to pioneer, not go to university, have no kids, even stay single for the pursuit of singleness in the kingdom work to pioneer or go to bethel.
Why does the Government *OWE* You?
by teenyuck inwith all the recent political threads, i have a question.
what do you think/feel/believe the government or your country *owes* you as a citizen?.
i am talking about pensions, health care and other *social services*.
cronboy said
"I'm also for universal healthcare (which will probably get me in trouble in an otherwise Libertarian thread ). "
You really want the Federal Government to decide who gets what treatment? And will the drug companies continue to research possible new drugs if they can not make a profit?
Teenyuck, I believe you would make a good Libertarian. The Republican Party really is not about smaller government anymore. They seek to control what is moral and good for the population and Bush is the one that wants to increase the size of Medicare with prescription drugs.
It is now to the point in the US that to get elected you need to hand out as much possible to your base. Where will it end? If I were a young person born after 1970 in the US, I would not count on getting Social Security. There is no such thing as a Social Security Trust Fund. Just US Government IOUs.
According to H. S. Dent the US will have another Great Depression starting in the 2008 to 2010 timeframe.