Oh, Nicolias Cage. Oh, YUMMY! If you ever get to meet him, don't tell me cause it will give me a heart attack for sure.
friends is over.
the last episode will be tonight.
will ross and rachel end up together?
today our postal carriers are having a food drive.. i was showing my hubby the things i rounded up and asked about giving something else...he said...no...i said: "well, why shouldn't we, we have plenty"..he then said "sure".. we then had a discussion about if jw's ever give on such occasions for food drives.
i for one, did not, and i am ashamed to say that too.. so, did you give to food drives when you were a jw?.
friends is over.
the last episode will be tonight.
will ross and rachel end up together?
i receieved this "poem" from some witness chick who sent it as a forward to myself and a whole bunch of other dubs.
my sister received it from someone else and i have other friends who received it from other sources.
im sure every young witness who has email has received it by now, and it's the most sickening, disheartening thing i have seen in a long time.
friends is over.
the last episode will be tonight.
will ross and rachel end up together?
friends is over.
the last episode will be tonight.
will ross and rachel end up together?
I really enjoyed the finale. ALOT better than Seinfields which was so disappointing. What is great is my two best friends came over and watched with me. I made dinner and gave them little gift bags with picture frames that said Friends, coffee mugs like the one at Central Perk and little cappucino mixes, candles, etc. My hubby and step-daughter watched it too and we all had a great time, laughing and crying over our favorites episodes.
this time it's the ladies turn.. james belushi or arnold swarzennegger?
which physique does it for you?.
this is just off topic of a recent thread about britney or beyonce.
how many of you guys out there prefer a real woman with curves.
how many of you guys prefer a boney stick body?.
I feel that as long as a woman let's confidence shine through it doesn't really matter. When I was a size 7 and in my twenties I had ment hitting on me left and right, now that I am in my 30's and a size 12 I get hit on just as often. But I think that's because I dress nicely, take care with my hair and skin, and carry myself like I think I am beautiful. I took alot of years for me to love myself after being abused for so long but now I DO love myself and no one will take that away from me and I think that shows.
i recently came across two websites i had never heard of before and i joined them both yesterday and think i am really going to like them so i thought i would share them in case anyone here is interested.
one is call www.freecycle.org and it is a website where peole give away things absolutely free.
you log in and join the group closest to your area.