When talking to non jw's and telling them that jw's believe everybody else will be destroyed at the big A for not being a jw and they say they just asked a jw this and the jw said that no they don't believe this, how do I answer without going through the 125+ years of literature? The jw may even say that is a lie spread by apostates to make them look bad or they are evil, couldn't live up to bible standards, ..... you know the drill.
Dear Carla, If I was subjecting a JW to my personal Inquisition, I would be more specific about whose salvation I'm enquiring about. It is easy to sound generous when the subject is a generic "everybody". I'd ask the JW, "If I was a Buddhist, would I survive the Big A? What if I was the Pope? fan of the Pope? Evangelical? Atheist? Agnostic? Muslim? Do-gooder, Free-thinker?" A shrewd JW response would be to say that decision rests with Jehovah. Then I would say, "What does that mean? Is Jehovah, the smiter of pagan nations in the Old Testament, embarrassingly clueless about His Judgement of these people of modern false religions?" "Or is it a fault in the celestial communication? Is the Faithful Slave/Org/Watchtower Society, the sole dispenser of spiritual truths, completely ignorant of how God feels about the 6.6 billion people on earth?" "If worldly people are not necessarily Armageddon fodder then they can't all be 'bad associations', can they? Has the Watchtower Society recently encouraged JW youths to make more social ties with non-believers? Why not?" I would also add, "If your God is so generous with people of other faiths, persuasions and lifestyles, then there really is no urgency to reach people in the door-to-door work is there? After all, it is even better that they do not get to hear the good news, in order that God may not accidentally find them stubborn towards the Truth? Is your Organization more relaxed about the door to door work today than it was before? Why not?" If the JW should admit that many will die in Armageddon, just not "everyone who isn't a JW", then it is good to ask for an estimate. "Of the 6.6 billion people on earth today, how many would make a 'great crowd' of survivors? 6 million? 7 million? 1 billion? If you can't give me an estimate, how do you know that your Organization does not expect its members to be the sole survivors, esp in light of your feverish proselytism?" INQ