The WTS has figured out that if you bring Jesus out once a year, and create a "showy display", then the rank and file will be sufficiently convinced that the JW's hold Jesus as a central figure in their beliefs. To anyone else, it can immediately be seen for what it is. A publicity stunt. The WTS moved Jesus to the back of the bus decades ago and replaced him with the GB. No amount of wishing, hoping, denial or fantasizing can change that
Who Are You said the above on another thread..
It is getting that time of the year to pull Jesus out of the box and dust him off..... but don't touch him! You're not holy enough for that. It is purely a masterpiece of satanic deception.
"A Special Day to Remember"
"An Observance"
"A Memorial"
None of that crap tells the simple story that the Man took one in the gut for all of us so we don't have to take the ultimate shaft at death. And what payment does the Man ask in return for the Roman spearhead in his side? Just once in a while drink some wine and eat some bread and give him thanks.
It seems so easy doesn't it? But, it's not in reality.
"No One can come to me unless it is granted to Him by the Father".
So, which is it lurkers? Do you reject Christ because you're scared of what people will think? Or, do you reject him because you are are unable to come to him by divine mandate and your own "total depravity"?