This new information on the possibilityof an expanding earth that created the separation of continents and continues to separate the continents is earth shaking. It can change the entire view of how time and events on earth took place. For example, it can give us a much better understanding of Genesis 10:16 "And Peleg was a mighty man, for in his days was the earth divided."
Consider this; perhaps the measurements of time are affected by the expansion of the earth. Everything in science is held on the assumption of consistency until there is evidence of something being inconsistent. Therefore, we have assumed that the earth was created and has always been this size. It appears there may now be ample evidence to throw that assumption out and adopt a new schema that allows for an expanding earth. Not only is our universe apparently expanding, so is the very planet we live on. But, even in this new concept there is the assumption that the expansion was achieved at a constant and consistent rate. Perhaps the expansion has actually been a series of cycles of rapid and slow, catastrophic and subtle events. Then, can we count on our concepts of "radioactive half-life" (Carbon-14 dating) to provide an accurate picture when catastrophic events may have changed the nature of the carbon in the process, or even the forces that are causing the earth to expand may be creating a more rapid effect on those "older" isotopes. Bottom-line; dating beyond 5,000 years, such as the earth being 5 billion years old, may in fact be inaccurate because the size of the earth is in flux and the forces that keep it in flux are creating effects not considered in our equations.
Additionally, the rotation speed of the smaller earth must be taken into consideration. Even though one day is measured by how long it is from sunrise to sunrise, did that measurement still come out to the time we measure as 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute--each second approximately the length of a heartbeat? This equates to approximately 86,400 heartbeats (seconds) per day. What if the earth rotated faster than it does now and the number of heartbeats per day was only 57,000? A man who lives to be 70 in our time actually lived to be 106 in this faster rotation cycle. Perhaps the earth's rotation is actually slowing down as it gets larger. Has it changed much over the last two-hundred years? Not that we know. But, perhaps we have been going through one of those "subtle cycles." Perhaps we are about to enter into a shift that will be more "catastrophic" and that will again change the length of time it takes to complete the cycle
from sunrise to sunrise.
If, therefore, the dating is not reliable, then we must use the same methods that the Bible and other scriptures use to help us understand the past with some accuracy--Chronology. What happened before and what happened after a particular event. Consider Peleg. If the land was "divided" in his time, then where does this place the initial division of the continents? After Noah, but somewhere around the Tower of Babel. Peleg was the fourth generation from Noah. Noah was Peleg's Great Great Grandfather. Now, I can not find where it says how many years or even generations after the flood that the Tower of Babel was built. Genesis gives the generations of Noah after the flood and how they were divided upon the earth after the flood. The very next chapter then begins to tell the tale of the Tower of Babel and explains the generations from Shem to Abraham (Abram) which brings us to the understanding the Abram was born 272 years after the flood. But, somewhere in the 239
years that Peleg lived the land was divided, and we can not know for certain how long before or after this the Lord confounded the languages and brought the Jaredites out of Ur and into the land of promise.
The point I am trying to make is that the earth has been expanding over the millennia. Perhaps the gaps and stretches of ocean between continents were not near as large or as problematic as our present earth insinuates. Perhaps the trek the Jaredites made was not as near as long an adventure as it would be today because our earth may have experienced several growing pains since that time that has expanded the total circumference and considerably increased the distance across the oceans. 4,500 year ago the trek from the mouth of the Yellow River in China to the Pacific coast of Mexico may have been much more probable than many modern archaeologists can conceive!
This is definitely food for thought and brings a whole new dimension into the equation. This exciting information weakens the evolutionist position and gives hope to the creationist position! It further illustrates how those who try to deny God's existence "pick and choose" what information they are willing to share with the general public and incorporate into their curriculum.
David B. Brown
Hill Cumorah Expedition Team, Inc.
Perhaps the "B" in your name stands for "Benighted", "Bible Warrior" or "Baloney"? Who knows? How do you know that your parents did not hide your real middle name from you? Were you there when they picked the name? Can you trust the relatives who agree with your folks? Perhaps they too have sinister motives to hide the truth from you. Perhaps I've just helped you come to an earth-shaking revelation about the TRUE nature of your name. Perhaps your middle name IS "Benighted", "Bible Warrior" or "Baloney. It would finally explain why you've always chosen to defy empirical evidence and throw your lot in with the blatantly faith-driven. Isn't a new explanation of your behaviour PROOF that your middle name has some sinister, hidden origin?
Who says only Jehovah's Witnesses excel at bullshit? I do it well too. But I have to admit that I learnt well from those better at it than me.