Oh man, would I love to have a copy of that letter for my family that is still in...
Please tell me someone has it in their archives of secret wtbs stuff?
i was looking at ajwrb's timeline of the history of the blood doctrine, & noticed this : 2000 - in the spring, circuit overseers in the united states receive a letter instructing them to inform local bodies of elders not to disfellowship anyone who accepts blood transfusions.
if their conduct becomes known and they are deemed unrepentant, they will be considered to have disassociated themselves.
does anyone have a scan of this letter?
Oh man, would I love to have a copy of that letter for my family that is still in...
Please tell me someone has it in their archives of secret wtbs stuff?
for your viewing, uh, pleasure?
Back in the old days we would loiter in the parking lot and snag people on the way out as they were going to their cars so it would require effort on their part to go back in and report us. We were never even close to having permission to setup something like this.
so the news today is that the "critics" are panning the code.. screw em.
sometimes they are right, but a lot of time they are wrong too.
i am still planning on seeing it early friday.. the book was good (not great) but entertaining (frankly i liked angels & demons better) and it will be a shame if the movie doesn't turn out well.
It thought the book was great and for that reason, I wont see the movie.
i went to the grocery store yesterday, and i saw a jw who was looking at me with a sort of sad face.
i said hello, and he didn't reply.
so why does he stare at me for if he knows he won't reply to me when i say hello?
Even though Im not DF/DAed (yet), I have been fading for some months and have expierienced the big S a few times now.
Most recently I went into a resturaunt with a few friends and ran into a table of dubs. Actually I really wasnt even to the door yet, when I met a glance of one of the people at the table. She promptly decided that she needed to stare at her plate so intently I thought she might be doing math problems down there. When I got inside I went over and greeted everyone and got zero response from one side of the table and had a nice chat with the folks on the other side.
Just for the hell of it I tried to embarass the deaf/mute side of the table by being extra nice and friendly, but either way I could really care less. I had nothing in common with the people at my hall and never really did anything with them outside of the meetings and service (less one or two).
There are people who are still in the troof that would get to me if they shunned me, but they arent in my hall and I think they are still trying to figure out what I am doing.
when you look back at it, what got you to slow down?
I gave a talk at the last meeting I attended.
I read the watchtower at my last meeting.
when you look back at it, what got you to slow down?
I went through hot and cold streaks for years, but the last slow down was for reasons other than just laziness.
Even though the generation thing in 94 (95?) shook me quite a bit and then I had several other questions come up over the years that I pushed out of my mind, I did have a real hot streak a few years back. At the time I was reading every piece of literature, going out in service an insane number of hours per month and decided to read the bible from front to back. Unfortunately, because of all my extra attention I started finding big holes in the WTS publications. As far as the bible went, the number of holes I found in Genesis alone was unreal. Then going and watching everyone parrot answers at the meetings really put me into a terminal slowdown, though I still couldnt totally let go of my belief yet.
So I guess my real slowdown started as soon as I began paying attention to what I professed to believe.
i've always known deep down that i would not be able to fade because well my family would not let me and were keeping such close tabs on me i was bound to be found out sooner or later.
that day has finally come.
i was "caught" associating with my apostate brother.
I have been thinking about sending the elders a letter telling them I fired their publishing company as my religion.
Wow what a change since your first post.
Good luck LeftBehind.
the upcoming dc program, whatever it is, will have a very receptive audience.
if the wts was ever going to do anything audacious, now is the time.
they will be allowed to get away with anything they say.
You can only cry "The Sky is Falling!!!" so many times before everyone stops listening.
Unfortunately they have a 130 year track record that says otherwise.
and it sure was a laugh, in melbourne they have the convention at the tennis centre with most of vic jw going there.
i think round the time i got baptised there were around 14,000 in attendance.. theres footage of the convention, there footage of us volunteers early in the morning making sandwhiches in our gorgeous cloth hats and aprons, and then theres my baptisim,.
sure brought back a lot of memories.
You could hide out in the change room at the DC,probably have to avoid the heavy security, then get into your "modest attire" and walk out with the rest of them. Just like the guys just did in prison break!!!!
Is the security that tight these days? Granted its been 10 or so years since I went through it myself, but I dont recall there being anyone checking IDs in the designated seating area, or on the way to the changing room or pool. The only thing that I recall were there were two guys asking everyone if they had been previously baptised (or maybe it was DFed) just before they went into the tank.
I think that would be a riot to get a group of DFed folks together and go for a mass re-instatement.
only intelligent replys.. 2.no big bang replys.. what is your theory on how humans came into existence?
Everything we know in this realm has a beginning and an end.
I couldnt have said it better myself.
Edit: Was going to tackle the "This is the physical universe, stop trying to apply these Laws to realms you know nothing about." , but its already been covered.