Lucy,the view that the world is not a fit place for children is a very much JW point of view.
God also said "woe to the woman that has a child near the end" or something like that.
Sounds to me like someone that's still waiting for armegeddon .
That you choose not to have children is certainly your right.However that doesn't give you the right to to tell the rest of us that we shouldn't.
Perhaps to choose to have children is done selfishly.As often as not,it's not a decision as much as a result of another decision,which is usually not real well thought out.Either way,raising children may or may not be selfish,but it's very rewarding.Watching my children grow and learn and accomplish is the greatest joy of my life,and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
You don't have to tell me about the risks.My 18 month old nephew died in the bombing of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City.A child could not have been more loved or better cared for than he was.There is simply no way you can take away all the risks,but you do the best you can.Sad as they are,the things that happened to Ruby's neice,or to my nephew are not to be expected.I can't justify not having children,just because something might happen to them.It's like not getting out of bed in the morning 'cause something bad might happen.
By the way,the cult wasn't my mistake-I was born in.But I don't hold it against my parents.They were good people doing what they thought was right.Good parents will be good parents,and bad ones will be bad,whether they're jw's or not.