What these people are asking you to do is nothing more than emotional blackmail. As many have pointed out, no one can tell you what to do. But do you want a relationship based upon that? Again as others have pointed out, this will only get worse. Once baptized, you are subject to reproval, shunning, and disfellowshipping in order that they have further power to manipulate your behavior. If you make the choice to convert, how far will this blackmail go in influencing your relationship? Will they put on the pressure to go out in service, to change your hairstyle, to further influence who is and who is not your friend (good vs. bad associations), and so on?
Secondly, what kind of love lets others manipulate and blackmail a loved one?Your boyfriend seems content to sit back and let his family and friends try to influence you. By his inaction he is condoning their behavior. What does that say about his love for you? How strong and unconditional is it? What's wrong with you the way you are? Why does he feel the need to change you? What else about you will he want to change or will he let others try to change about you?
Will you be true to yourself by converting? Do you want a life with someone who feels the need to change you, or do you want a life with someone too weak to defend you and your relationship?
Just a few of my thoughts.
Good luck,