JH- yeah- and they do quite abit of "persecuting" too! My Dad is an active participant, always bad-mouthing everyone that isn't a witness! Incredible... Biddie
JoinedPosts by biddie
Do the JW's recognize that other relgions are persecuted also...
by JH in.
i wonder what the jw's think about other religions around the world that are persecuted because of jesus's name..... they aren't the only ones being persecuted.
Brief Announcement: I have disfellowshipped the Watctower Society
by bigmouth init is with little or no regret that i have found it necessary to disfellowship the watchtower bible and tract society in order to protect my good name.
after unrepentantly fornicating with the scarlet coloured wild beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, i have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude.
i,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with wtbs.i apologise to bible students i've had and the fear i have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years.
Aude- I still don't see it. I can reply, edit, etc but no add new topic. biddie
Brief Announcement: I have disfellowshipped the Watctower Society
by bigmouth init is with little or no regret that i have found it necessary to disfellowship the watchtower bible and tract society in order to protect my good name.
after unrepentantly fornicating with the scarlet coloured wild beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, i have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude.
i,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with wtbs.i apologise to bible students i've had and the fear i have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years.
Aude_sapere- You're awesome... Maybe I'm going blind!
thanks! Biddie
Brief Announcement: I have disfellowshipped the Watctower Society
by bigmouth init is with little or no regret that i have found it necessary to disfellowship the watchtower bible and tract society in order to protect my good name.
after unrepentantly fornicating with the scarlet coloured wild beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, i have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude.
i,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with wtbs.i apologise to bible students i've had and the fear i have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years.
sorry to change the subject- does anyone have a suggestion as to why I can't post a new topic There is no where to go on my screen- whats up? biddie -again, sorry for the inconvience.
Brief Announcement: I have disfellowshipped the Watctower Society
by bigmouth init is with little or no regret that i have found it necessary to disfellowship the watchtower bible and tract society in order to protect my good name.
after unrepentantly fornicating with the scarlet coloured wild beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, i have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude.
i,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with wtbs.i apologise to bible students i've had and the fear i have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years.
Hi Honesty- maybe you could help me. I can never find where to post a new topic. Well sometimes I can, but others there is no Icon? Help? Biddie
Brief Announcement: I have disfellowshipped the Watctower Society
by bigmouth init is with little or no regret that i have found it necessary to disfellowship the watchtower bible and tract society in order to protect my good name.
after unrepentantly fornicating with the scarlet coloured wild beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, i have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude.
i,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with wtbs.i apologise to bible students i've had and the fear i have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years.
donate them puppies, or Have a suit sale- buy one get one free! Biddie
Brief Announcement: I have disfellowshipped the Watctower Society
by bigmouth init is with little or no regret that i have found it necessary to disfellowship the watchtower bible and tract society in order to protect my good name.
after unrepentantly fornicating with the scarlet coloured wild beast for 10 years and having been exposed by a worldly organization, i have not been able to find any note of contrition or shame.plenty of time has been allowed for an apology but nothing has been forthcoming.indeed, minimising the sin indicates a haughty attitude.
i,for my part,will forever be ashamed of my association with wtbs.i apologise to bible students i've had and the fear i have displayed in saying nothing for 24 years.
Bigmouth- good for you! Is this very recent? Biddie
If I could meet C T Russell, I would ask him.......
by ozziepost init has often been said that the jw organisation of today is far, far different to the organisation that ct russell set up, both in beliefs and teachings as well as administration.
i've even heard it said that if ctr were alive today, he would be disfellowshipped for all manner of 'offences' as proscribed by the modern-day wts!
so, if it were possible for you to ask ctr just one question, what would it be?
Why did you believe in the cross, yet your organization passed it over?
Why did they ressurect a pyarmid for your gavesite? Biddie
When you tell someone that you're an ex-Jehovah's Witness...
by MsMcDucket in.
..are you proud or embarrassed?
Insomniac- I agree- but I used to feel wierd about admitting or even using the "cult" word. I guess I blamed myself for buying into all the garbage.... Biddie
Time again for........ Congregation roll call
by Jourles init's been a while since this topic has been brought up.
use it as a chance to see if there is someone you might know from years past.
1973-1976 --- lakeside, ca??
Chula Vista California- 1972-1985 Biddie