let's see...... I dont know where my closests meth lab is
You live in the inland empire right? Just go to your nearest apartment complex!
Why the need to lose weight fast to go on a trip?
i've just been informed that i have the opportunity to go to madrid spain on february 15th.
i need to lose about 10 pounds in less than 3 weeks.
i have a bad knee and cannot hit the gym.
let's see...... I dont know where my closests meth lab is
You live in the inland empire right? Just go to your nearest apartment complex!
Why the need to lose weight fast to go on a trip?
we knew eachother many years ago, and i would like to hear from you, please.. pm me or contact me at: [email protected].
does anyone know how i can reach derek?.
I knew a family of Barefoots, El Cajon, CA? Heard way back that they went "apostate", this was years before I left. What ever happened to them?
the first poster that i ever met was philo.. we'd traded a few stories via the site and i realised that we knew some of the same people down in portsmouth.. he was very cagey as to his real identity, but eventually we shared emails and he told me all about himself.
one day, i took hl down to portsmouth to see my daughter who lives there.
i'd mentioned it in a post, that i was going in that direction.
The lovely Vivamus, Nora.
hmmm, interesting.
bush is the most admired man in the us with 29% saying he's tops.. http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/nation/7595879.htmposted on tue, dec. 30, 2003bush, sen. clinton most admired.
washington george w. bush and hillary rodham clinton are finally on the same ticket the most admired man and woman in america, according to a poll released monday.. the republican president and the democratic senator from new york and former first lady wont be found on the same sides of many political issues.
Oh Aztec, its ok that you believe the way yo do, for god's sakes I certainly disagree with you, but I still think you are a great person
You're right, I see little use in continuing these conversations further as we are all pretty well-entrenched in our views. I doub't that a slew of articles could make me do a complete u-turn in my viewpoint either.
yes it's true...i am having flashbacks of my angsty teen years where my call to arms was always "you just don't understand me!".
miss eyegirl and i have been spending a lot of time together.
probably too much for the safety of the human race.
Tears, streaming down face... I am a real boy!
You guys are the best (lemurs)!
4026 bc adam created.. add 6000years.
= 1975 ad.. now, according to my reckoning, nothing has changed.
the wt predicted that 1975 was going to be a biggy, possibly armageddon even.
Well, I'm sure the whole docrine of 6000 years has been successfully swept under the rug in the past 29 years. DO you think that the average dub thinks about such things anymore. Just like in about 20 years from now: "this generation? What?"
feb 15 watchtower: apostates - guard against deception
don't you wish this were the real title of the 2nd study article?
well, it is, minus the word apostate.
I just find it interesting that they are the ones that limit what their followers can read or what they can listen to. There is no organized "apostate" religion. I mean maybe a few congregations of people numbering in the hundreds, but the number of former Witnesses is in the millions. It is the JW organization that forbids their members to have contact with family members who have left or been thrown out, it is the JW organization that forbids its members to read any information about the religion outside of what the religion provides, heck a lot of general "worldy reading" is frowned upon. It is the JW organization that states that "we are the faithful slave because we say we are and we're right about saying so because we're the faithful slave". Its plain to see who has something to hide, its plain to see who isn't being forthright. As far as "apostates" are concerned, you can take what we have to say or leave it, its a personal choice and its always up to you what you want to believe. Anyone who can't see the difference is hanging on to this high control religion because they have some flaw within themselves that causes them to, much like a person stays with an abusive spouse.
i bought one a few days ago, and i always did love the picture quality of sony tv's.
but the wega model is different.
the picture is very dark.
I used to have one, didn't have a darkness problem with it. Mine had different picture modes for "movie" or "sports" etc, which adjusted various piture levels, some were brighter than others.
2004 yb.page 23.. during the 2003 service year,2,340 kingdom halls were completed around the world.this represents an average of 195 halls per month,or just over 6 per day!since november 1999 when the construction program in lands with limited resources began,7,730 kingdom halls have been built.in many areas,once a hall is finished,meeting attendance soars and halls are soon filled to capacity.. my comment:this is nothing new.from the time of the dedication till the newness wears off this is usually the trend.halls filled to capacity does not indicate new converts.proof of this is when the memorial season comes around the halls usually are filled and then the very next meeting they are not filled to capacity.so,for one night meeting attendance soars then declines just as swiftly the next.. i am told that my hall which usually had a least 100 in attendance now has about 35 on school nights and 60 on sunday.what about your hall does it soar and is it filled to capacity?.
Or hey, They're lying like they usually do
ok. i've been here a few months and already have created friendships from members of jwd.
i know some of you have met via the different gatherings over time and i really hope to get to one this next year myself.
i was wondering, if you could pick one or two members from this site to meet for real in person, who would it be?
Joanna, of course!