Now I remember you!
By the way, very interesting story. Just another example about how the "love" just doesn't exist there.
being raised as a jw, as i got to a certain age, i was expected to join the ministry school.
well, the trouble was that i had a severe speech impediment.
how severe?
Now I remember you!
By the way, very interesting story. Just another example about how the "love" just doesn't exist there.
more and more congregations seem to be adapting to low meeting attendance.
bookstudies can be more difficult to hold in personal homes because, if everyone shows up at once, the house may not.
be able to hold the attendance.
Some elders wanted to use sisters
Oh wow, thats surprising.
finally it is on line, this is a great read, enjoy!
Belief in God is based merely on faith and not fact. As long as you can keep it in the realm of "faith" then I have no problem with that. As soon as you start trying to prove God exists thats where we get problems.
And just because someone is a skeptic, it does not mean that they cannot have faith. They can even not believe in the bible, religion or any texts about God, but still have faith in some kind of higher power.
mary and adelle are 2 jehovahs' witnesses, as well as fleshly sisters living deep in the "time of the end".
mary is married to an unbeliever called john, who is a good kind man, and one who never interfered with her worship.
adelle on the otherhand, is married to a jw elder, who, unbeknownst to her, has been molesting children in the congregations over many years.
I've got this story about a girl who was taking some goodies to grandmas house, she was wearing a red hood...
well i'm just off to cornwall for the week but just checked my emails before leaving and noticed i got this in my inbox,, dont know who sent it or why it was sent but read it and weep, see what you make of it...
evil wants to eat the fruit of it's labors
my name is g... e. s****, i am married to retired army major w.w.ii veteran, j t s*****.
"I smoke rocks"
enjoy .
1. being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you're a conservative radio host.
then it's an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.. .
Wow, I'm a complete shit
one soldier?s viewpoint of iraq.
greetings (names withheld).
as i head off to baghdad for the final weeks of my stay in iraq, i wanted to say thanks to all of you who did not believe the media.
I have to wonder why 'liberal' is a dirty word to some?
Yes and if my name were "chocolate chip cookies" then I should be pretty tasty?
for something really stupid, or for something you didn't do?.
since joining the jwd board i have had a lot of deep, deep, memories pop back into my head.
sometimes they are memories that are not very enjoyable...and sometimes those memories make me laugh out loud.
For watching a rated R movie with some witness friends while I was a MS. I guess someone felt guilty about it
well i'm just off to cornwall for the week but just checked my emails before leaving and noticed i got this in my inbox,, dont know who sent it or why it was sent but read it and weep, see what you make of it...
evil wants to eat the fruit of it's labors
my name is g... e. s****, i am married to retired army major w.w.ii veteran, j t s*****.
Puff puff, PASS!
Remember that third step.
hello i am new and this will probably be the last time i post.
nice forum by the way but honestly and with all due respect it is not something i would like to be associated with.
i joined saying "oh cool a jw forum" but after reading just 2 posts i realized it is the black veil all over again.
I can accept that.
And I live pretty much as I did when I was a witness. Plus, I know of many such 'imperfections' in the congregations I attended, things that would be bad in the so called "world". I see people in general not being all that different from the witnesses, merely seperated by beliefs and the system they are subjected to. Witnesses are subjected to a "theocratic" government from Brooklyn as well as the "secular authorities, while those in the world are merely subjected to the secular authorities. You have to realize that much of a witnesses behavior stems from their subjection to their organization, it may not be entirely written on their hearts, for then what is the need for the "theocracy" anyway? Can't men merely approach God on their own? WHy do they need to go through other men to do so?
But remember you need to draw a distinction between the "rules of man" who use the bible to justify these rules and dominance over others and the true freedom that the bible is actually talking about. And admittedly, I don't believe in the bible as the true word of god, but the even the Witnesses do not hold true to both the letter and the spirit of what the bible says.