Strangely, my JW in-laws are all very defensive of him, discrediting the accuser and not believing the allegations.
Myself, I think he's a total nut-job, one way or the other.
did anyone else see the witness who was interviewed on the today show as a friend of the jackson family in support of michael?
in light of all the child abuse mess within the organization you would think that they would stay away from that one.
Strangely, my JW in-laws are all very defensive of him, discrediting the accuser and not believing the allegations.
Myself, I think he's a total nut-job, one way or the other.
there were several posters from a couple years ago that i really miss talking to here are a few that i can remember off hand:.
trauma hound.
Naeblis, D8TA... So much going on in their heads.
can we still call god, jehovah.
ok stupid question but i really want to know
Jehovah's his last name.
what do you think are the cutest accents?
i'm becoming partial to british accents for reasons i don't care to state.
i don't think i have one but, perhaps i'm wrong.
Thats it, Simon, I want a voice based discussion forum.
today is aztec's one-year jwd anniversary/birthday!.
hugs, hugs, hugs, to carrie!.
Happy day!
Wow, you have posted way more than me. I'm not even Jedi yet. Maybe I need to work on that.
Keep it up!
im looking for the article that parallels the jw's with the book 1984 that i read way back when.
does anybody have a link to a copy?
Im looking for the article that parallels the JW's with the book 1984 that I read way back when. Does anybody have a link to a copy?
first off i would like to thank you all for your replies and the warm welcome.
i was not expecting this.
i wasn?t expecting you to cuss me out either, but anyway thanks.
Don't worry too much about being cussed out. People are going to be people no matter where they are. But I think most people here will give you a fair shake and are willing to discuss issues with you. Although they won't always agree with you, heck we hardly ever agree amongst ourselves (and theres nothing wrong with disunity of thought, remember that), I would hope that we will always be open minded and willing to have intelligent discussions.
englishman and her ladyship will be visiting the usa and we are happy to announce a bbq for them at our place.
so mark your calanders!!.
saturday, november 1, 2003 2 pm = ?
Has anyone ever told you eman that you look like Mark Knopfler?
thats some scary stuff going on over there.
i was just watching the news.
i know there was one guy out in rancho cucamunga who posted a couple days ago.
Cough, cough... The smoke...
Im out of danger, but it has been DARK with smoke and ash all day here
-Kevin from San Diego
i was talking with my husband a few nights ago about a situation with my jw family that really upset me.
it is truly a ridiculas situation which my husband (never a jw) agreed, and as i ranted on about their indoctrination and their beliefs he looked at me and said "you're right, but how can you act so shocked, you used to be just like them.".
Hate the religion, not the people.