Thats some scary stuff going on over there. I Was just watching the news. I know there was one guy out in Rancho Cucamunga who posted a couple days ago. I hope that wasnt his house I just saw in flame.
Everyone in CA ok??
by flower 56 Replies latest jw friends
We're golden. Thanks for asking. Earthquakes, fires, riots, political upheaval, it's all in a day's work here.
Fine, thanks for asking.
I'm in Northern fires here. It was Chevy that posted about the fires in Rancho....
Chevy...are you okay?
I have an old witness buddy who lives down in Rancho Cucamunga. Hope he's ok. I don't have any way to contact him anymore.
There are parts of California I would not live in (assuming I had any control over my location. All in all, it's a beautiful state, though, and the fith largest economy in the world. (More $ floating around than most entire nations, just very unequally distributed, as elsewhere.)
Cough, cough... The smoke...
Im out of danger, but it has been DARK with smoke and ash all day here
-Kevin from San Diego
I'm okay. I live right here where the fire started. Lots of friends of mine are still evacuated and I haven't been to work since last Thursday. We have a skeleton crew tomorrow. It's pretty sad and scarry. Everything in my house smells like a bbq but we're all alive and haven't lost our home. thanks for asking.
Glad you're ok, bluesapphire and RandomTask.....
windchaser lives in San Diego. I was trying to find out exactly where the fire is the worst. She lives near Mission Trails Regional Park and Lake Murray Park. Anyone know if that area's affected?
I'm really worried. I usually hear from her every day. But not a word today.
I hope everyone is ok.
Oxnard Hamster
I heard something about fires in San Diego while I was watching the Chiefs/Bills game. However, I wasn't glued to the set, and was popping back and forth between online conversations and the game.
April!!! The fire is terrible! I thought I may have to evaculate last night, but not yet. I had to work Saturday night and the ashes were falling like a light snow. It is incredibly warm here, the Santa Ana winds are very strong sometimes and the sky is ominous grey. My house smells of smoke and I have to keep the a/c on, just to breathe comfortably.
We get fires, but this is the very worst I've been through. Will keep you posted. I live in the San Carlos area of San Diego, just southeast of Tierrasanta (many houses burned there),
It's been awhile since I posted, so I want to tell people who remember me hi and thank you for the birthday wishes! You guys are the best!