Are there any statistics out there as to how many conventions have been held in the US in previous years and what the attendance was for each?
JoinedPosts by RandomTask
2004 District Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses
by jwnews in2004 district conventions of jehovah's witnesses
this summer jehovah's witnesses will host 211 conventions in 63 cities in the contiguous united states.
the public is invited to attend any of these three-day events, which will feature free bible-based presentations under the theme "walk with god.
Guards at Stadium Conventions during Song and Prayer
by VM44 inwhen did the wt start having guards come out during the song and prayer at stadium conventions?
i noticed this at a convention in san diego, right before the song begins, a bunch of "brothers" come out and stand at key positions facing the seats, and scan the audience!
they remain until after the prayer, and they do not bow their heads during the prayer, but keep scanning the audience.
Hey VM44, you are in San Diego huh? Me too!
Anyway, the last convention I went to must have been 2000 and I don't remember that there were a ring of guys down there that stood up during the song and prayer. Its almost like during a Padres games between innings how they have the security guards get up and look into the stands huh? I do remember they had about 4 guys with chairs and umbrellas in various spots around the field before, but nothing like how you described it.
I (again) won't be there this month, but I am curious about how they are going to set up the stage with there being no baseball field there any longer. Can someone post some pictures?
Black Veil Lowers again?
by H. inhello i am new and this will probably be the last time i post.
nice forum by the way but honestly and with all due respect it is not something i would like to be associated with.
i joined saying "oh cool a jw forum" but after reading just 2 posts i realized it is the black veil all over again.
Funny how you idetentified what this site was and still with your sense of self-reighteousness decided to make one post.
You probably won't be around to read these replies since you stated as such, but I do find it curious that you felt compelled to even involve yourself with this evil thing after you realized what it was. Your post, created by you, will now live on this site as long as this site lives. What must Jehovah think of you? Better yet, what would the Organization think of you? Is there a difference?
Actually, I think we are more alike than you may believe. Our beliefs both allow us to sleep well at night. Well at least I hope your beliefs have that effect on you, as you represented them in your post. Just remember that as smug and secure as you are in your beliefs as stated in your post am I in mine. I guess God only knows who is right, of course knowledge is essentail in knowing the truth, too bad you have cut yourself off from much knowledge.
So I suppose since you have the truth then you have talked to God about this. Has he talked back? Who was moving his mouth? Who was operating behind the curtain?
Anyone can claim to speak for God, and many can "back it up". It just depends upon your perspective. If you view the world from a narrow one, you will only see something one way, regardless of whether yor picture of the truth is the actiual truth or not. Truth is only what you accept as such. Truth doesn't come from an external source, it is what your mind percieves as what is truth and that prings us back to perspective. Too bad you will only see things from a narrow one, you may find that things are not as they seem if you expanded your horizons.
It seems as if you fear anything that will "lead you astray" from your accepted truth, but you fail to realize that nothing has the dynamic power to lead you from or to anywhere, the movement comes from within. You have evidently found peace with your narrow view and your acceptance of knowledge from only one source. I wish you well and peace with your beliefs, as I hope you would with others.
I am new to the board
by Pinned Blouse inhello everyone, i am new to this discussion board.
my name is pinned blouse because once i was wrongly df'd and i no longer attended the meetings, i noticed all my blouses had pin holes in them where i fastened safety pins in them to make sure i was always "modest" lol.
mind you i do not have large boobies but i did not want to "tempt" the brothers.. .
Hope to hear more from you and read about your experiences.
Birthdays..... Now A Conscience Matter
by Latte infrom our readers (awake!
july 8 2004)
pinatas i read with interest the article ?the pinata - an ancient tradition?
Much of JW doctrine on Birthdays and holidays can be traced back to Rutherfords personal upbringing. They try to use the bible to explain their beliefs, but the beliefs do not originate with the bible. No JW scholar back in the day said "hey, in my further investigation of the bible, I believe that the celebration of birthdays and Christmas are Wrong!". It was more like, the Judge thought they were bad and thats how the witnesses were going to believe and "hey WT scholar, go find some verses to back this up".
What kind of video games do you play?
by dustyb ini play pc games for the most part.
i'm still in the old counter-strike mode.
but i also like to play unreal tournament 2003 and 2004. i also like battlefield 1942/vietnam and farcry.. i would recommend the athlon 64 or fx(if you gots lots of cash) series from amd over a pentium, since they run 32 stuff fast now and can do 64 bit when the production version is released.
I just ordered FF XI last week. I should have it soon.
Sign-witnessing photo from around 1937 in San Diego
by Dogpatch ini thought some of you might enjoy this picture that was just sent in.
it is a girl and her mother (far left) doing sign witnessing in san diego, calif., advertising a lecture by the late great judge rutherford!.
Looks like its in front of Sprekels Theatre downtown, can't be sure though.
Thoughts from the inside
by ezekiel3 ini can?t believe it?s going to be 30 years.
june 1974 was the year i really dedicated myself to jehovah.
because, although i had been baptized two years before, it was this moment in time that i really saw the love and power of jehovah?s organization.
I really feel bad for these people, their adherence to this religion has caused them all kinds of hardship and a wasted life in return for an imagined reward.
How Many of You Felt That The "End" Would've Been Here By Now???
by minimus infor what it's worth, i never did.
i just never really believed in '75 or any other time.....signed, faithless minimus
As a child I thought I would never graduate from high school before the end came. I graduated in 1995, the same year they changed the generation teaching, the same year I began to feel that witness doctrine wasn't perfect.
The "end" is a myth.
Why JW Enemies Will Fail? - A Consultant's Analysis
by reason inas an it business consultant, i always use michael porter's competetive forces model to assess whether a firm's e-business strategy will give them a competitive advantage against competitor's.. the competitive forces model identifies five forces in the industry that a firm needs to contend with to become successful.
these forces are the:.
1) bargaining power of customers.
The only 'war' going on between most who have left the JW religion and the JW's is in the minds of the JW's. Most of us are content to have left and to have our lives to ourselves. I am just as content to let JW's be themselves as well. I can't say that I don't wish for the dissolution of the religion, but I can't say that I wish any harm on anone who is a JW and if they wish to continue to believe the religion it is fine with me.
The problem that the witnesses face is not from any so called "apostate", but from the incredulity of their beliefs. Apostates can't help that the ordinary witness might have doubts, merely through their daily life and existence as a witness, not from any idea implanted upon them by any so called "apostate". The witnesses time and again prove to their adherents that they have nothing to do with the God of the bible, that is, if you believe in Him. No banners on the outskirts of a convention are necessary to raise doubts, the faulty religion does all the heavy lifting there.
But the witnesses are facing an added problem. They have reached out to just about everyone they can convert at the doors. Everyone who is of the mindset to converting to the religion already pretty much has. Fewer and fewer of the adherents are coming from the general public, and more and more are the offspring of witnesses. There is an inherent difference in the mindset of someone who converted to being a witness and someone who was forcefed the religion from youth, someone who has seen everything through the eyes of a child, growing up in it, with a knowledge and understanding of the religion that someone who converts as an adult has a hard time attaining. And it is the children, the offspring of witnesses who will be the downfall of the religion.
Right now, most witness youth are living what they refer to as a "double" life, as opposite to a witness standard as can be when away from their parents and the Kingdom Hall. They have a support group in this so called double life in all of their other "double" friends. Should a witness youth decide to leave the religion the concequences are not so grave, most parents decide to go easy on their children should they become disfellowshipped, because of a little thing called "love". You might remember Jesus talked about it with the parable of the prodigal son. Many witness youths are putting off baptism, again because of their support group of other so called "witness delinquents". There again the consequenses for leaving the religion are even less.
So as more and more of the youth leave the religion and les and less people around the globe are able to be snookered into following the witnesses, both through saturation, the fact that the Witnesses no longer have an urgent date or time to sell and that they have become a more mature religion, with more information on them in the public arena than ever before. The witness will become marginalized, an unimportant blip on society, much like the quakers. They still exist, but nobody gives a crap anymore.
This of course will take many years, but it will happen. And it may not be in my lifetime, but hey, I'm not concerned. I'm no longer a member of that religion. In my opinion I already have been saved and my life has begun anew. Thank God. What things happen to the witness religion will only affect me in that I am now merely a curious observer when it comes to their fate. The very fact that they think that they are warring against the likes of me should say much as to their idiological condition.
I wish you a good day!