It is a very difficult transition. I am going through it after 35 years of understanding and being a Elder for a short while. I'm not DF. Have been. Twice. Took my lumps to really find out. The identifying mark of the true Christian Congregation. Does not exist among JW. So I left. Now I see more and more. That it was a right decision.
I can still visit with family. And they sometimes pull the same guilt trip on me. It doesnt work on me because I see the Lack of love. I see the need for all to follow. Blindly. Hypocritically.
Examine why you left. If you are committed to it. Jehovah gives us freedom of choice. To be happy with it. Others who pressure to follow them are forcing you with guilt. Not goodness. But guilt that you are not following them. Why should you feel guilty for choosing your own path of life ??
For me being single and in no where land is difficult. I don't know if that is how you feel. Celebrating holidays of made up garbage I will not do, because it's not right, so I don't really fit amoung the general population. And of course not going to meetings. No single JW sister would look at me. Time will Tell.
If you need a friend I am here. True friends don't pressure you. They support you. Build you up. Encourage you.