How about a tattoo, or piercing to celebrate
according to the watchtower .
i just found this while i was doing my research paper for my communication class...can you believe this??
How about a tattoo, or piercing to celebrate
specifically, were you an active jw longer than you have been inactive or out of the organization, whichever applies?
i was active for about 15 years, then faded into inactivity, although never df'd or da'd.
time out hasn't yet caught up with time in, but time out is gaining.
Born in, baptised mid teens. Left aged 21......faded 25 years.
25 years = great, greater, greatest!
according to the watchtower .
i just found this while i was doing my research paper for my communication class...can you believe this??
Hehe, I found just the place for the perfect apostate tattoo!
(Edited cause the pic wouldn't show up) (edited again, still can't post it grrr, I've tried the url, the tag, and the img........what to do!)
i was on my way home today, and i passed my mother on the road.
tears came to my eyes immediately, just at the sight of her face.. i hate this religion.. but i love my mom.. i can't even remember, when the last time we spoke was.. i just want to sit down and talk to her, but i can't- i won't- because its her fault.
i left a religion, she left her son.
It's a bad feeling. I remember pulling over and vomiting at the side of the road after an encounter with my parents.
Hang in there, let your feelings out here to people who understand. My parents came round, and your mum may too. Just keep achieving in your life........
Best wishes
so a few months ago i got the 'you're disowned' email from my parents, and i thought that it was all over for any kind of ongoing relationship with them.
i'd planned this visit to see them (i live on the east coast of australia, they're a five-hour flight away), but a few months ago they told me they won't see me when i'm here.
i have non-jw family and friends here though who i love a lot, and i have spent some nice times with them, and shown mr frass around my old haunts.
Hi Sass
That's great, good on you and hubby for making another effort. Don't let them get you down, hope you had a great trip.
Best wishes
due to my husbands interactions with my mom with questions about the history of the wbts, i received a phone call from her.
(keep in mind she is 72 years a witness).
i brought up the un thing and she said, thats from apostates.
Sorry you're feeling down over this. But........your mum phoned you........I reckon that's a big step for her. It'd be huge if she turned around and left straight after hearing about it. She's on the defensive now.
Small steps, with love.........maybe one day she'll wake up to it all, but even if she doesn't want to the main thing is that you could have a relationship with her.
Best wishes
Whatever the circumstances, there has definately been a cover-up. whether it be because of Greenlees being a paedophile, or because of being outed for being a Franz sympathiser...........
something still "stinks in the state of Rome"
You know, this is the first time I have heard another side of this story
Alan F had a thread about this earlier this year. I also read a story (maybe on freeminds), there's a lot of rumour............don't know.........
I asked Alan in that thread if he had spoken to Ray Franz about it, (in COC Ray seemed to mention untrue rumours about something like this) Alan said that Ray was in denial over it.........I know according to COC, Greenlees was sympathetic to Ray, but considering everything Ray Franz has been through why would he be in denial over this............
It doesn't add up. too many missing pieces to the puzzle.
is there anyone here that is diabetic that could answer something for me?
i am doing the finger sticking 4 times a day and have weird stuff happening.
i am very new to this and cannot afford the "training session" that my doctor wanted me to go to......just found out my friend was just diagnosed about the same time i was....and she cannot afford the same session either!.
Hi Sunspot
all the suggestions earlier have been spot on. Sometimes it also just takes time for your blood glucose levels to regulate. Hope things are settling down for you now.
Best wishes
is there anyone here that is diabetic that could answer something for me?
i am doing the finger sticking 4 times a day and have weird stuff happening.
i am very new to this and cannot afford the "training session" that my doctor wanted me to go to......just found out my friend was just diagnosed about the same time i was....and she cannot afford the same session either!.
I'm doing Diabetes Education Certificate at Uni this year and the principle of treatment are the same in Australia as in the States, although we use a different measurement system.
type 2 is often treated by diet and exercise initially, but sometimes if it doesn't respond, or progresses may need tablets or insulin.
exercise is also really important for controlling your blood glucose levels, current exercise recommendations are at least 30 minutes daily of moderate exercise.
The diet info other mentioned are spot on, sometimes just making small changes can help everything fall into place.
PM me if you'd like, but ongoing support is really important to help you make informed choices and manage your condition. The whole key is self-management, but information and support helps with that. As Peachie said it's a free service in Australia, and from what I've read in my studies there are some free services in the states as well.
Best wishes, and feel free to pm me if you want some more details