did you move from there dee?
My family moved over to Australia, I was 21, so I've lived in Oz longer now than I did in Scotland. I love Australia, it's a great country to live in, but the call is still there
for the amazing scenery burned into my memories,.
the bloaters....never came home without a box of those,.
cullen skink...warming and filling, .
did you move from there dee?
My family moved over to Australia, I was 21, so I've lived in Oz longer now than I did in Scotland. I love Australia, it's a great country to live in, but the call is still there
for the amazing scenery burned into my memories,.
the bloaters....never came home without a box of those,.
cullen skink...warming and filling, .
You're making me all homesick!
Awww, cricket...............yawn.............
(but then I'm not really an Aussie!)
well its all happend, got to the hosp early friday morning, had my waters broken at around 7:30am had to wait for an hour and a half to see if labour would begin naturally, it didnt so at 9am i was hooked up to the drip, man that was intense, put it to you this way, blakes labour was about 8 hours all up kaia's labour was 3 hours and i would rather go through the 8 hour one anyday.. it was a very short labour, kaia was born a bit shocked as it happend so fast so she was rushed up to nursery for a bit as she was purple and not breathing properly but after an hour on oxygen she was fine, me on the other hand had to be stitched up coz pushing a 9 pound 1 baby out naturally with no drugs does damage heheh, then i had to be hooked up to a drip for 4 hours as i lost a bit of blood.
but once we were all sorted it was all good.
she is doing so well we are at home now, she is beautiful and very content.
That's great ((((Es)))), glad everything went well.
What a gorgeous wee bundle, pretty in pink. And her grandparents came to meet her too...............hope that it all continues well in that regard!
Now take it easy, chill out and enjoy her.
Love and best wishes to you all
yesterday i went to the doctor....tired, weight gain, checkup, etc etc.
this is a new doc so i had to fill out all the forms, family history, where i was born, jobs i have had, underwear size etc etc.
as i was filling out the form, family history, father.....illnesses, deceased.
You're doc was right, you are a strong woman to get through this, but strong women still need help to keep it together.
That Doctor sounds like a keeper, she let you talk, she echoed what you were saying without jumping in too quickly.
Best wishes
we all went to the same kingdom hall.
another thing that bothered me was the lack of love.
i was bothered that the arguments and logic of the society commonly made little sense.
Thanks for sharing your story reneeisorym
It's an inspiring read and very encouraging.
Best wishes for the future
hello all, missed you all lots.. thought id pop on and update you, well bubs has missed both of her due dates, im as big as a whale and looking forward to having it all over.
i go into hosp today for my last app where i will be booked in for inducement, seeings tho she doesnt want to make her appearance at all.. ive been in and out of hosp with health problems, and those braxton hicks well they hurt like hell and made me think i was in labour more than once.
but at least i get a date today which should be in the next few days i will be holding my baby girl.. hope you are all well.
I'm excited and nervous for you too. Hugs and love for a safe easy delivery.
We want lots of pics as soon as you feel up to it. My brother's partner had their first bub, a wee girl ten weeks ago. It's lovely having a baby in the family again. And usually the mum enjoys the second one more cause it's not such foreign territory, and she's more confident. Just go with the flow Es........
Love, Dee
hello all, missed you all lots.. thought id pop on and update you, well bubs has missed both of her due dates, im as big as a whale and looking forward to having it all over.
i go into hosp today for my last app where i will be booked in for inducement, seeings tho she doesnt want to make her appearance at all.. ive been in and out of hosp with health problems, and those braxton hicks well they hurt like hell and made me think i was in labour more than once.
but at least i get a date today which should be in the next few days i will be holding my baby girl.. hope you are all well.
Good to hear from you Es
I was about to start a thread the other day asking if anyone knew how you were.
Hugs, and here's cheers to an easy delivery.
Best wishes Dee
i am going straight there!
i am having surgery tomorrow and the kind doc gave me a great and wonderful gunk to mix with a half gallon of gatorade.
so, they call it bowel prep.
Thinking of you, Get well and keep your spirits up.........gonna miss seeing you online.
well after going to bed early for it has been a long day i was awaken by my fourteen year old and she was crying for the vet just called and the puppy i got them two weeks ago just died.
the breeder was at an expo at city hall and they all gave me those "mom i am going to die if i don't have her" looks till i forked over money i did not have for this lil baby beagle.
we brought her home and i thought my she must be so tired for she slept a lot the first day.
((((Sparky)))) that sucks. I don't think it's unusual to cry over pets, dogs are faithful loyal creatures and show unconditional love.
Those dealers need to be dealt with.