That's great BS
Photo's set to music mean so much more than flicking through a photo album.......
love the birthday cake, the flag, christmas tree with Homer on top, love that you're all having fun!
i took photos of the kids and my hubbys family from xmas and set it to when i'm 64 by the beatles.. i'm only going to keep it on public for the day, then i'm going to reset it to private.. .
That's great BS
Photo's set to music mean so much more than flicking through a photo album.......
love the birthday cake, the flag, christmas tree with Homer on top, love that you're all having fun!
after tens of thousands of young witness men in the prime of their lives have spent years in jails for refusing civilian service in 1996 the watchtower decided such a choice was not unchristian and a matter of choice.
watchtower 1996 may 1 p.20.
what, though, if the state requires a christian for a period of time to perform civilian service that is a part of national service under a civilian administration?
Most who have had that experience would not think so. Rather, they rejoice that they had the opportunity of demonstrating publicly and clearly that they were determined to be firm on the issue of universal sovereignty.”
I talked about this with my dad,not long ago. He spent six months in prison over conscription in his early 20's. He said that he still felt proudthat he stood up for his faith and that it is still a matter of conscience.
maybe some men
i am going skiing next week.
my neice said everybody is wearing helmets now.
i am just one or two steps past the bunny slope, with no trees in the way.
you can tell from my name that skiing plays a big part in my life! I don't wear a helmet, but I make my kids wear them. They're pretty extreme, jumps, rails speed. In Australia only a small percentage wear helmets, mostly kids. I skied at Steamboat, Colorado four years ago and it was the same at that time there, but it might have changed now.
Where are you going, have a great time........I'm jealous now!
i always tell my wife that her pocket books is nothing but a $200 garbage bag, what are some things found in a women's purse, what are some items that you find in women's purses.. interesting things or common things??.
and lastly my 2007 addition........a separate gold zippered pouch for receipts!!!!
Doh! What a great idea, why haven't I thought of that instead of not being able to close my wallet.
Sirnose..........true, but there were 23 women and one man doing the course! heheh
...get a divorce and at least have a chance at happiness?
my husband and i would never have gotten married if we weren't both in the borg.
now we're both out and we have nothing in common.
Too close to home here. I've appreciated everyones comments from all angles. I feel like I'm a picasso painting now.
heya everyone hope your all well.. yesterday i met up with the well know "frog" from this forum, she was down in melbourne.
she is absoluetly awesome, a fantastic girl.
the time went so fast talking about our jw past and our new future, it was great to finally meet her.
Great pics Es
You're both looking good, and bubs is sooo cute!
my sister and i were raised in the "truth", by our mother alone, working for minimum wage.
as a young child, i remember being give a dollar or two every week to put in the contribution box at the kh, my mother was making $40 to $60 a week and gave that cult $2, plus the gas for fs, plus the cost of books and magazines.
we had 6 6' tall bookcases all full of the watchtower and awake annual volumes, back to the 50's or 40's, plus every book the wtbts ever published.
Thanks for sharing your story Pec
I also only found out the "truth about the truth" recently, after many years faded.
Best wishes
i always tell my wife that her pocket books is nothing but a $200 garbage bag, what are some things found in a women's purse, what are some items that you find in women's purses.. interesting things or common things??.
When I was doing a course last year the group had to do a get to know you exercise. The females had to select something from their bags, and the guys something from their pocket, we had to show and tell how it related to our personalities.
I had my practice CD from my stage show at the time so I used that, there were some hilarious exhibits though.............spanners, spare shoes, even a paintbrush! It was a fun icebreaker.
just got this email of a magazine article from 1955. .
I'd never want a wife like that
I don't think they exist in real life!
Oh Behave Baby!