Someone on BBC Radio 4 this morning mentioned Goliath as a child's name
that's a wee bit scary, but how about having Zebulin as a family member?! ;)
the practice of choosing biblical names for children is present in many forms of christianity.
in latin america, countless boys are named jesus either as a first name or second name.
there is even that singer jesus jones.
Someone on BBC Radio 4 this morning mentioned Goliath as a child's name
that's a wee bit scary, but how about having Zebulin as a family member?! ;)
I think that this is tops...............enough to forward it to my email buddies............we're all mainly in amateur dramatics and I know they'll appreciate it too!!
i have only been here for six months and i can see why so many people have to leave or at least take breaks from this forum.. what are you doing to cope?
i want to stay, please help.
pm me if needed.. philip.
I firmly believe that if we treat the internet like television (entertain me!) we will ultimately be left empty and disappointed. My joy and energy comes from connecting with people, heart-to-heart. When that happens, it is a beautiful thing. That sort of connection is rare enough in real life, let alone the internet.Yet, here we are. Newbies signing on all the time, asking the same questions and going through the same anguish of discovery as we did. Even so, every one of their stories is unique and engaging. It is their awakening, and my participation in it, that is a joy.
Ooh JGNat, that's good..............
I thik at different times this forum fulfills different needs, I've been through a spectrum of them over the past 18 months.............still not a huge poster, but check in regularly..............still hooked!
hi everyone, well im totally new at this but i thought i would give it a go here is my story(short version).
well i have been with my boyfriend for 2yrs now and the last 4months he has started to get back into witnessing.
i have said from day one that i dont want to be one, but i did attend a meeting, memorial and some studys i did this for him to see what it was all about.
Hi Aussie
sorry this is happening to you..........but it's better it happens now, than six years/three children down the track. Yes you are being blackmailed...........don't be steamrollered........
you've already done some great homework with COC and other information.
Best wishes
this is for all you girls 30 years and over.... and for those who are turning 30, and for those who are scared of moving into their 30's...and for guys who are scared of girls over 30!!!!....
this was written by andy rooney from cbs 60 minutes.
andy rooney says:.
haha, Helncon.............. nods head knowingly................
here are some more gems for you in a similar vein........
Between 18 and 20 a woman is like Africa, half discovered, half wild, naturally beautiful with fertile deltas.
Between 21 and 30 a woman is like America, well developed and open to trade - especially for someone with cash.
Between 31 and 35 she is like India, very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty.
Between 36 and 40 a woman is like France. Gently aging, but still a warm and desirable place to visit.
Between 41 and 50 she is like Yugoslavia, lost the war - haunted by past mistakes. Massive reconstruction is now necessary.
Between 51 and 60, she is like Russia, very wide and borders are
un-patrolled. The frigid climate keeps people away.
Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Mongolia, with a glorious and all
conquering past but alas, no future.
After 70, they become Afghanistan. Almost everyone knows where it is, but no one wants to go there.
Between 15 and 70 a man is like Iraq - ruled by a dick.
Anyway, now that I've managed to offend probably more than half the board I reckon I should shut up!'r u doin btw?
i have just gotten around to taking off last nights trowelling and what a relief that is!
i rarely wear make up - maybe once a month, so i probably go over board.
i feel like my skin just suffocated for 24 hrs.. what do you love or loathe about make up?
I just found this clip that really shows the benefits of a little
in my decades of the "truth" i have heard scriptures twisted in an olympic manner to apply to local needs.
there were so many on various sexual activities that i tempted to throw money on the platform!.
i even heard from a reliable brother of a local needs on farting.
That's just so silly isn't it..............especially when they could just get "toot tones" !!!
i have just gotten around to taking off last nights trowelling and what a relief that is!
i rarely wear make up - maybe once a month, so i probably go over board.
i feel like my skin just suffocated for 24 hrs.. what do you love or loathe about make up?
I usually wear a little make-up when I go to work. I've got (shock horror) a few little spider veins and age spots on my cheeks that look so much better evened out! I also recently started using mineral make-up. Brinjen, what brand did you get? I got a few of "youngblood's" range. it's really nice. my local salon does a free 5 minute youngblood makeover....... a bit on my nose and then lightly run the big brush over my face and that's that done, a blend of blush, a bit of eye pencil, mascara and lip quick and natural, but my face looks much more alive!!
On the other hand I don't wear any make-up when I'm just around the house or on weekends even to go shopping. But there are times when I wear a lot more than stage make up! It all depends on the circumstances.
last week my brother's wife (he's a young elder) had their second baby, a little girl.
he was good enough to let me know by phone text message, which will be the last thing i ever hear from him unless they keep breeding.
yesterday i got an email from mum, which had on it this email exchange... apologise for what might feel like an intrusion into their privacy, but, you know..... ________________________________________________________________.
You did so well. I'm glad you felt empowered by being able to respond the way you did. Still makes me sooo angry though............
Best wishes
it's been one of those days, the kind that make you wish you never got up in the morning.
as many of you know my younger sister has lupus and had to go on meds late last year thankfully she has gotten much better these past few months, but it seems that there's always a trade off, we get good news only to be hit by bad news.
a few weeks ago she went to her doctor for a check up and they did a few tests, late last week they called me because they had some bad news, there was sugar in her urine and her blood, it seems that this is a result of the steroids that she is on for the lupus.
Hi Sweet girl
your sis can get through this and so can you. I know it's not fair. Get some time out, have a good rest and then go be there for her again. I'm a Diabetes Educator, and once her sugars are under control she should start feeling much better than before.
(((hugs))) to you both,