So sorry (((( lonely sheep))))
I could sure use a hug. I'm still in shock. Memories are flooding me.
It's a terrible thing to deal with. I hope that you can think of some good memories, to make you smile through your tears.
that is the conclusion i've come to.
up until then, and because of my own depressed feelings, i have felt differently.
this changed for me last night, though.
So sorry (((( lonely sheep))))
I could sure use a hug. I'm still in shock. Memories are flooding me.
It's a terrible thing to deal with. I hope that you can think of some good memories, to make you smile through your tears.
just thought all the poms might like to know as they eat their breakfast this morning australia just won the third test to take back the ashes.. warney now has 699 test wickets four of which he got from englands second innings..
Look at moi, look at moi, now I've got one thing to say to you.............Oi Oi Oi!
Come on you can do it waterboy!
i just could not believe it when i stumbled across this forum recently.
i was actually doing research for my dad who wanted to see the world's viewpoint of the failed 1975 prophecy.
he came into the truth less than three years ago and though my mom has been a witness since she was a teenager she never spoke of that particular time period to him.
That's one of the things about the witness brainwashing, you're conditioned to stifle your intuition and think that you are alone in your doubts. The internet has certainly made it easier to get support and information. Stick around, read some stories. There's lots of great info in the best of section.
Best wishes
my dearest daughter-in-law, whyamihere (brookie), just had four of her wisdom teeth yanked out this morning.
she is heavily sedated (as usual) and is thrilled to have legal narcotics available to her every 4-6 hours.
she even looks cute with wads of cotton stuck in her cheeks.. please send her some love!.
You'd look like a cute litle chipmunk with your cheeks bulging................OMG I just googled "Chipmunk cheeks", I take it back!
Hope you're feeling better soon, have a great Christmas.
Love Dxx
i'm worried because i sent a christmas card plus had a gift sent by ups over the internet about 7 days ago and haven't heard anything.
i would feel really feel bad if my person didin't receive their gift or card.
so i think we need to have an official post place.
I sent mine by airmail to California on Friday. Hopefully it should get there within a week.
just wondering how many of us are nurses?
i'm a licenced practical nurse (working on my rn degree), and i work as a cosmetic dermatology specialist.
i see about 10 to 16 patients per day, doing things like laser hair removal treatments, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, skin care consultations, etc.
I'm a Registered Nurse. Work in general practice surgery. Just finished the Diabetes Educator certificate course and run a diabetes clinic. I really enjoy my work.
after a much heated debate...the jaracz avatar has been retired, i am very sorry.
but a new and improved version is now in place.
wac (deedeedee for joining the borg).
all this Dee Dee Dee biz is making me paranoid
i am already thinking of ideas.
my sister had an online relationship with a man from holland (they are now married in the us) anyhow, they would send eachother packages and the coolest things he would send was different foods from there... cookies the us doesn't have, chocolate spread for toast.... this is my first gift exchange since i was a kid, so anyone have some ideas?
( is this kosher to ask?
Awww, I hate asking for things cause I just like the surprise at Christmas. But I would like something from where you live.
Tshirt (med), Mug, or something for the Christmas tree...........or sumpin else unique to your area
my parents where not raised as a jw but converted to the truth true field service.
i was raised as a jw by them.. i have told them all the things that i've learned through this board and several books about the wts.
they are open enough to discuss these things with me.
My parents have been witnesses since childhood, they're now in their seventies. They both left the org for about ten years but my mother started attending again after some family illness, she needed something to help her cope. She started going back to meetings on her own and my dad sat at home alone for a year and then joined her.
I've told them about some of the things I've discovered about the society, they explained it away as apostate lies. However my dad let it slip that he had gone online to see what I was talking about. They also say that it's the best of a bad bunch.
I really feel that they love their circle in the cong, they'd be pretty lost without it, they don't shun me (not for a long time). So it's a case of each to his own.
Best wishes
i'm doing my third uni unit in a 24-unit bachelors degree (economics).
the exam is tonight, and i'm confident i'm going to fail.
this isn't nerves or false modesty, i just know i haven't covered the material, and haven't consolidated those parts i did cover.
sorry you're feeling down, sometimes things happen for a reason. Recharge your batteries, have some quality time with hubby then regroup.
Take care........