schlggrrwah! Confession, you got me again! I've said before you have such a way with words................... Chelsea is fortunate to have a father like you.
Best wishes
my precious chelsea,.
this friday you will be twenty years old.
this thursday we will be moving you from the home in queen creek to your dorm in phoenix.
schlggrrwah! Confession, you got me again! I've said before you have such a way with words................... Chelsea is fortunate to have a father like you.
Best wishes
well, what is your scottish experience and if you like, where are you from?
hehe, I tried to edit my post today when I realised that Jambon meant ham, not cheese, but it was too late...........
(foot in mouth disease strikes again!) :)
well, what is your scottish experience and if you like, where are you from?
Hi Jambon..........(? el cheesy one ??)
My profile gives away probably more information than it should!
Best wishes D
my partner was out getting pizza and brought back the awake with the wt tucked in (that bit i remember).
they were sept 06 ones and he found them in a shopping trolley!
he brought them home to show me.
My parents have them all over the house when I visit. I'm sure they are much smaller in size than when I was a teenager. Maybe it's an Oz thing.
i use to be based on the nw coast sometimes burnie, sometimes devonport, sometimes i wandered as far a field as sydney.
just wondering if there were any other tasmanians around
Hi Lani, and Chelsea
Not from Tassie, but welcome anyway from another poster hailing from the same continent!
some of you may have heard through the grapevine already, but it's official... .
i'm engaged.
i got those lovely flowers below sent to me at work, and i officially got my rock after a swank dinner and carriage ride around a park.
That's great Jojo. Can't wait to see wedding pics of you smokin........outside a KH!! JK
Best wishes to you both for a happy life together :)
my conscience wouldn't allow me to do otherwise.
after all, this is the country that schooled me and fed me.
i use all the infrastructure here, and am entitled to all rights and benefits that any other citizen was entitled to.
There seems to be a range of variable in situations such as this. My parents (elder dad), told us that it was disrespectful to stay sitting, and that we should stand if the anthem was played, but not to sing. It wasn't so much of an issue in where we lived, the anthem wasn't played much at school, not like the US where you had to salute the flag etc. We just had it play sometimes at sporting events and the movies, but we always stood.
unclebruce once posted pictures of his cottage, and i bookmarked it.
i've just booked us into it for our anniversary weekend... .
i haven't seen him around lately, and his wife didn't seem to know about any discussion board called jwd (she asked, "how did you find out about us", the effective marketing question).
Hi Sas
He's been busy with lots of things away from the boards, doing a tafe course etc. I think that He was looking after the place that you mentioned but doesn't live there full time.
Hope you have a great anniversary break.........btw I'm at the snow next week with the family, and again 2nd week Aug........are you getting some time there? Have you heard from Mrs P? We still haven't done the Cannyfest :(
Best wishes
this is a video from a small town close to where i live, hot springs.
i have been to the hotel in the background, the arlington.
Saving this so I can show my kids.......they skate a lot and often face discrimination.
so, when i was little, there was this guy i used to hang around with.
he was like an older brother to me.
in fact, 8 years my senior, he might as well have been.. his mom and my mom were best friends.
That's really nice for you RR, hold on to those good feelings..............even if they make you a little sad.
I went to the beach this weekend and got burnt as a mother, and further, I have a hybrid bird flu / SARS thing happening from some late night clothing optional ocean swimming- so I took a couple of extra days off
hope you're feeling better soon