This is such an ignorant question. Of course people are being shunned. It is the policy. Sure there are those who do not always shun relatives, but they are breaking one of the JW 10 billion commandments. If you do not shun df'd or da'd people then you yourself may be next on the list.
My guess would be that if people didn't want to hang out because they "didn't think you were fun" it was going on before you were df'd.
What was the purpose of this question? Oh yeah, blame the victim. Maybe you deserved it because of how you were dressed, dear rape victim!
added* Oh yeah, and IT IS THE RELIGION THAT IS THE REASON! not just some stupid excuse. There is really not any debate about it. riverofdeceit of the got reinstated class so I could visit my mother (who didn't shun me) before she died of cancer without freaking out my other relatives (JW aunts uncles cousins) because I was df'd.