Maybe I can help you with a cleaner Danish-to-English translation.
[Translated from the internet webpage "Ekstra Bladet" (]:
Paints[/blackens] foster-child as a sex-crazy coquette
"She was sweet, funny[/teasing] and attractive. She dressed provocatively. Low-cut tops. Bare belly. Very short dresses. She flirted, so my feelings got carried away... ."
A family father in court yesterday tried to paint a picture of his merely 15-year old foster-daughter as practically a cheap, sex-mad coquette. He directly asserted that it was always the girl who decided when the mismatched pair should have sex!
The 44-year old foster-father is charged with having regularly sexually abused his very young foster-child over a period of one year, while she was on leave with him and his family in Holbæk every second weekend.
“We were a [boyfriend~girlfriend] couple”The man behaved for the most part like a persecuted innocent when he testified about the numerous instances of intercourse and oral sex that he had with the girl, who was entrusted to him by an agreement with her home commune in Sydsjælland.
“I loved her. She loved me. Our relationship resembled that of sweethearts. I never coerced her to do anything. It always took place on her terms. Just before we first had intercourse she even said to me that she wanted to have an experienced man, someone who knew what it was about, when she had her sexual debut,” claimed the man in court.
The prosecutor’s office is of a wholly different opinion. Because - even if it is legal for a man to engage in sex with a 15-year old girl – it is, according to Criminal Law paragraph 223, not permitted if the girl is his foster-child.
Accordingly, Prosecutor Lene Skovsen demands that the 44-year old be put behind bars, and that he be barred from being in the vicinity of infants and children under 18 years.
Lost brother and father
The sensational account is the story of a teenage girl who threatens suicide after losing her big brother and seeing her mother and father experience a difficult divorce.
The girl was committed to an around-the-clock care institution in Holbæk, where the eventual foster-father worked as a pedagogic assistant. She became strongly attached to the man. When she was sent home, he remained her contact person and foster-father.
On an excursion to Østrig in 2003 with a shooting club, the 44-year old introduced the sexual abuse, which the foster-daughter – according to the charges – was forced to submit to for the next 2 years.
Abused many timesHe also acknowledged to having intercourse and engaging in oral sex with the girl – among other occasions – during shooting trip to Germany, at Susåen [a recreational river/canal network] in Næstved, at a summer cottage in Møn, at Bon Bon Land [an amusement park], at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Herlufmagle, at the public swimming[/bathing] facilities in Holbæk, and at many different rest areas in the Sjælland region.
“We were also together in both her home and mine,” acknowledged the 44-year old.
It was only when the girl found a boyfriend last autumn that contact with the foster family was broken off.
But three months passed until the now 18-year old girl, after consultation with a friend, reported the abuser to police in Næstved.
The verdict will be handed down later.