"Engrenages" - gritty, French police drama... with a side dish of criminal court procedure.
[Televised on English networks under the title "Spiral" (subtitled).]
i am looking for more ideas of interesting movies and gritty crime shows to watch.. .
the killings, wallander, luther, dexter, braquo (french (english subbed) german (berlin berlin), sherlock, george gently, inspector frost, inspector lewis, did i say "dexter (though the ending was a bummer :( ) "orange is the new black", "house of cards", "mad men".. .
can you add to my profile of movies and series i need to see?
"Engrenages" - gritty, French police drama... with a side dish of criminal court procedure.
[Televised on English networks under the title "Spiral" (subtitled).]
**this was predicted from some members here**.
to all congregations .
re: adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements .
^^ Was it all "Blessings" and "Moving Chariots"?
when I looked at the staunchly pro J W site JW Talk, they were talking about the same letter.
pixel's boe letter made me think of this.
i have been out since january 2006. here are the ones i can think of:.
1. deletion of cong.
It's definitely a different "religion"! But that's okay! I'm a different person: I grew up; I grew out (of that phase of life); and grew into myself.
**this was predicted from some members here**.
to all congregations .
re: adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements .
Maybe they didn't like us referring to them as SAD.
Is CAD any better?
**this was predicted from some members here**.
to all congregations .
re: adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements .
If the District Overseer no long has a "district" to oversee, why hasn't his title been changed to "Regional Overseer"?
monday febr 17 daily wt text comment:.
"---earthly representatives -- however just as human governments can revoke* the citizenship of a person who commits certain acts, jehovah will revoke the citizenship of those who unrepentantly break his standards.
-- remain as kingdom citizens--".
BY EXTENSION…where does this extension originate in the bible?
The "Extension" originates in the same text as the "Overlap": the Book of Conjunctions and Inclusions (written by the prophet Join), 22:22.
[I think "Grafting" can be found somewhere near the end of that prophetic book.]
there was a letter read at the last meeting indicating a push to advertise jw.org door to door in august 2014.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/273040/1/four-boe-letters#.uv8l4vldv1e.
many of those who the witnesses prey upon will no doubt search for additional information on the internet.. let us use the extra attention against the watchtower!.
- there are many of us on active on this site.. - most of the widley used search engines (google, yahoo, bing etc) show autocomplete results.. .
^^Good idea! In fact, why not select and publish (here) one search term each week? Cycle through them, even (as the calendar permits).
This one is, obviously, too incendiary to put up... but I wish they would!
i just watched beginning of the recently leaked video produced by the wtbts allegedly instructing elders how to treat jws contemplating suicide.
i am so apalled i cannot even begin to describe it!.
Emotionally bereft? Worship more!
Psychologically devastated? Pray more!
No zest for life? Be more spiritual!
At least they didn't pour oil on her head.
recently, i met an old friend for a coffee, he is a jw in good standing.. he does not know of my "awakening", but he knows, that i m pretty open with things.. so he came up with some thoughts, that, if somebody listened, would be enough for a jc on basis of apostasy.. since his english is not so good, i suppose he did not read this on the internet.. i just paraphrase some of his thoughts:.
the creation account in genesis is not accurate and in line with science.
a global flood was not possible.
The internet [and XJW information on the internet] is not only in English.
In any case, maybe your friend can be subtly encouraged to follow his line of thinking to its resolution.