Freaky faces in Adam's pants!
JoinedPosts by skeeter1
Another subliminal picture in the WT!!!!
by DATA-DOG ini just happend to wonder if the current issue had any hidden goodies.
imagine my delight!.
a gold star to the first person to correctly identify the image!.
Perhaps Eve was really a Neanderthal!
by skeeter1 inheard this researcher on dr. radio, and wanted to share the story.
science keeps blowing away the pre-biblical notion of adam and eve.. skeeter.
the dna from the 45,000-year-old bone of a man from siberia is helping to pinpoint when modern humans and neanderthals first interbred, researchers say.. although modern humans are the only surviving human lineage, others once lived on earth.
My JW parents, especially my JW mom, explained it to me like this (honest):
"Adam was white, anglo saxon. But, Eve was of mixed races in her genes. . . . "
Need I say more of why I stopped seeing my parents as role models about the time I was 14 years old! Geeeezzzzz . . . .
Officer Wilson not indicted in killing of Michael Brown
by Simon inafter a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
I don't understand any protest on behalf of Michael Brown. He is NOT and was NOT a role model. His actions were not rightful in any way, shape, or form; at the time of the incident or moments leading up to it. Society cannot and should not pin hopes on one or two actors, until the facts are fully known. Now, should there be peaceful protests for other victims? Yes. But, Michael Brown is not a hero in my book.
Should the community come together to fight poverty, lack of chances, and upbuilding education, jobs, and family? Absolutely. Get to the root of the problem. Ignore the problem by transferring anger to a wrong role model is not going to solve any issue. Oh, it will let off steam for a few days, and then it will all return to the status quo. The powerful on both sides will continue in power, and the masses will continue in their ignorance and as objects of exploitation. And, there will be a next Michael Brown. Just like there was a Michael McDuffie, for whom the crowds were more justified in rioting.
Perhaps Eve was really a Neanderthal!
by skeeter1 inheard this researcher on dr. radio, and wanted to share the story.
science keeps blowing away the pre-biblical notion of adam and eve.. skeeter.
the dna from the 45,000-year-old bone of a man from siberia is helping to pinpoint when modern humans and neanderthals first interbred, researchers say.. although modern humans are the only surviving human lineage, others once lived on earth.
Heard this researcher on Dr. Radio, and wanted to share the story. Science keeps blowing away the pre-Biblical notion of Adam and Eve.
The DNA from the 45,000-year-old bone of a man from Siberia is helping to pinpoint when modern humans and Neanderthals first interbred, researchers say.
Although modern humans are the only surviving human lineage, others once lived on Earth. The closest extinct relatives of modern humans were the Neanderthals, who lived in Europe and Asia until they went extinct about 40,000 years ago. Recent findings revealed that Neanderthals interbred with ancestors of modern humans when modern humans began spreading out of Africa 1.5 to 2.1 percent of the DNA of anyone living outside Africa today is Neanderthal in origin.
It remains uncertain when interbreeding between modern humans and Neanderthals occurred. Previous estimates of these events ranged from 37,000 to 86,000 years ago. [See Photos of Humanity's Closest Relative]
To help solve this mystery, scientists analyzed the shaft of a thighbone found by an artist and mammoth ivory collector, Nikolai Peristov, on the left bank of the river Irtysh near the settlement of Ust'-Ishim in western Siberia in 2008. They calculated the age of the man's bone to be about 45,000 years old.
"This is the earliest directly dated modern human outside of Africa and the Middle East, and the oldest modern human [genome] to have been sequenced," study co-author Janet Kelso, a computational biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, told Live Science.
Previously, scientists had suggested modern humans colonized Asia first by traveling a more southern, coastal route that gave rise to the present-day people of Oceania, while a later, more northern migration, gave rise to mainland Asians. The fact the researchers find direct evidence for the presence of a modern human in Siberia 45,000 years ago "indicates that early modern human migrations into Eurasia were not solely via a southern route as has been previously suggested," Kelso said.
Analysis of the carbon and nitrogen isotopes in his bones suggest the man ate so-called C3 plants that dominate cooler, wetter, cloudier regions examples of which include garlic, eggplants, pears, beans and wheat as well as animals that also dined on C3 plants. However, this analysis also revealed he may have eaten aquatic foods, probably freshwater fish, something seen in other humans from Europe of about the same time.
Genetic analysis of DNA from the bone revealed this man was equally closely related to present-day Asians and to early Europeans. "From this we conclude that the population to which the Ust'-Ishim individual belonged diverged from the ancestors of present-day Europeans and Asians before, or at around the same time as, these groups diverged from one another," Kelso said.
The scientists also found this man carried a similar level of Neanderthal ancestry as present-day Eurasians. Their research suggests Neanderthal genes flowed into the ancestors of this man 7,000 to 13,000 years before he lived.
These findings suggest modern humans and Neanderthals interbred approximately 50,000 to 60,000 years ago, "which is close to the time of the major expansion of modern humans out of Africa and the Middle East," Kelso said.
Future research may strive to sequence the genomes "from even older human remains," Kelso said. "We are also really interested in what functional implications the Neanderthal DNA in present-day people might have had in the adaptation of present-day humans to their new environments."
The scientists detailed their findings in the Oct. 23 issue of the journal Nature.
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by mikeypants inwanted to say hello to you all.
i am new to the forum and just wanted to introduce myself.
i was raised a witness, never baptized (yay) and am married to a lovely baptized witness of jehovah.. i had been trying to get back into it due to both our families being j dbs but just never could get it into my heart.
Just a few on the web "how to spoil pregnant wife"
by mikeypants inwanted to say hello to you all.
i am new to the forum and just wanted to introduce myself.
i was raised a witness, never baptized (yay) and am married to a lovely baptized witness of jehovah.. i had been trying to get back into it due to both our families being j dbs but just never could get it into my heart.
Mikeypants, just wanted to say to give your wife alot of slack right now. She's pregnant. Dude, women can be emotional wrecks when pregnant. Cry at new car commercials. Lots of hormone surges during pregnancy and then a complete drop off after she has the baby. Maybe a wive's tale, but if she feels anxiety and insecurity, those fear hormones will transfer to the baby on board. So, don't "come out" to her or give her any reason right now. Wise generals pick their battlefields and time of battle. Now, is not the time. You are dealing with a lifelong cult programming, and a pregnant woman. Just pamper her, take her out for long walks, and let her enjoy life. By enjoying life, she'll not be enjoying the WTS. So, every now and then, have her skip meetings if she's too tired, don't make her sit/endure long times at the assemblies, cut back her field service time, etc . . . . all in the name of her resting to take care of the baby growing inside her. Tell her that other's can participate more in Jehovah's work, but right now she needs to be selfish and take care of herself first and foremost. Treat her like absolute royalty right now.
by mikeypants inwanted to say hello to you all.
i am new to the forum and just wanted to introduce myself.
i was raised a witness, never baptized (yay) and am married to a lovely baptized witness of jehovah.. i had been trying to get back into it due to both our families being j dbs but just never could get it into my heart.
Boy, your wife must be hurt at her family's actions. Women plan and dream of a wedding, and having family members there to support the marraige. Does she see how abnormal her family & the KH elders were acting?
I had a similar thing happen. Both of us were raised in the Truth, but not baptised members. My parents decided that we HAD to be married in the KH. I didn't go, and didn't want it. But, it was my overbearing mother's plan. Thankfully, the elders wouldn't do it. So, that got my mom ticked off at me for not being a goody-JW. The next thing she concocted was to have my sibling (who is 18 years older) move in with us newlyweds. I wasn't asked, I was told that this was going to happen. We didn't have an extra bedroom, I put my foot down, she went ballistic, neither my mom nor my sibling came to my wedding, and she didn't speak with me for 3 months. It was a blow, but I thought of it more of her & my sister's mental issues.
All got normal, and we later had a baby. That's when my family sent local elders, JWs, and even they came to the house to try to convert us back to being JWs. I had to tell them all to go home. When they used to come to visit, they'd try to preach to my kids. I had to teach my kids how to avoid JW conversations. Luckily, I had a non-JW spouse.
Your situation is different. You need to look at the blood transfusion issues. Pregnant & birthing women & premature infants are more likely to need a blood transfusion.
JWs are idealists, and to hold up an ideal . . . they will do all sorts of abnormal, silly, and hurtful behavior.
Family Gathering ( or the day also known as Thanksgiving)
by Theredeemer inevery year on a certain thursday in november my family and close witness friends would get together, eat menudo ( hispanic stew) and other foods, watch football and then get dressed to go to the meeting.. sister so and so would bring her famous pie, bro and sister so and so would bring their gross punch and bro and sis so and so would bring mexican sweet bread.
sometimes we would go to "worldy" aunt's and pick up plates of turkey and fixins.. this was every year on a certain date, on a certain thursday in november.. this continued until my mom got alzheimers.
by that time i was married and had my own house.
Ha, ha! An atheist is better to a JW! LOL.
p.s. We had the same Thanksgiving, but it was just family. Always a traditioal family meal. We also had New Year's dinner on New Year's Day, always hte southern one. It had to be pork ribs, greens (for money for the New Year), and black eyed peas (for luck for the New Year). And, my JW uber-sister still makes it and SERVES it with the reminder too eat our greens and black eyed peas for money & luck. Yep, she even did it last year. I thought I was going to fall out of the chair. LOL
Reverse Disfellowshipping
by ctrwtf ini'm into the 7th year of a successful fade.
when i'm at the market i still see some of my former "friends" trying to avoid eye contact.
although i'm not df'd i may as well be in their eyes.
I put up with that feeling of cringe and doom for 7 years. I finally blocked them from my e-mail and my personal Facebook page. I felt that they were judging me constantly. Rather, I know they were. My JW family live about 700 miles away, but their comments to me and to other extended family members showed their judgmental attitude. I cringe when they come to visit, or when I have to endure a weekend/week with them. What's funy is that my clinger-JW would invite the JW family down to visit her, but would then dump the JW family on me! The JW family members have disrespected me and my spouse too many times, for what would be normal decisions of any other house (having a dog, buying a new truck, allowing our kid to go to a friend's birthday). Thankfully, my non-JW brother-in-law, neice, and own brother reported back to me all their digs. It was clear that the JW relatives were just lurking on Facebook to see what our life was like, so they could judge. Oh, and the JW family is having Thanksgiving and asked me to come. I declined. I need a break from their pious judgement.
Bill Cosby - too much smoke for no fire?
by Simon init seems like the list of people who are accusing him of rape and sexual assault is growing every day.
i'm skeptical of single accusations but the number of people and the similar stories seem overwhelming now.. it's not a conviction but to the court of public opinion ... guilty?.
Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde?