Well, death is never a happy occasion, and I hope his family and friends are doing well in their time of grief (no doubt comforted by their belief that he is up in heaven with the other 137,000 ish members of Christ harem. ). However, as others have pointed out, it is quite unfortunate that he was in a position to help effect change in the Org., but either had bought into the BS for real, or was too afraid to speak out (Ray Franz's books seem to indicate it was more of the former). Of course, it's more than reasonable to expect him to be held responsible for alot of what has happened in the Org., since he was a guy who was around since the days of Rutherford, and had been in high ranking positions for many of those years, but I also feel somewhat sorry for him, since I feel he is also a victim on some level, though obviously not to the extent as others as ignorant as us. He probably managed to rationalize alot of what happened in the Org. to an extent where he could live with himself, as well as flat out genuinely agree with alot of the misguided policies. 63 years that could have been used doing so many positive things, even non spectacular stuff like having a family, wasted on an organization that has been of no useful purpose to mankind (except for a couple of case law precidents in US courts, possibly). Maybe the passing of an old guard guy may be the beginning of something new and positive, but then again....