$25 mill. scam? Crap, I must not be very special, I only got a Ghanan scam offer for $7mill.
JoinedPosts by crownboy
by mustang inlast week i got two emails from "russian businessmen".
they are complaining about the difficulty of doing business, due to the high taxes there.
so, they suggest a "workaround": they need to find people to privately ship merchandise to them.
Women in Heaven?
by sandy inwhy is it that women are worthy enough to go to heaven but they cannot hold the same privileges as men in the congregation?.
has anybody ever asked the org.
this question?
Great point about the pre-flood angels, Matty. This is one of those points that is often thought of, but seldom answered.
Did You Ever Aspire To Be Anything Special In The Organization?
by minimus ini never wanted to go to bethel but when i was a teenager, i wondered what i would need to do to become a circuit overseer.
Thanks for the great posts, YOR.
I used to aspire to be a Bethelite. I figured it was better than being an unproductive pioneer, since Bethelites were actually doing the work that made the JW society what it was. Plus the free laundry service seemed pretty cool.
Did Being A Witness Screw You Up THAT Much???
by minimus in.
a number of people feel that basically, not only was their life stolen from them because they were witnesses, but because of their being at one time jw's, they are screwed for the rest of their lives.
are you in that category?
In my case, not really. My life was pretty OK as a JW (the parents were not the overly zealous psycho Witnesses), and given my relatively young age at which I discovered the truth about "the truth", I don't feel my life has been too adversely affected by it(of course, I could have run for senior class president in high school.... ).
While I'm sure there will be certain ways I'll be always affected, the religion certainly doesn't control who I am.
Another Question for Those Against Capital Punishment
by StinkyPantz inwhich is worse?
a convicted murderer getting executed or a convicted murderer being released after serving the minimum of a life sentence, 15 years?.
btw, before anyone even mentions the low recidivism rate of murderers, you must realize that that is only for those that have been caught.
I'm not against it in principle, but since the US justice system has a little problem with executing innocent people, at the very least a national moratorium ought to be held on the practice.
I guess I'd rather see 20 murders rot in jail for life than have one innocent person die needlessly. I say we should only use the death penalty when there is Tim Mc. Veigh like evidence for murder.
Women in Heaven?
by sandy inwhy is it that women are worthy enough to go to heaven but they cannot hold the same privileges as men in the congregation?.
has anybody ever asked the org.
this question?
How do you know this Nomad Soul?
WOOHOO!!! The Detroit Turkey Wings were swept by the Walt Disney Ducks!!!!
by Jourles in.
of course, colorado is now only one game away from advancing.
but we all know they are going to take the cup this year anyways, as the picture below shows..... .
Hey jourles, what happened to Colorado ?
Picking the parts of the Bible that YOU want to follow
by StinkyPantz inmany christians i've met like to pick and choose what parts of the bible they want to live by and ignore others.
for example, i have a friend that goes to church every sunday, reads the bible to her daughter, and prays daily.
at the same time, she lives with a man that she never plans on marrying.
The scripture does not apply specifically to Witnesses, it would just be funny to see them try to explain it, though .
Women in Heaven?
by sandy inwhy is it that women are worthy enough to go to heaven but they cannot hold the same privileges as men in the congregation?.
has anybody ever asked the org.
this question?
Women in Heaven?
I didn't realize our dear poster liked the ladies as well.
You have a good point. The more fundy Christains have to come up with creative explanations to justify this.
Picking the parts of the Bible that YOU want to follow
by StinkyPantz inmany christians i've met like to pick and choose what parts of the bible they want to live by and ignore others.
for example, i have a friend that goes to church every sunday, reads the bible to her daughter, and prays daily.
at the same time, she lives with a man that she never plans on marrying.
See Mark 16:17-19.
Ask a witness at your door to do those things, and watch their response, they'll likely not heed Jesus' words .