Well neon, your scenario could possibly work, except that we have no actual way of verifying god's existence. You said that in scenario #1 we would have to continually be asking "why?", but in scenario #2 we would have to continually ask "where?", as in "where is the intelligent designer?". It would be great to posit him as being possibly responsible for this whole thing, but we'd have to first esatblish that he exist, now won't we? When was the last time you met an infintely complex deity? If it's impossible to meet him (or for you to verify this meeting objectively to many other people), then can it really be reasonable to believe in the unverifiable? To me it's almost like when the ancients believed in ether; it's a great explanation that could make a lot of sense, except there was no evidencew to back it up. If belief in god has to be heavily predicated on faith (i.e.: unverifiable), then we can't really call it reasonable, can we? Possible? Maybe. Probable? Not untill Mr. Almighty proves himself existant.
JoinedPosts by crownboy
What was he doing?
by Ariell infor those of you who believe in god, and i know this may sound like a silly question, but what was he doing before he created jesus, the first thing he ever made.
we're talking an eternity here.
zillions upon zillions of years.
Were You Ever Put On Restrictions?
by minimus inas a jw, were you ever put on restrictions?
how did you feel when you were told that a certain "privilege" was being taken from you?
were you given any warning by the elders in charge that what you did merited a removal of some sort?
I've never been placed on any formal restrictions, but in my congregation the elders are extremely strict about giving out privledges only to "deserving" brothers (i.e.: you must be at the national average in field service to be able to handle the mikes, give talks, etc.). I haven't been at the national average in more than 2 years, so hence I haven't had the privledge of giving a talk in that much time. If they thought that having such an arrangement would motivate "young brothers" like myself to get back above the national average, then they are sadly mistaken (in fact, one time almost 2 years ago I did make it above the national average for the month, but I deliberately reported less to remain in "bad standing" ). I can still comment at the meetings, but I haven't done that in over a year (except at the bookstudy, and that's only when I make a rare appearance, and I just usually read a bible scripture or two). I can't say I've missed doing any of that stuff.
So, in essence, I've put myself on restrictions.
Jerry Springer is Running for Congress
by Jayson inanother fine democatic hopeful.
integrity, morality, honor, high cultural standards....hahahahahahah .
these are liberals we are talking about!.
If you want a far left Democrat from Ohio, look no further than Dennis Kuchinich.
We don't need yet another one.
What doctrines do you still believe in?
by petespal2002 inare there any teachings from your jw days you still hold to or at the very least have a soft spot for?
What teejay said.
(But isn't Jehovah at least a permissable translation of his name?)
What's in a name? Teenyuck?
by leddfootdja ini find all the different aliases people use on here to be pretty entertaining.. what does your name mean to you?
why did you choose it?.
i assume teenyuck, for example = tina spoke by a young child.
I chose my name for a somewhat similar reason that Tina had initially chose "puffsrule".
I had been lurking for a while, decided to register, but did not have a screen name in mind. Right next to my computer was an empty cup of soda that was bought from "Crown Fried Chicken". Since they have pretty OK food (or maybe because I'm black I like fried chicken ), and I couldn't think of anything better at the time, I just decided to use it in my screen name. Maybe I would have chosen something else on another day, but I've since gotten used to the name .
Where is the evidence
by KGB inmany of you make claim that god does not exist, you say that you found your evidence in the bible, what i want to know is where is the evidence.
i am not interested in just mere thoughts but actuall evidence
Where is the evidence?
And here I was thinking that this would be a political thread about G W Bush and his Weapons of Mass Destruction claims .
Prove to me that god exist first.
The 10 point resolution adopted at the 2003 District Conventions
by crownboy inas most of you probably already know, from time to time the watchtower society likes to use district conventions as a platform for adopting silly resolutions, which more than likely are forgotten by the people who gave their approval to it by the time they leave the parking lot of the convention.
this year, during the final talk of the convention (talk entitled: "keep bearing much fruit to jehovah's glory"), a ten point resolution was adopted, with all the baby seal-like clapping following its adoption.
here's the main jist of the ten points (i didn't copy it word for word):.
As most of you probably already know, from time to time the Watchtower society likes to use district conventions as a platform for adopting silly resolutions, which more than likely are forgotten by the people who gave their approval to it by the time they leave the parking lot of the convention. This year, during the final talk of the convention (talk entitled: "Keep Bearing Much Fruit to Jehovah's Glory"), a ten point resolution was adopted, with all the baby seal-like clapping following its adoption. Here's the main jist of the ten points (I didn't copy it word for word):
1) Glorify Jehovah by continuing to manifest "the fruits of holy spirit". Cooperate with the spirit and the organization.
2) Offer "fruit of lips" to give a public declaration of Jehovah's message.
3) Continue to denounce untruths that are not in line with god's word. Included were: evolution, idol worship, the trinity, etc.
4) Bring up children in "discipline and mental regulation of Jehovah".
5) Praise Jehovah by means of our conduct. This applies to all times and circumstances in our life.
6) Do not attribute to creatures what belongs to god. Don't give undue admiration to athletes, movie stars, etc.
7) Maintain "Christain neutrality" in world affairs, even if it means being hated by the world.
8) Give god glory by reading his word daily. Reject propaganda that is not with his word; make sure statements conform to the pattern of "healthful words".
9) Praise Jehovah with "one mouth" in the Christain brotherhood. We should preach in unison.
10) Give Jehovah glory by keeping his kingdom first in our lives. We should use our energy and "valuable things" to reach this end.
While all those who were in favour of the resolution were asked to say "aye", the speaker did not give the option for those who did not want the resolution to say "nay" . Obviously, quite a few of the points can seem quite innocent to a person who is not too familiar with the JW's, but in reality those points can mean a great deal (like bringing up your child in the "mental regulation of Jehovah"). I laughed a little to myself when point 6 was made; shouldn't the FDS be considered one of those "creatures"?
"HATED WITHOUT A CAUSE" ?Do you see it??????
by badolputtytat inhere is the page i was sent physically torn out of whatever magazine it came from, not by e-mail.
i dont know what the g 03-e 6/8 means at the bottom, but i think it is the volume of the mag.
if you are interested, here is what they have to say about this convention.
g03-e 6/8
IIRC, this simply means that the information came from the June 8th, 2003 Awake, in an English language edition.
by Euphemism inwell, this isn't quite a delurk, since i've made several posts already.
but i figured it was worth introducing myself anyway.. i'm 21 years old, and was raised a dub.
had very loyal and active dub parents... there was just no question growing up that i was going to pioneer, reach out for privileges, etc.
Welcome Euphemism and Piph! I'm 21 years old myself, and I had many of the same feelings you had just a couple of years ago. I still go to the hall from time to time since I live with my JW parents, but meeting attendance twice a month is my usual quota (I'm not sure if my new bookstudy
conductoroverseer even knows my first name, due to my lack of attendance ). Fading away has worked quite nicely for me, but every situation is different, so whatever you choose to do, good luck with it, because it is never totally easy. -
Do You Smoke???
by minimus ini'm curious as to whether you've ever smoked.
i've never put a cigarette or any thing similar to my lips.
i've never had the desire.
Never smoked, and never had the desire to do so.