2 months after Sept. 11th. (I live in NY)
JoinedPosts by crownboy
November 11
by Dan B innovember 11 is remembrance day in canada.
i believe it's called veteran's day in the us.
is this anniversary of the end of ww1 recognized in other countries?
Crisis of Conscience: POLL
by Grout inwell, i'm finally reading coc, and i must tell you that despite already being an ex-dub i was *shocked*.
the thing that got me was the gb's apparently unselfconsciously acting above all the rules that they would apply so harshly to everyone else.
maybe i'm naive, but i didn't expect that level of hypocrisy.. so what did you find most shocking in coc?
The Malawi- Mexico thing was the most shocking thing for me.
NYT: You stated that you read bishop Spong's book, but you didn't clearly state whether or not you read Crisis of Conscience. If you did, can you please state exactly where in the book is incorrect? If you haven't read it, why do you assume it's in error even though the Society has had 20 years to respond to any falsehoods? Do you think if there was a book out there that claimed the society advocated the trinity, don't you think there would be a prompt response?
How are Governing Body members chosen?
by crownboy insince it wouldn't make sense for the society to choose "orginal" (i.e.
pre-1935) annointed ones for the gb because they're so old now, how do they choose the new ones?
couldn't a "newer" annointed simply declare himself to be one just so he could get on the body?
Since it wouldn't make sense for the society to choose "orginal" (i.e. pre-1935) annointed ones for the GB because they're so old now, how do they choose the new ones? Couldn't a "newer" annointed simply declare himself to be one just so he could get on the Body? How would the current GB know the person is genuinely annointed if they were born after 1935? (Yeah, I know this is all moot, but I wonder anyway)
Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!
active and happy jw
by scumgrief ini am an active jw and was raised as one.
i have been watching the site for a while and thought it could benefit from the opinions of someone who is happily a member of the jw's.
i will not get into any argumets that lead to nothing except name calling, and will not talk with anyone who is just plain mean (plenty of them in here).
Welcome SG.
Like you, I too am an active JW (albeit an unhappy one) and I welcome whatever comments you may have (most of the so called JW posters are extremely rude, however I don't sense this attitude in you).You say that the U.N. thing is "unimportant", but that simply isn't true. Obviously, the society wasn't actively controling U.N. agenda (and I don't believe that was the reason they joined) and they did relatively little as a U.N.(N.G.O.) member. However to become a member they pledged that they would support the charter of an organization that according to (their interpretation of) the bible is probably the most evil organization ever imagined, as well as disseminate information of the positive nature about it (the U.N.).
While from a purely objective standpoint one can argue the Watchtower really never helped the U.N., but only used it to help "further Jehovah's work", why did they drop their membership when it became public? Could it be because an average witness would think it was hypocritical for the Society to clearly compromise (to the point of offically endorsing) with an organization that is clearly "of the world", while a regular witness, under similar circumstances would be dissfellowshipped for such action? For example, if you joined the YMCA you would be dissassociated for compromising your Christain neutrality. Why? Because the YMCA is affiliated with Christendom. Forget the fact that you're only joining it to use the exersise facilities and not to promote the ideals of the church organization (which the Society OFFICALLY did with the U.N.), but the mere fact you were associated with a church of Christendom (even though you clearly aren't compromising your Christainity) makes you unworthy of association with God's people, and by extension eternal life.
There is nary a difference between the Watchtower- U.N. union and a regular JW wanting to join the YMCA. Neither really wants to be an active member of the larger (evil) organization running the operation, they both only want side benefits that come with membership. However, both can't do it, the leadership lives by one set of rules while the R&F have to obey more stringent (and irrelevant) ones.
So basically, I'm saying the U.N. incident is a big deal because according to what the society tells us in their publications, what they did was a compromise their neutrality. If they can do what they did, I should be able to join the YMCA.
By the way YoYoMama: it's vindicate Jehovah's sovreingty. The name gets santified (yes there is a difference, and no I'm not picking on you, just pointing it out for your benefit).
Young People Ask book
by crownboy inhow many of you guys really believed and took to heart every word that was written in it?
i was recently rereading it and it was ridiculous how sophomoric and unrealistic some of the answers to the questions were (e.g.
when you have the urge to engage in the "sin" of masterbation you should pray to god untill the urge goes away.
Hey Ranchette, how did the talk go?
Did the 12 year old have to say she masterbated every night or something? Did the pioneer sister tell her it could turn her gay? -
Young People Ask book
by crownboy inhow many of you guys really believed and took to heart every word that was written in it?
i was recently rereading it and it was ridiculous how sophomoric and unrealistic some of the answers to the questions were (e.g.
when you have the urge to engage in the "sin" of masterbation you should pray to god untill the urge goes away.
That brings up another point. When you're out in the field service, none of that stuff you do at the school really matters. When you're giving a talk you're in a different environment than at the door, so it's not the same. It's alot more natural when you're actually in the field. If what you're saying is intersting to the householder, it doesn't matter whether your gestures are emphatic or describtive. You work on the school points to get a G, not to improve your field service skills.
Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!
Young People Ask book
by crownboy inhow many of you guys really believed and took to heart every word that was written in it?
i was recently rereading it and it was ridiculous how sophomoric and unrealistic some of the answers to the questions were (e.g.
when you have the urge to engage in the "sin" of masterbation you should pray to god untill the urge goes away.
How many of you guys really believed and took to heart every word that was written in it? I was recently rereading it and it was ridiculous how sophomoric and unrealistic some of the answers to the questions were (e.g. when you have the urge to engage in the "sin" of masterbation you should pray to God untill the urge goes away. I wonder how many actually did that )
While some of the information was indeed right on the money, they seem to assume that children have the minds of the already indoctrinated adults (and the elders, and adults in general, are always presented in the best of light, as if going to them with your problems will always bring good results), and that "throwing your burden on Jehovah" (not to mention "theocratic activities") can always help you, and that failure to live up to lofty spiritual standards is neccessarily a reflection of your lack of spirituality and not simply a result of just being a kid. I think the above attitude probably is the main reason many witness youths leave. Anyone else noticed how impractical some of the books suggestions are?
Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!
Name that TV program
by WildHorses ini was at work tonight and we were joking around and talking about old shows we used to watch while growing up.
i thought it would be fun if we wrote a line from a show and see if we could guess what show it came from.
my name is lenny, and if i ain't got it, there isn't any.
How about:
Jiminy Gilickers Radio Active Man -
Eternity Rightly Scares Me
by D wiltshire ineternity scares me.. since time can conceivable go back eternally and goes on in the future eternally we can never know completely what happened in the past.. we can not even comprehend what the eternal future will be like.. and so i hope that the master of eternity is good in the absolute sense.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
Did any of you, while still JW's, think that living forever on earth would eventually be boring? Obviously, most people would like to live past the normal human lifespan, but for eternity? How many houses can you build, how many lions can you pet, how many fig trees can you eat from before you pull all your hair out? Maybe the reason people decided to join Satan after the thousand year reign and be destroyed is because life got so damn boring.
Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!
What are apostates?
by mindfield infirst off, let me tell you that i don't view you guys, or myself, as apostates.
that word somehow carries along with it a negative sense of destruction and hate.
what i'm wondering is, what is an apostate then?
Offically, an apostate by the bible's standard is one who does not stick to the basic framework of christain teaching. Since the JW's fancy themselves as THE only true Christain religion, they take this teaching to mean that anyone who doesn't agree with their interpretation of the bible (by virtue of their self proclaimed franchise on all doctrines Christain) as being apostate. According to the bible, apostates are probably the worse kind of sinners, hence the reason the Watchtower so castigates the ones they brand as such.
You will often hear the Society say that "apostates tear down and don't build you up" or they only are out to destroy your faith. Any clear thinking person can see the falacy of such an argument. If your faith in something false is torn down, that does not mean the result is negative (in fact it's the direct opposite). Just because someone destroys your faith in Santa Claus, is that evil? The Society is essentially saying that living comfortably in a fantasy world is much better (in fact, more godly) than living uncomfortably in reality. I'm pretty sure most (sane) people would agree the above situation is akin to lunacy.
A second point is that alot of times, ones faith in God is actually strenghtened by leaving the society. In a case like this, they're claims are even more clearly erroneous.
Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!