""The heavens shrieked, the earth boomed; Daylight failed, darkness came. Lighting flashed, a flame shot up. The clouds swelled, it rained death. Then the glow vanished; the fire went out, and all that had fallen turned to ashes."
Jesus H., man. Have you ever heard of a volcano? That's basically what this passage is describing. Actually, there are scholars who think the ancient description of the Greek gods fighting the Titans also refers to a volcanic eruption - but I forgot, in your looney version of the universe all human history and mythology is the exclusive domain of the paranormal, as opposed to the mundane truths that actually lie behind events that happen in the real world. So something as esoteric as a volcanic eruption is probably just silly to you.
"(Doesn't it seem strange that we have 60 minutes in an hour, and not a hundred? Or that our day is 24 hours, not 20?) "
Not really, when you consider that very ancient cultures likely used a duodecimal system in which sets of data were compared with the number of joints on the human hand, using the thumb as an indicator. Why would a hundred minutes or twenty hours be any more "natural"? Our ancestors made this shit up by counting based on their own hands and feet. It's not that tricky.
"Could ancient myths speak of extra-terrestrials? From what I read, I see that there is such a possibility."
Occam's Razor, man. You are trying WAY too hard.