JoinedTopics Started by knothead34
JWD - Balls of the Year - 2006
by Dr Jekyll inok so its a bit early in the year but hopefully this thread can be kept alive with nominations through the year.
1st nomination goes to the guy who videoed the elders at the door telling him that he had been disfellowshipped.
sticking a video camera in their faces and asking awkward questions took balls and he certainly made them look like idiots.
Bible Studies that left the JWs before baptism
by greendawn inmany persons studying with the jws go ahead and get baptised, but many others do not, do you know such ppl and the reasons they gave for stopping contact with the jws?
they did of course the right thing and spared themselves a lot of potential trouble and exploitation in the future.
a person i knew gave up all contact with the dubs after a year of studying with them, because she found them to be too pharisaic they put a lot of demands on the members but don't do anything to help them, like modern day pharisees.
I have posted his ?'s, he would like your opinion on them
by Chimene ininsearchfortruth is unable to access the web today.
his wife is forcing him to meet with a brother to talk to him about the truf .
he needs some questions to ask to prove to his wife that this religion is wrong.
by anewme ini dont know about you but i have to really work myself up to exercising.
it is not something i enjoy i guess cause i always let it go and wind up where i am.
i've gotten myself in shape three times before.
by dvw inhas anyone heard about the documentary on pbs?
its called "knocking".
its about the wts.
Sicker than a dog last night - info needed
by Lady Lee inwhen i get sick it is rarely very bad.
i have a pretty strong stomach and can only recall twice when i was so sick to have my head hanging over the toilet.
once when i got food poisoning and when my appendix almost burst.
Does your JW baptism still mean anything to you?
by JH in.
all i know is that jesus said to get baptized.
he didn't say in what religion though.. although i don't go to meetings anymore and don't plan on going anymore, i'm still glad that i was baptized.