"Where do you come up with this stuff?"
What stuff? Pop you eyes back in your head!
Your first post gave me the impression that you were suggesting that everything must be logically laid out and learn learn learn facts. I thinks a bit of fantasy in childrens lives isn't a negative as you appear to make out.
It seems I misunderstood you.
JoinedPosts by Spectrum
Fairy tales - unsuspected effects on children?
by Spectrum ina couple of years ago there was an article on tv discussing the possible negative effects that that fairy tales can have on children especially girls.
i don't remember it very well but basically they were saying that fairy tales, especially the ones that involve beautiful girls or princesses, put unnecessary pressure on little girls from a very young age to have to look pretty if they are going to get their prince charming or do well in general in real life.
it makes sense because it seems to fall under the category of conditioning and it's easy to condition children.
Honour Killings - Who are we to talk?
by Spectrum inin the west according to police it is a fact that you are more likely to be killed by a person known to you than a complete stranger and i imagine good number will be carried out by a family member.
how much different is this from what the west has labeled honour killings?
as far as i'm concerned they are the same abomination, we just use clever language to impress upon people how in the west we are so much more civilised.
"I see where you are trying to take this, at least I think I do. You are saying that 'it's all wrong'. I agree. But this is comparing apples to oranges."
"You also do not acknowledge that I stated that I believe any kind of murder to be wrong whether it is done in the name of religion, passion, or cold blooded and pre-meditated."
I did what you said but think I might have taken issue with you because you mentioned apples and oranges. The point of this thread is to show that there are no apples and oranges they are all rotten apples whether a father kills a daughter in the east of a son hacks his parents to death in the west. -
Honour Killings - Who are we to talk?
by Spectrum inin the west according to police it is a fact that you are more likely to be killed by a person known to you than a complete stranger and i imagine good number will be carried out by a family member.
how much different is this from what the west has labeled honour killings?
as far as i'm concerned they are the same abomination, we just use clever language to impress upon people how in the west we are so much more civilised.
"The difference is that the so called Honour killing is not only accepted but it is supported by the religions involved and by the culture of the people involved."
I think that this is not so that islam, for example, supports this crime. There are a few ignorant backward people whose culture might support this.
"That is what makes it even more heinous than a mass murder or the murder of a person in the (west ??) as you describe it."
Are you serious?! It this kind of mentality that prompted me to start this thread. You are definite proof that the West thinks its killers are worse than those of the east. Even our killers are more civilised than their killers in essence that is what you are saying. -
Doctrine on Homosexuality
by DaveNwisconsin ini was reading on the web about gays and jw's.
first of all i am gay.
i am not saying i am sorry as i don't feel there is anything bad about it.
Not sure how that is so. -
Doctrine on Homosexuality
by DaveNwisconsin ini was reading on the web about gays and jw's.
first of all i am gay.
i am not saying i am sorry as i don't feel there is anything bad about it.
"Have you ever asked why it is that straight boys never ask "Hmm, funny I love womens bodies - I wonder if I am Heterosexual"?"
No it's probably more like 'I like womens bodies, I know I'm a heterosexual.'
"Who is actually being deceived and hurt by all this stone age nomadic nonsense?"
I really don't know what your point is. I think it is irrelevant to the points I'm trying to make. I'm not trying to hurt anyone.
Please explain yourself. -
Doctrine on Homosexuality
by DaveNwisconsin ini was reading on the web about gays and jw's.
first of all i am gay.
i am not saying i am sorry as i don't feel there is anything bad about it.
"One question: how does one find an attraction to any sex, let alone the same sex, at the tender age of 5 or 6 years? Surely you don't mean sexual attraction. "
I can't remember if it was sexual attraction at that age but definitely remember being attracted to this girl I met. I still remember the house, the room, her parents quite vividly and the feeling that I was attracted to this girl, she was also my age. I remember I got the same feeling about another girl at the age of 7, the feeling this time was even stronger. I felt frustration that she wasn't my girlfriend.
"So what you're saying is: on one hand, one is a gay from birth (genetic cause);if same-sex attraction occurred at tender age (5/6 yrs) "
I can't say it's genetic but it is a fact.
"and on the other hand a gay created by environment is someone who only discovered that homosexual attraction at adolescence onwards. Is that right?"
No, not quite, if you follow my logic you'll see that they don't discover they are gay they either make themselves gay or they are forced to become gay in the manner I prescribed in my first post. Please remember it wasn't an exhaustive list.
"And if the attraction is not sexual, can we actually refer to this kind of emotional(?) attraction as a guide for sexual orientation??"
I don't know I'm not a psychologist but from listening to people, friends telling me their experiences I've come to these conclusions.
Some people are born attracted to the same sex - Homosexuality is set to default. Others are forced/force their state to homosexuality. -
Honour Killings - Who are we to talk?
by Spectrum inin the west according to police it is a fact that you are more likely to be killed by a person known to you than a complete stranger and i imagine good number will be carried out by a family member.
how much different is this from what the west has labeled honour killings?
as far as i'm concerned they are the same abomination, we just use clever language to impress upon people how in the west we are so much more civilised.
"Are you talking about crimes of passion, a momentary lapse in judgement leading to tragedy?"
No I wasn't. But it's interesting that you made that assumption. It kind of proves my point as to how the West thinks our killers are not as bad as their killers.
I understand that killing a daughter is reprehensible and cruel but so is a son or daughter that takes a shot gun to his/her father and mother's head.
"Honor killings involving slicing the throat of your daughters in front of their mother"
Not all killing are like this. Sometimes the brothers just find their sister and shoot her. It's still an honour killing just like an American boy shoots his parents for virtually no reason at all but it is not called an honour killing it's called homocide.
When was the last time you heard a western police chief say we are investigating an honour killing refering to the white boy that killed his white parents?
Our language tells as how we should feel instead of the hard facts. -
Honour Killings - Who are we to talk?
by Spectrum inin the west according to police it is a fact that you are more likely to be killed by a person known to you than a complete stranger and i imagine good number will be carried out by a family member.
how much different is this from what the west has labeled honour killings?
as far as i'm concerned they are the same abomination, we just use clever language to impress upon people how in the west we are so much more civilised.
In the West according to police it is a fact that you are more likely to be killed by a person known to you than a complete stranger and I imagine good number will be carried out by a family member.
How much different is this from what the West has labeled honour killings? As far as I'm concerned they are the same abomination, we just use clever language to impress upon people how in the West we are so much more civilised. We would never carry out an honour killing it's just good old fashioned murder here in the West, we can even clean up its meaning up a bit with a momentary insanity plea - no, not the same thing at all compared to honour killing.
Any wants to take issue with my assertion. -
Doctrine on Homosexuality
by DaveNwisconsin ini was reading on the web about gays and jw's.
first of all i am gay.
i am not saying i am sorry as i don't feel there is anything bad about it.
Some people know that they only liked the same gender from when they were a young child. I had a friend like this. I think that only these people are innately gay. I can understand what they are talking about because I remember as a male being attracted to girls from when I was five/six.
I think the confusion starts from teenage hormone overload especially for boys. There is so much hormone in them creating excessive desire that they just want to release it on anything that moves. For boys this would naturally be on a girl but if a boy has had some kind of 'conditioning' like beaten up by father or not loved enough by mother, watching gay porn, perhaps any of these or such like can sway a person at that hormonal age to change direction. I don't think that these people are naturally gay and could respond to ungaying tactics. -
Fairy tales - unsuspected effects on children?
by Spectrum ina couple of years ago there was an article on tv discussing the possible negative effects that that fairy tales can have on children especially girls.
i don't remember it very well but basically they were saying that fairy tales, especially the ones that involve beautiful girls or princesses, put unnecessary pressure on little girls from a very young age to have to look pretty if they are going to get their prince charming or do well in general in real life.
it makes sense because it seems to fall under the category of conditioning and it's easy to condition children.
It seems that you want to train young children like you would an apprentise in a capenters shop. That's no fun.
Are you suggesting a regimented methodical upbring? If you can't get a child to smile and laugh you've failed as a parent. Michael Jackson comes to mind. His dad was all about logic and now he can't get away fom fantasy.
I think we need to strick a balance.