Why Satanus?
We are not trying to figure out where God came from, just as evolutionist don't give much of a toss as to what sparked off the Universe other than curiosity, evolution is explained separate from that.
JoinedPosts by Spectrum
Gaps in Fossil Record Disprove Evolution? What about Gaps in Creationism?
by Reluctant Buddha inmissing links disprove a theory???.
what about this one, creationists!!!.
real t-rex .
Gaps in Fossil Record Disprove Evolution? What about Gaps in Creationism?
by Reluctant Buddha inmissing links disprove a theory???.
what about this one, creationists!!!.
real t-rex .
"Ya know how blind it is? Take RNA that infects bacteria. Stick a small amount in a test tube filled with suitable raw ingredients for RNA duplication. When the population expands to fill the tube, take a sample and place it in a new tube. Repeat. After 74 test tubes a 'wild' RNA very good at infecting bacteria, 3,600 units long will evolve into 'tame' RNA 550 units long that is very good at 'infecting' test tubes.
Each time you repeat the experiement you will get almost the same result (in terms of what the 'tame' RNA is like).
That is how non-random the process is."
I really don't get your logic here or what it proves. Please explain.
"Please find me ONE peer-reviewed article on abiogenesis in the past twenty years (if ever) that suggests life evolved in ordinary sea water?"
I don't now how many times evos say life started in the oceans. -
Gaps in Fossil Record Disprove Evolution? What about Gaps in Creationism?
by Reluctant Buddha inmissing links disprove a theory???.
what about this one, creationists!!!.
real t-rex .
"yes, parsimony. the law of the economy of explanation. when something cannot be established 100%, parsimony is used in science (and CSI btw) to establish the highest likihood of reality based on the available data. and guess what? yup, evolution has never lost once. if it has, and i have missed it spectrum, then by all means, please show me a naturally occuring phenomenon, biological or otherwise, that can be more economically explained with "god" or "intelligent designer", than it can with nature."
I've read the definition of parsimony and if it's as I've understood it then blind evolution fails it every freaking time. It's about taking the simplest path to a conclusion?
Here are the choices:
1. start with simple molecules that polymerise then self replicate, somehow stay stable, try getting that past a polymer chemist ( and were are not dealing with polythene), then self replicate then stay stable then create different self replicating molecules. Unfortunately there requires a mechanism to self-replicate in the first place but this mechanism also needs the self replicating polymer to be there first to create the mechanism. Tetra I'm already getting dizzy.
Choice 2
An intelligent designer programmed it all to happen stood back and watched it flower into a multitude of species.
Me thinks choice 1 fails your parsimony test. -
"and then one pf the elders from the congregation died and his funeral was las night, after going there I realized that this was th truth"
How did you manage to realise it is the truth from a funeral?
"and I shouldn't doubt it."
That's a mistake. You should always research.
You say that the Kingdom Hall has brought absolute inner peace but your experiences belie that. Are you sure you have inner peace?
There is not much we can suggest you have already made your mind up. -
Can a girl have short hair and be feminine? ( a tad bit fluffy)
by Sparkplug inwell, we all know it is possible, but when i have short hair, i never quite feel feminine.
upon attempting to grow my hair out, i really hit a bad patch of nasty hair..so the other day, i examined my lifestyle, and obligations and really thought on it.
.........so i wacked it all off.
That style really suits your face but your beautiful brown eyes are your best.
I do tend to prefer longer hair but it's never a make or break attribute for me. But to answer the title of the thread- short hair does look feminine and cute. -
How much written in this Forum can be believed?
by Spectrum ini want to turn this forum on its head for this thread.
i'm here on this forum to find as many truths as is possible relating to jwism.
i'm not really here to stick the boot in although once in a while my emotions might get the better of me.
Lady Lee
Not quite sure what this jellyfish story is all about.
The effort and research that is done by some members here is top class. -
How much written in this Forum can be believed?
by Spectrum ini want to turn this forum on its head for this thread.
i'm here on this forum to find as many truths as is possible relating to jwism.
i'm not really here to stick the boot in although once in a while my emotions might get the better of me.
Thanks legolas
How much written in this Forum can be believed?
by Spectrum ini want to turn this forum on its head for this thread.
i'm here on this forum to find as many truths as is possible relating to jwism.
i'm not really here to stick the boot in although once in a while my emotions might get the better of me.
"I'm here on this forum to find as many truths as is possible relating to JWism.
You must realise that some of those 'truths' will show that the JW's aren't (the truth). The way you phrase this makes me wonder if you really want to accept it's just another religion. Maybe I misread you."
Not quite sure what you are getting at but I do accept that it's just another religion but with the power to entrance people that fall into it's web.
I think you are asking me the question as to why would I expect the behaviour of the people of this religion(JW) to be any different to other religions, groups or whatever. It's not quite what I was getting at. It was about doctrine but of lately about JW member conduct. I just never experienced, saw or heard the sort of stuff members have been posting here so I wanted to know if it's all kosher.
But I get your point about good and bad people they are basically everywhere.
" Most of the time the internal consistancy and lack of tangible gain in deceit, plus the person's character (as much as can be determined in an online environment) makes me end up deciding it's a true story."
This is a good point and funnily enough it's the negative vibes of authenticity that got me thinking and thinking until I had enough and decided to write this thread. -
How much written in this Forum can be believed?
by Spectrum ini want to turn this forum on its head for this thread.
i'm here on this forum to find as many truths as is possible relating to jwism.
i'm not really here to stick the boot in although once in a while my emotions might get the better of me.
Thanks to all the contributors so far I've read all of them with interest and here are my thoughts and conclusions on your responses...
To tell you truth I was a bit worried about insulting people who really have had horrendus experiences with this Org.
I was actually surprised that most responses in this thread showed that somethings written here must be taken with a pinch of salt. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised but I'm not really used to forums.
What got me thinking about this was two things 1) that out there are non ex-JW people, groups that hate JWs with a passion that you can't imagine. 2) Like I'd stated I had not myself experienced or heard for that matter some of the experiences that I've read here. I naturally therefore wandered whether there were posts put up purposely just to mislead and defame the name of JWs beyond what it deserved. And I'm not talking about experiences that might be exaggerated or coloured by one perspective. I talking about experiences that didn't even take place.
But even so I think your posts in this thread have answered the question the thread posed. Even if there are some fake posts it has come to me to be a moot point.
Someone said in this thread look at the bigger picture. That's a good place to start and indeed when I came to this forum my only interest was doctrinal scrutiny as this a claimed from God whilst member conduct is human and fallible. The member conduct only became an issue to me when awful experiences of people kept cropping up in posts.
I really had to get this off my chest because it had been bugging me for a while now on an emotional level but also on a pratical level - I don't like wasting my time reading BS.
Importantly then..
Your contribution in this thread has validated this forum for me as an overall seeking of the truth on the matters that concern us all here.
Respect. -
How much written in this Forum can be believed?
by Spectrum ini want to turn this forum on its head for this thread.
i'm here on this forum to find as many truths as is possible relating to jwism.
i'm not really here to stick the boot in although once in a while my emotions might get the better of me.
I want to turn this forum on its head for this thread.
I'm here on this forum to find as many truths as is possible relating to JWism. I'm not really here to stick the boot in although once in a while my emotions might get the better of me.
What I'm asking is what are the chances that some of the posts on this site regarding JWs are just slander?
I ask this because some of the posts I read indicate really awful behaviour that I never came across in my 9 years of association with them.