" It wasn't until I was about 23 that I started to realize he could be wildly wrong about some things."
You must have had a lot of faith in your parents. Perhaps you never got unjust beatings.
JoinedPosts by Spectrum
When did it dawn that parents are fallible?
by Spectrum inhow old were you when you realized that your parents were fallible and, that lastest slap you got was unjust?
for me i realised at about 9 years old, neither of my parents understood fairness.
in my family there were the haves and the have nots.
Iran: Your Next !!!
by prophecor inare you watching world events unfold before your eyes?
iraq is receiving a liberation from ancient backward politics and a ruthless criminaly minded dictatorship.
boy geoge has stuck his foot in the middle east, to the amazement of virtually the entire planet.
" Most are just as bad as the republicans...so long as they get there pay raises a gifts from special interest groups they'll stand by and be inneffective."
Bloody hell, I can see WWIII straight ahead.
I thought Democrates were world friendly. I think the EU needs to get Russia on side somehow and together contervail the US bully tactics otherwise we will all become serfdoms of the US. I don't think the US wants to take on the world if it finds stiff opposition but if it doesn't it's just going to have it's wicked way with us.
Hunter Thompson,
My sentiments exactly. -
1975 - serves you right. No extra brownie points sycophants
by Spectrum inthis issue came up with my jw nephew(17).
i jumped at the chance at using it to prove that the org is a fraud but then the focus changed slightly.
i said, "do you know how many people's lives were disrupted by this event.
I know I'm going to sound like a b*stard for saying this but based on biblical standards my nephew was right.
Put these people in front o Jesus or hard case Jehovah and what would they have said to these lastminute.kingdom pioneers. -
How Can A Parent Watch Another Parent Torture A Child To Death?
by minimus inin nyc, there's a case of a little girl who was regularly beaten and "disciplined" y her stepfather with the mother's knowlege, explaining that here 8 (?
) year old daughter was at times "insolent and sneaky".
eventually, the man tortured her to death.
"In some cases of abuse, only one child is singled out for abuse."
Yes, I was going out with a girl whose father abused her older sister and mother but spared her. She was his little girl. She witnessed this terrible abuse, the suffering of her sister and mother at the same time though my girlfriend received love and kindness from him.
I can't tell you how screwed up this girl was. I had to give up on her in the end because I ended up being at the receiving end of her psychosis. She just could not understand kindness or if she could it didn't affect her. She misconstrued most things I said and would verbally attack me and if I didn't like what I heard I could just get out of her place only to be called a couple of days later like nothing had happened to go out and be together. Poor girl. -
1975 - serves you right. No extra brownie points sycophants
by Spectrum inthis issue came up with my jw nephew(17).
i jumped at the chance at using it to prove that the org is a fraud but then the focus changed slightly.
i said, "do you know how many people's lives were disrupted by this event.
This issue came up with my JW nephew(17). I jumped at the chance at using it to prove that the Org is a fraud but then the focus changed slightly.
I said, "Do you know how many people's lives were disrupted by this event. People giving up jobs, selling houses to pioneer for the last few months before the end."
He said "They deserve it. They thought that they were going to get extra brownie points from God for giving up their comforts for a short period. It should have been in their hearts from the beginning to save people and not try to make a big show of it to God right at then end."
I didn't know what to say to that.
That's only a 17 year olds view not sure what an elder's view would be.
Please, if we can stick to this point and not whether the Org said it's coming in 1975 or not unless you really have to to make your point. -
When did it dawn that parents are fallible?
by Spectrum inhow old were you when you realized that your parents were fallible and, that lastest slap you got was unjust?
for me i realised at about 9 years old, neither of my parents understood fairness.
in my family there were the haves and the have nots.
How old were you when you realized that your parents were fallible and, that lastest slap you got was unjust?
For me I realised at about 9 years old, neither of my parents understood fairness. In my family there were the haves and the have nots. I remember once my mother promised me a pound (mid 70s - you could buy about 10/12 bars of chocolate with it!!) if I allowed the dentist to extract my molars. I was terrified of dentists as they had tortured me with fillings when I was 5. I thought maybe I can suffer for a pound. I braved it and when it was all over I asked my mother with a happy smile for the pound. She basically told me where to go. I was really disgusted with my mother, and at such a tender age. I never trusted her after that. Her word didn't mean sh*t to me.
I don't have children of my own but with my sister's kids I mean what I say and say what I mean.
Any similar experiences? -
awake helps to educate people...
by DannyBloem inregardless of my last topic on non-information (non spititual information) i have to see this:.
in my experience this is actually true, the awake helps people to get some general knowledge.
especially jw''s in developing countries seem to have a bit more of general information because of reading the awake then others do.. can you agree on this one?.
I remember people back in the day coming to with general knowledge from the awake. It was extremely feeble with no depth and nothing more than was in that mag. They had no knowledge around the issues.
awake helps to educate people...
by DannyBloem inregardless of my last topic on non-information (non spititual information) i have to see this:.
in my experience this is actually true, the awake helps people to get some general knowledge.
especially jw''s in developing countries seem to have a bit more of general information because of reading the awake then others do.. can you agree on this one?.
Awake is crap compared to New Scientist, Scientific American, National Geographic.
Never read Nexus but told it is good. Does anyone know? -
What is something that you consider attractive, and unattractive?
by free2beme inin human sexuality, we all have things that turn us on and things that turn us off, things that attract us and things that don't.
often people think it is all about what you see in advertising, but often it is smaller things we think less of and yet it dominates our sex drive.
for example, in a case study we did, we found that a lot of people would immediately answer things like "eyes" or "legs" and yet as we drove deeper into their answers, we found that eyes and legs were not what attracted people.
" I think that you need to be more confident in your quest."
It's not for the lack of trying of approaching a good looking woman. There just not interested. Their thoughts probably are "well with these fine looks of mine I can get a lot better, move along serf"
" Do you like women that wear make-up and dress up? Or not? Is that a turn off to you?"
Yes I do, but it's a complete turn off when it is the be all and end all for them. One girl I know bought her boyfriend a present and then dragged him around expensive shops to by her an expensive garment. It made me cringe. I run a mile from women like that.
Dress sense - I don't like it when women display their breasts and then ask why we gawk at them and then get accused of only ever thinking about one thing. 9 inch skirts are a deliberate ploy to titillate us guys - don't like them.
"What are you looking for in a woman?"
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/105708/1832998/post.ashx#1832998 -
Thinking of leaving? Do you have a good Reputation?
by M*A*S*H ini've had an idea, a cruel and malicious idea.
want to hear it?
well, what i'm hoping is we can find someone who's thinking of leaving the jw's, has a relatively good standing in the congo and is a good actor.
You mean they count to get an official figure as an indication of the imminence of the end?
I can't believe they count!!