Thanx for the warning Scully,
What types of newsletters are you referring to?
by paul blizard.
click for more at it's not only going on but been expanded.
paul blizard writes .
Thanx for the warning Scully,
What types of newsletters are you referring to?
by paul blizard.
click for more at it's not only going on but been expanded.
paul blizard writes .
Minimus is right
by paul blizard.
click for more at it's not only going on but been expanded.
paul blizard writes .
I am sorry but this sounds like a load of bo****ks to me
James Bond eat your heart out.
can any one report if any other branch offices have held seminars with the secualr authorities like london has.. if you were not aware, london bethel held a second seminar last month (2 in 9 months although i can't seem to find the link to my post on the first seminar) with the nspcc, police chiefs, crown court judges and social workers all as a result of the panorama programme, basically asking the question .
what can the society do to protect children within the organization.. the society are putting into place all of the suggestions and advice they were given.. the new set of guidelines well be on the new circuit overseers outlines to bodies of elders for the sept 2003 to feb 2004 outlines.. my question is.
is there any other branches that are meeting with secular authorities and making changes to their policies.?
All I know is that the new CO outlines will have the info.
All though the cynical side to me says that, the letter will be similar to the rules on divorce contact the
Service desk , it will be interesting to see what new advice the society will now offer.
but the rumblings from London is that they will comply fully with the quorum reached at this seminar.
can any one report if any other branch offices have held seminars with the secualr authorities like london has.. if you were not aware, london bethel held a second seminar last month (2 in 9 months although i can't seem to find the link to my post on the first seminar) with the nspcc, police chiefs, crown court judges and social workers all as a result of the panorama programme, basically asking the question .
what can the society do to protect children within the organization.. the society are putting into place all of the suggestions and advice they were given.. the new set of guidelines well be on the new circuit overseers outlines to bodies of elders for the sept 2003 to feb 2004 outlines.. my question is.
is there any other branches that are meeting with secular authorities and making changes to their policies.?
Can any one report if any other branch offices have held seminars with the secualr authorities like london has.
If you were not aware, London bethel held a second seminar last month (2 in 9 months although I can't seem to find the link to my post on the first seminar) with the NSPCC, Police chiefs, Crown Court Judges and social workers all as a result of the Panorama Programme, basically asking the question
What can the society do to protect children within the organization.
The society are putting into place all of the suggestions and advice they were given.
The new set of guidelines well be on the new Circuit Overseers Outlines to bodies of elders for the Sept 2003 to Feb 2004 outlines.
My question is. Is there any other branches that are meeting with secular authorities and making changes to their policies.?
It may still be 2 little 2 late.
my sister just got a visit from the elders.
this was the first visit in 10 years.
an inactive friend told me they are supposed to visit every year.
The reason that some get visits and others don't, can be to do withe instruction that elders received in
1991 letter to all bodies of elders
Who should be visited?
Review each disfellowshipped person known to live in the territory, if one is an active apostate, is trying to lead others into sin, is living in a sexually immoral living arrangement, or has made it known that he wants nothing to do with God's people a visit will not be made.
according to the pay attention book no observers are allowed.
how ever please note what a paragraph from the following letter says.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
to all circuit and district overseers may 6 2002 page 3 para 2.. assisting elders with judicial matters.. while it is best for a travelling overseer not to serve on judicial committees, he can assist by being an advisor when needed.
Of course you are right Francois.
My point in posting this was to make people aware of the double standards in the JC process.
The Pay attention book is very clear that there can be no observers under any circumstances, however
this doesn't apply to CO's. as this letter clearly states. I would be interested if any one has had a CO sit in as an observer on their JC.
if any one has any info about the news coming out of north wales last weekend contact me.. i can't post on this yet as i don't want simon to get in to trouble.. cas
If any one has any info about the news coming out of North Wales last weekend contact me.
I can't post on this yet as I don't want Simon to get in to trouble.
according to the pay attention book no observers are allowed.
how ever please note what a paragraph from the following letter says.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
to all circuit and district overseers may 6 2002 page 3 para 2.. assisting elders with judicial matters.. while it is best for a travelling overseer not to serve on judicial committees, he can assist by being an advisor when needed.
According to the Pay Attention Book No Observers are allowed.
How ever please note what a paragraph from the following letter says.
To all Circuit and District Overseers May 6 2002 Page 3 Para 2.
Assisting Elders with Judicial Matters.While it is best for a travelling overseer not to serve on Judicial Committees, he can assist by being an advisor when needed. In that event, during the hearing of a case where a travelling overseer sits in as an observer, he can note how the judicial committee conducts the proceedings, having in mind what is stated on pages 110-6 of the Pay attention (ks91) book. Thereafter, when the judicial committee meets for consultation among themselves, a travelling overseer may be asked for assistance on some particular point or points. It is important for him to listen carefully and to make sure that he has some reference in print to support any advice or counsel that he may offer. Furthermore, he should not be influenced by personal feelings or opinions on the outcome of the case. For matters pertaining to scriptual freedom to remarry or nonneutral employment, it is best for these questions to be sent to the branch office in writing, unless the matter is clear-cut. If a congregation does not have enough qualified elders to serve on a committee, the circuit overseer can recommend elders from a nearby congregation.
after the bizarre letter i posted on pornea here is another piece of the wt mind control, information service for circuit overseers.
After the bizarre letter I posted on pornea here is another piece of the WT mind control, information service for Circuit Overseers.
You may remember some time ago it was reported about the society classing masturbation whilst on the telephone or computer as loose conduct a judicial offence.
Here in a letter to all Circuit Overseers dated May 6 2002 they are “pleased” to clarify the point.
To all Circuit and District Overseers Page 2 para 2.
Circuit Overseers Meeting Outline for September 2000 through February 2001.
(S-337 5/00) The outline states: “if while on the internet or telephone one pratices masturbation while relating to someone else his sexual experiences or while describing fantasies about a person of the opposite sex or of the same sex, this would constitute “loose conduct” and thus be handled by a judicial committee”
Some have asked whether the expression “practices masturbation” when used in this outline refers to just one act or several acts of masturbation. The term “practice” in the context of this outline can be applied to a one-time occurrence due to the shocking and public nature of the sin.
p.s I am just cleaning up my keyboard.