Cheeky Bug**r Hamas, only Leeds Fans are allowed to slate LUFC. LOL
Yeah everyone knows Brazil have the worst defence in the world,
It seems Peter Reid has escaped the noose anyway...not sure if that is good or bad
this story is setting the sports world a-buzz at the moment.
however, there seems to be a news black-out as to who the perpetrators may be.
there is an email doing the rounds at the moment with more info, has anyone seen it?
Cheeky Bug**r Hamas, only Leeds Fans are allowed to slate LUFC. LOL
Yeah everyone knows Brazil have the worst defence in the world,
It seems Peter Reid has escaped the noose anyway...not sure if that is good or bad
this story is setting the sports world a-buzz at the moment.
however, there seems to be a news black-out as to who the perpetrators may be.
there is an email doing the rounds at the moment with more info, has anyone seen it?
Yeah Hamas some real "dire" cocky bums
I feel sorry for Bobby who may have tried to resign on Monday.
And Poor Alan Shearer who may have got really angry with a fellow player who has caused a lot of trouble in the past has had lots of warning already and pranged his car last year.
I think it sad that a North Eastern team so well loved by their fans might have so much ill feeling coming there way.
Football has been dragged through the Mud again.
Cas, a Leeds Fan who remembers too well the Bowyer Woodgate Fiasco and the damage it caused the club
two high ranking watchtower officials admit to quite a lot in these official committee hansard documents.
if you are one of jehovah's witnesses, perhaps you would like to read how two senators take the watchtower officials apart piece by piece.
especially on the blood issue, several times the watchtower officials walk right into a wall.. the watchtower officials admit that the tax imposed by france could cripple the entire organization.
Interesting read
thought provoking questions by the Senators.
if any of you wish to kindly make donations to vicki boer, we are formulating a vehicle to attend to this as we speak.. we have been in touch with vicki, who is understandably deeply distressed at the turn of events that have forced her to relive much of the trauma which she hoped that this court case would put to rest, and are wresting a plan which would allow her to receive personal donations aimed at her well-being rather than enriching either the wts or her advisers.. an address will be forthcoming shortly, together with a paypal email address which will allow you to send your donations or well-wishes to vicki, scott and the girls.
it will not be a canadian address or bank account.
there are a number of important points that any donators would need to assess before donating any cash:.
Thank you HS.
You seem to have covered most things, Well done.
ok folks, many of you on here have the usual: dogs and cats.. i know country girl, she's got an entire a to z array of critters, with henley the rooster being my favourite, even though the stew pot is lookin' good for him, but...well...compassion rules in his favour, and a broom.. cockatiels.. who has one, or two or birds as pets?.
i'm curious.. now that i've got my webcam working, i'm going to take a picture of my beloved nim, the footless rescued cockatiel.
she's 2 years old, and she's quite a character.. i also have a budgie (budgeriar/parakeet) named baby.
Mr Moe
I used to have a duck and chickens a few years ago.
They have ducks in the thought that was just Joey and Chandler.
Cas (who has his own Hen.)
hey guys, hamas has admitted to me he could not keep away from this board -- this is actually a serious question -- i have found i have become addicted and just can not stay away or stop posting -- every morning and evening -- sometimes at lunchtime -- and certainly most weekends i come on this board -- am i normal?
is it just me and hamas or are there others out there addicted to simon's damn board?
Don't fancy cold Turkey.
So I just keep coming
Big up to Simon
today i helped bury a friend, and in a few minutes i'll be leaving to attend the wake of another, who died yesterday.. i have less than a handful of friends from pre-exjw days (nothing new there - we're all in a similar boat, i'm sure), so my more recently acquired friends are precious to me.. for those that i count as friends (which obviously includes a number on this board), please let it be known that you are precious to me.. i've helped bury about six, during this last year (i hope that doesn't put anyone off from befriending me).
every one has been like a hammerblow .
regardless of beliefs, or lack thereof, death is still an enemy to the living and the dead (imho).. with that sombre note, i must away....
I am really thinking of you .
I lost Jem and my Dad in the last couple of months, I really feel the rawness that comes from Death.
Sincere Regards
English Cas.
i'm officially single.
i don't know how to feel exactly.
thank you to everyone who has been so sweet and kind and supportive of me, you have no idea how much it's meant to me.
Gee thanks LT.
I blame it on that b*st*rd Caspian, for keeping you on the Internet all hours of the day and night
Between his sense of humour, his Latin dictionary, and his stunningly good-looking avatars, your b/f didn't stand a chance against him.
Oh, and did I add that he's British?
Shame he's English - but I'm sure you wont hold that against him
Cas get the the blame for everything.
(((((((((((((((((((((((Tink thinking of you)))))))))))))))))))))
what is the worst thing that can happen if a brother/sister moved in with a worldy person?
both are of the same gender.
can there be reproof, elders meetings, loss of privledges?
The Elders Manual says the following
Strong circumstantial evidence, such as pregnancy or evi-
dence (testified to by at least two witnesses) that the
accused stayed all night in the same house with a person of
the opposite sex (or in the same house with a known
homosexual ) under improper circumstances, is acceptable.
Most of the time the Society will leave the interpretation to the elders on the ground so you may get.......lucky!
Some elders will read this as you are guilty
Others will look at the term improper circumstances and maybe not form a judicial, either way, it depends on how fussy the elders are.
Jeeeez I used to spend hours answering queries about things like this, what a waste of my life
how many rotten governing body members gave horrendous talks and got a standing ovation?
how many of them just walked on stage to an automatic round of applause?
...notice the words from the 1951 watchtower on page 392----"a mild yet subtle form of idolatry that must be guarded against is the practice some make of applauding excessively when their favorite speaker or some prominent individual among the lord's people addresses an assembly.the mere stepping og this individual upon the platform sometimes brings a round of applause.
I've seen more than a few times, an applause occur BEFORE the speaker went to the lectern!
Min that never happened to me, must just have your charismatic personality.
Cas of the rarely applaused speaker class.