The first time I attended it was a little bit weird. But then again I am a little bit weird myself so I guess I should have felt at home.
JoinedPosts by leftbelow
Have you ever been to FAMILY NIGHT at BETHEL?
by BonaFide infamily night is held once a year at bethel and all the branches.
when i was a missionary, every year both missionary homes in that country were invited to the branch office, and we had a dinner with the bethelites, and family night.
the bethelites did some singing and skits, and each missionary home was invited to submit something.
I can't take this pain life at dead end
by JustHuman14 inmy life has reached to a dead end...i'm stuck and there is no way out.
i was inactive for 6 years and i'm disfellowshiped for the past 3. i would never think that my life would have been in this terrible mess.. .
i wasn't planned to be disfellowshiped by my "wife" turned me in to the elders for apostasy 2 times!!!
Amen Flipper
Two Classes of Christians
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe watchtower society teaches that there are two different classes of christians -- one that will live forever on earth, and one that will live forever in heaven.. * where does the bible teach this, anywhere?.
the apostle paul wrote this:.
ephesians 4:4-6 (nwt): 4 one body there is, and one spirit, even as you were called in the one hope to which you were called; 5 one lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one god and father of all [persons], who is over all and through all and in all.. where does paul say that there are two hopes and two bodies of christians?.
Great post and I would add show me one scripture that can connect "the other sheep" with any earthly hope
YOU tell ME
by stillin inok, my good, good wife is out of town, i bought some decent brandy, a decent cigar, and put on some donna summer, slipped out onto the deck, lit up, and discovered what all the noise was about all of that.
i haven't smoked since i quit, learning the truth, 35 years ago.
It's telling that a person can be disfellowshiped for smoking one (cigar cigarette, or other LOL) which is not mentioned in the bible but can secretly get drunk for years (I know my dad was great at it as were many of my freinds at bethel) without much of any consequences or be a staight up glutton both of which are mentioned in the bible and remain in good standing.
The "They Are Imperfect" Excuse
by LouBelle indoesn't it just make you sick to your stomach?.
dozens of doctrine changes that effect the lives of the rank and file: the fds are only imperfect men and didn't understand the bible truths at the time.. pedophiles that are protected or not reported and allowed to stay in the congregation: these men are imperfect and this sin isn't unique to jws.
the organisation has it's problems just like any other...they are not perfect after all.. all their prophesies - failed: the fds are only imperfect men and have never claimed to be a prophet.. i am truly sick of this overused excuse.
How many times did bible writers have to go back to the people and tell them that the last word from Jehovah was misunderstood and now this is the new word of Jehovah. NEVER!!!!!! Imperfect yes but having to retract the word of Jehovah NEVER!!!
Then there is the always present example of the disciples of Jesus asking “if the kingdom was being restored at this time?” this is not a good example because they were asking a question of Jesus NOT teaching others something that if they could not in good conscience accept would result in their being banned from “God’s Organization”.
No one is expecting perfection from the men of the organization just a little bit of honesty and humility.
MEN - when did you finally understand/ forgive your Dad?
by hamsterbait inmost men will agree that in the teens they all fall out with and disagree with their father.. when did you start to understand where he was coming from?.
i remember a poem, where the writer describes how he always thought his dad was mean and intransigent.
he is lighting the boiler in the morning, and starts remembering how all through his childhood, the house was heated when he got up, and like his own father he cleans everybodys shoes before they get up on sunday.. i think it is only when you go through a similar crisis to the father, or finally have rebelling sons that true understanding kicks in.. i was vile to my father whilst he was dying of cancer.
I had more guilt then anger toward my dad. But we were getting really close until I let my guard down and said something negitive about the Org. Now he barely talks to me at all. But I still love him becuase in a different time and place it would have been me shunning him.
So everytime I get the chance I just tell him I love him!
I can't take this pain life at dead end
by JustHuman14 inmy life has reached to a dead end...i'm stuck and there is no way out.
i was inactive for 6 years and i'm disfellowshiped for the past 3. i would never think that my life would have been in this terrible mess.. .
i wasn't planned to be disfellowshiped by my "wife" turned me in to the elders for apostasy 2 times!!!
Man I am sorry has happened.
It took me 3 full years to help my wife see the light. And in a ironic turn it was her who saved me in my darkest hour. But time really does have a way of healing wounds.
Please hang in there many of us have been where you are and come through the other side a little bit brused and battered but alive and free.
Thought and Prayer to you.
...The End...
by OUTLAW inenough of all the shit in life.. and..wanted to just end it?.
check out and not come back?.
fall asleep and not wake up?.
This is exactly where I was at the end of last year. Thank God my wife was able to save me. I was bitter, angry and very self distructive. I really didn't want to go on but she saved me in spite of myself. It is tough coming through the crap that the Org and the rest of the world pile on us but man it does get better.
Jesus has had his privileges taken away because of that evil beard. If only he would be more submissive to the "slave class"
BIG - USA Today, JW women 6X more likely to die from Blood Loss during childbirth
by skeeter1 in
study: jehovah's witnesses more likely to die in childbirthstartclickprintexcludeposted
21h 48m ago | comments78 | recommend21 edsysobj id="ssi-b" fragmentid="13417811" rberthol e-mail | save | print |
The first thing I had my wife do when she opened her eyes is talk to her OBGYN about this. I am so glad she did this before we found out she was pregnant.