Posts by leftbelow

  • whathehadas

    The Realization of Whathehadas

    by whathehadas in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    as a jehovah's witness, i always thought via the bible that we had all of lifes answers.

    after my investigation which is not condone by the fds.

    i have come to the realization that we don't have all the answers.

    1. PSacramento
    2. Spike Tassel
    3. AllTimeJeff
  • leftbelow

    Very well put.

    But having all the answers is highly over rated. Something that was hard for me as well.

    If I haven't said it yet Welcome

  • flipper

    Have you Overcome " Fear " and " Guilt " Instilled in us by the Witnesses ?

    by flipper in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    steve hassan mentions that the 2 main tactics mind control cults use to control people is " fear " and " guilt " .. definition of fear in the readers digest oxford dictionary : " an unpleasant emotion caused by exposure to danger , expectation of pain, etc.

    a state of alarm.

    anxiety for the safety of, danger, feel anxiety or apprehension about.

    1. JimmyPage
    2. Witness 007
    3. flipper
  • leftbelow

    I can't say I have overcome it completely but I have went on the offensive lately by posting my story on here and going into a church (that was really a tough one for me I don't know what I thought would happen but it didn't) and next on the list is to give blood. Breaking down barriers one at a time.

  • FinchAndWeston

    New here

    by FinchAndWeston in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    hi, everyone, just wanted to say hi to y'all.

    i've been lurking for a long time... .

    i only wished i had visited sites like these before!

    1. jamiebowers
    2. Quandry
    3. cantleave
  • leftbelow

    Welcome and there are a lot of great people here who can help with many questions.

  • BonaFide

    Do you remember SPECIFIC CONVERSATIONS with householders from the field ministry?

    by BonaFide in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i have a few that i remember that were interesting.

    of course, those that i supposedly helped.. but i also remember one man at an apartment.

    i started to talk about the universe, and how the planets are aligned perfectly, and the earth is the perfect distance from the sun to support life.

    1. shamus100
    2. SnakesInTheTower
    3. XJW4EVR
  • leftbelow

    Yes I remember one old lady in Florida who told tall tails about Russel being into Egyptology and being a snake oil sales man and how the WTBTS had been taken over in a coup by Rutherford. (btw I am not making any of that up) little did I know that roughly 16 years later I would find out it was all true.

  • Quirky1

    Were going to the DC's your only vacation?

    by Quirky1 in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i know many that have to save all year just to attend the dc and they can't afford to go anywhere else.

    the children actually look forward to going to the dc because they get to go out on the town afterward.

    this is their only freakin' vacation!!

    1. beksbks
    2. WTWizard
    3. The Almighty Homer
  • leftbelow

    Yep and to tell the truth by the time I was 12 the DC was in my town and still that was it.

  • Atlantis

    1985 Kingdom Interlinear Translation--PDF!

    by Atlantis in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    1985 kingdom interlinear translation--pdf bookmarked searchable reduced front cover?

    click here: download: click the link at the bottom of the next page. cheers!

    1. possible-san
    2. middleman
    3. PSacramento
  • leftbelow

    Thank you this will go nicely with my hard copy of the pre 1985 version