Oompa you crack me up. The Feldman avatar is perfect for you. Like you say "good alone time" to pursue your eApostacy.
for saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
Oompa you crack me up. The Feldman avatar is perfect for you. Like you say "good alone time" to pursue your eApostacy.
those who aren't in the truth i feel much pity for you.
all of you are filled with much hatred and anger that all you can do is blast out of your stupid mouths horrible things about the one true religion.
i feel sorry for you that you will not have ever lasting life.
Nothing to add really, only to say - loved your post Locutus of Borg.
i posted this on the apostafest section but thought i would reach a bigger audience here.
i live and study in london.
i've been on the site for a little bit now and i think it's awesome....a bit addictive actually,but anyways i would love to meet real people as well.
Ballistic compiled the following member location map for the British Isles. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/28455/12.ashx There have been tons of newbies lately ( I'm glad to say) so I suppose it'll need updating again soon. A lot of people only visit the board ocassionally or like me have a few months off and then come back. In my expereience Nicolau is the main man for organing apostafests over here, so watch this space. As for me I'm in London and the SE a lot on business but am currently based in Cornwall. Be good to meet up with fellow JWDers in the not too distant!
for the new 'jw only, don't you damn apostates dare look at and analyze it anymore watchtower' dated january 2008.. any bets as to whether we will see an issue before the rank and file?.
jeff .
We will see a copy for sure. They may think they can hide it from us - but guess what WTS you have too many insiders ha ha ha ha
Too right. They've got no chance. Maybe soon there'll be the threat of DFing for anyone who shows it to an outsider.
why mature men don't ask for directions when we're lost.
okay it all comes down to pride.
we're out there driving around in our own vehicle, burning gas, wearing sunglasses, looking good.
To women, getting lost on a trip is a blameless act of nature - to men it's a personal failure.
But men and women see the world differently in many ways . . .
any one know of any biblical reason why they'd refuse the spray?.
rwanda: religion, prostitutes reject malaria spray.
Maybe a hard of hearing brother got a call from the authorities saying that they wanted to come round and do some spraying and he thought they said praying?
does anyone know where the models come from who appear on awakea and watchtowera magazines?
it would make sense to me that theyre dubsa as this would be saving the societya money.
or are they worldlya people?
Thanks for your replies and stories folks. Very informative and sometimes funny.
"Insecurity is when Bethel calls and asks for your wife to be the cover model.... for the Babylon the Great series."
LOL - Thanks Vanilla
Dogpatch your one time fantasy lady sure looks foxy. I bet after about 25 dates she might hold your hand.
Uzzah thanks for that. Have you still got copies? Be a great avatar for this place.
We admire those who cultivate the spirit of singleness for Jehovah but as a dedicated sister I can't help but be attracted to someone who is so obviously devoted to Jehovah with such a kind heart..." Sad eh
LOL I bet you were so made up when you got that letter.
guys, when you are trying to woo a woman, in the early days before you get physically intimate, how do you show your interest in her?
I normally break into her room when she's out and leave a box of Black Magic chocolates with a card, although my court case does come up next month.
bet you he doesn't answer.. (this wager does not include the ongoing conversation between jehovah and jcanon).
LOL @ Poppers. Could be.
Good questions Scully. Regarding the second question: that kind of "heavenly/human body interaction once resulted in the Nephilim and all sorts of other problems leading to the Flood.
bet you he doesn't answer.. (this wager does not include the ongoing conversation between jehovah and jcanon).
Jehovah logs onto JWD to see the lastest questions on the "Ask Jehovah Anything You'd Like. . ." thread.
He laughs at the one about his shoe size.