Dozy is right. There is no evidence that Jesus went from door to door, and the scriptures in Acts that the society uses, shows that Paul and the other disciples taught people in their homes rather than going from door to door all over the area. The societies book the Interlinea version of the bible shows the scriptures are more correctly translated 'in peoples homes' not 'door to door'. In Ray Franz books he showed how his uncle, Fred Franz new this but chose not to make it clear to the rest of the governing body.
Posts by alanv
Is the Door to Door Preaching Obsolete?
by lepermessiah ini wanted to get some opinions on this.. the last few years i was active as a jw, i thought that the door-to-door preaching work was the biggest waste of time.
you rarely got anyone home, those you did get home were rarely interested, and it seemed like a huge waste of resources.. in line with that thought, i was speaking with a gentleman at work the other day - he is a very active pastor in the community, and him and i have gotten to be pretty good friends - we have had a ton of interesting conversations.he recently moved his church to a bigger location due to past and expected future growth.. he was telling me that one of his big concerns was the fall-off of church attendance in our area.
he had a company actually come in and do a study for him with census information, demographics, etc.
IT IS THE BEST WAY OF LIFE, says my Dub sister.
by wobble inas some may remember, i posted about being dubious as to accepting anniversary presents this year from my super-dub family, esp.
my older sister.. well we agreed with the consensus on here that it was best to accept with gratitude and this we have done, but i would just like to reproduce what she wrote in the card accompanying the present and flowers.. after the happy anniversary she wrote :.
"it makes us sad to think of all the anniversaries past when you were part of our christian congregation.
Well you could say ' it's only a good way of life if I do exactly as I'm told and not try and do something with my life. Frankly I want more out of my life than that. You must admit that any love that is shown in the cong is totally conditional on me towing the line. Well I can't live like that. There is a world out there to be explored and I'm having a great time now exploring it'
Just an idea!
Serena Williams , Five Minute Interview with the BBC
by BluesBrother inas always, if you have put this up already, i apologise... halfway into the video she is asked about j w's.
Interesting. She says she is a JW and that she does informal witnessing, which I guess makes sense as she is away so much.
However she can hardly say she is no part of the world as JWs teach, when her main aim in life is to be the best tennis player in the world. Also her sexy outfits can hardly be called modest as would be expected of a normal witness woman. Still good luck to her. I think it is rearly good that she hasn't let the WT take over her life and she clearly uses her own brain unlike many JWs.
Hey what about me I'm quite nice really!!
Baptism numbers decreasing?
by Mattieu inthe last 3 weekends have seen 3 circuit assemblies in victoria with over 1000 attending each circuit.
yet only 10 baptised over the last 3 weeks, including 3 last weekend.
i can remember a few years ago when only 1 bro was baptised at a 2 day convention.. its funny, when 10-20 were being baptised at each circuit assembly back in the 1980s & early 90s it was always brought out that this was a sign of jehovahs blessing upon the org.
Here in the U K there were just 14 more baptised this service year to last year. Certainly nothing like the increases in the past.
by jam inmy brother, who is a elder, email my sister who is not a jw, to explain to her why.
he can not associate or speak to me.a little history, i have been out since 1987, have moved on.
with my life.the rest of the family( not jw) can not understand why after all this time they are still.
Jam I know it is horrible but did you not know what would happen when you were disfellowshipped. If you are living an unscriptual life now then witnesses and family witnesses will not talk to you. Their error of course is they think they have the truth. In fact it is very far from the truth but they believe it. Probably your only hope is to try to live according to their standards even if those standards are wrong. Either that or get reinstated and then over time simply fade away as many have done. I wish you well.
Hi again, I've been absent for a bit
by Marni Mai ini was previously crazyblonde (couldn't get into my account after being absent for a while 0_o).. long story short, things have been interesting.. i'm successfully in the faded stage now.
got a bit of hounding - had a few elders calling and texting my husband about me (he's still in, kinda).
had an 'unexpected drop in' at our place too, which i didn't even know about until after as my hubby kept them outside.
Good news Marni, it's not easy fading, you do tend to have to watch your back as the org doesn't like people in the in between stage. I know I am in the same situation as you. With me it is my son who is still in. Just one warning to you. They can theoretically disfellowship you if you have contact or a meal with your disfellowshipped friend.
It sounds to me that it won't be too long before your hubby joins you. You are so right not pushing it. Just show all the family how much happier your life is now. I wish you well
No natural affection? Jehovahs Witnesses fulfill this scripture
by jambon1 inanyone who can turn their back on their flesh & blood sons and daughters, mothers and fathers fulfill this prophecy perfectly.. people who do this are utterly unloving & cruel.
it has lead thousands of people to feel issolated, alone & in many cases suicidal.
how can such a thing originate with god?.
Good point jambon. All I can say in their defence is it really does show how indoctrinated the JWs are. I and many others on this site would probably have done the same thing when we were witnesses. It is a horrible thing to do to people but we all did it, for we thought that was what God wanted.
Most witnesses are just normal human beings that got caught up in this religon. They are not stupid or retardid just very misguided.
UN scandal
by inbetween inlately i did a lot of reading regarding the un scandal, the org being a ngo for 10 years.
i tried to read both sides, the comments on, as well as the defense at and then the endless discussion on between thirdwitness and alanf and others.. while i am sure, the way the org handled the whole situation, especially after the article in the guardian, was plain wrong, instead of openly confessing a mistake, it was done secretely and only after inquiry, and made it look like a cover-up.. .
however, considering the whole issue, i think it comes down to one question:.
The point is, you can't have it both ways. The WT is scathing about any other religon that has any slight contact with a political org. Therefore it must be the same itself. It should be keeping even further away if it is as it claims the true religon. They were caught and once they were, they pretended they new nothing about agreeing to the U N terms. They have proved to be hypocritical in so many other things it should surprise no one that they were the same with the U N situation
Dealing with Being DF'd
by ~Jen~ ini haven't posted much here but i feel like i need some support right now.
i did post my story, but basically i'm 27, married for 7 years and i was df'd in july.
i always knew i didn't want to be a jw but went along with everything because of fear.
Jen I have been lucky I was able to simply fade so I am able to speak with my son who is still a witness, but my heart goes out to you. It is a horrible situation to be in, but then it's a horrible religon. It WILL get better and of course you can speak with any of us on this forum any time you like if you are feeling a bit down. The ones who go back, go back so that they can speak with their family again, but I hope you can keep free of doing that because in the long term you are much better off out of it. Also hopefully the rest of your family will see the light and get out of it themselves. I wish you well.