Shawn after your confession I went back over your entries. This time I really laughed. You can have so much fun doing this.
Posts by alanv
watchtower site on Facebook, ,,is this stuff for real ?
by lancelink ini was looking over the watchtower site on facebook this evening, and was just mesmerized by many of the posts.this stuff can't be real (can it)?
nelson birdwell ?
it's like something out of mad magazine, or better yet the onion !.
Why do they but in?
by grewupjw1969 ini am curious to know why the wo feels the need to tell consenting, married what they can do in they bedroom.
has anyone experinced this?.
They view themselves as God's spokesman on earth so they feel it is O K for them to decide what can and can't be done in the bedroom.
Governing Body Are: Old, Hypocritical, Destructive, Blood Guilty, Company Men, In Sheep's Clothing
by frankiespeakin inthese guys on the governing body deserve our scorn.
they are the makers of policy which control the minds of our jehovah witness family members who shun us and break up our families.. they are the ones who make up the rules that have led to thousands of premature deaths due to their strict enforcement of a ban on blood transfusions, o they like to put the blame on the bible for that one,, but in actuality it is their own narrow mindedness and interpretation of scripture with the threat of disfellowshipping those who don't follow their edicts which puts the blame squarely on them as policy makers.
it is them who demand complete obedience with no independent thinking allowed that is drummed into the heads the average jw several times a week until he blindly follows even to the death their narrow minded strictly enforced prohibition.. they are the ones who determine what the wt corporation will print and what rules will be strictly enforced and this has led to much sorrow for those who find governing body claims of authority lacking and wish no longer to be dominated buy their narrow minded rules and destructive policies.
Most anti JW videos on Youtube ARE against the governing body. It is a fallacy that exwitnesses are against their former JW friends.
Anyone who has been through the JW experience knows where the main blame for witnesses attitude and ideas come from, and that is Brooklyn.
The gov. body like people to think that we are against all witnesses but this is a lie. It is the gov body men who are much more concerned with having a thriving united organisation than teaching people what the bible really says. You're right they are despicable individuals.
How You Can Understand the Bible - FDS not mentioned in this WT article
by Mythbuster in*** w09 7/1 pp.
4-5 1. ask the author for help ***.
how you can understand the bible.
Omce they have got a persons initial interest it is much easier to talk about getting help to understand the bible. After all they will say we all need help from someone to help us with something new to us. The scripture about the Ethiopian eunoch comes to mind.
Blood Transfusion? Yes Please
by finallysomepride inon monday night i ended in hospital with kidney stones (5th time) this ones plagued me for the last 2-3 years.. i recieved all the necessary pain killers to settle things down, so i was comfotable most of tuesday.
tuesday night the specialists came to see me, & they asked about me being a jw and would i still refuse a blood transfusion.. immediatley i said no to being a jw & yes to a blood transfusion, i had been wonderng for sometime what would be my awnser be, & how quick i would responde to these questions, so now i know.. by the way there was alot relief on the faces of the specialist when i answered this way.. they have only so far put a stent in to relieve the pressure from the stone blocking the kidney, further treatment to come but could be some months away.. so anyway i'm still in hospital, thank god for netbooks & wireless broadband, i go home 2moro.. just thought i would share what i've been through these last couple of days, & to say i really am feeling like i'm now free of the borg.. kevin.
Well done Kevin. My youngest 24 year old son was recently in hospital with a broken leg and they asked him if he would be O K with a transfusion if it became necessary. He said yes that is fine. I was so pleased to hear this as all one side of my family were and are witnesses. Luckily he has a good brain on him and made his decision not to join a couple of years ago. So hearing him say that was the iceing on the cake for me.
Hope all will be ok for you. I wish you well
interesting email circulating amongst witnesses: gubberning body says preaching reason is..................
by DaCheech inenjoy these remarks, friends.
and, as always, if you have received this from another source, please just delete, forgive me and move on!
saturday, january 9, 2010, 8:22 am .
Amazing how they put a good spin on anything. If there is increase they say it shows how Jehovah is blessing the org. If there is no increase it does not matter as the main purpose is to make God's name known.
They also feel it does not matter if a large percenage of the world has never heard the JW good news. It is not necassary as the preaching work has been sent to the most distant parts of the earth.
Things have not changed since I was a witness 15 years ago. They still teach witnesses the answers to any questions that come up. It matters not if they are sensible answers or not the rank and file lap it up.
"B.F.F" -Witness love is not for free! We "love" worldly people! Yeah right!
by Witness 007 init's incredible how witnesses cosy up to immoral worldly people who are possible converts...sure they smoke, live in sin, are homosexual, wear short skirts and lowcut tops but...they are my new best friends!!!!!!
until after studying for 2 months they say: "look, i don't want to be a witness at the moment, but i enjoy your friendship......" .
typical cult recruitment methods.
Hook, line and sinker. I thought there was massive love in the org. until I dared to question one or two of their doctrines. Over night I lost my best friends. A friend and neighbour won't talk to me now as I dared to disagree with the gov body. And yet my son who has never been a witness and does the complete opposite of what a witness would do recently got a get well soon card from the ex friend. They are such hypocrites.
WELCOME CONNIED29, my former Bible study...(she's a little shy)
by AWAKE&WATCHING inwell sometimes life is just really good.
my former study got out of the cult before me and we have been getting to know each other again.
she visited last week, barely missed the snow storm, and now she has joined our forum.. .
Welcome Connie and well done for getting out to you and AWAKE& WATCHING. It is not easy giving up something that for years you felt was right.
There are many good and kind people on this site who can help with any questions you may have.
The Final Remark from a JW after 1200 Emails
by maputo95 inafter 1250 emails between my friend, derek and i discussing why i am a catholic.
and not a jw and after sending him verses about how christ wants to come into.
our lives etc, i came to the conclusion, my friend who had not uttered one.
You do realize he was probably counting field service time while emailing you.
The advice the WT give is, if you are not getting through after a reasonable length of time you should just leave it in the hope that the person concerned will come to their senses.
That is good advice for us too I guess. If they keep changing the subject and go round in circles it is best to leave it till they work it out for themselves. Not always easy but the right thing to do.
JWs and piracy (digital kind)
by teel ini'd like to hear of other people's experience regarding the jws inclination to pirating software, music, films.. this of course is relative to your country.
because i live in a relatively poor country, the rate of piracy is extremely high, individuals practically never buy software, music and films are bought now and then.
this of course is against the law here too.. so what do jws do?
At the risk of sounding pompous I would say however poor you are JWs should not be piroting software. They have set themselves up as having higher standards than everyone else and what they are in fact doing is stealing.
In UK that is what it is called, and I'm sorry but if they can afford computers then they should be paying for the sofftware that goes with it.
The bible very clearly says that you should practice what you preach and that you can be disfellowshipped for stealing.
Very interesting about the different QFR article. I'm sure you are right the society do not want to make an issue of it.
Incidently teel I would be interested to know where you come from. Thanks for posting.