It really does not matter what any apolagist says. Many of us lived through all the 1975 time and know exactly what happened and what was said.
As has been said before, they only change something when it has clearly failed and is no longer tenable.
what do you make of this recent article by george chryssides?.
apparently the prophetic failure of jehovah's witnesses has been overdone by opponents.
It really does not matter what any apolagist says. Many of us lived through all the 1975 time and know exactly what happened and what was said.
As has been said before, they only change something when it has clearly failed and is no longer tenable.
i never even heard of an "apostate" until a jw called me that.....and i'm not even a jw!.
anyway, i am wondering if "apostate" is a term exclusive to cult groups only, like jws, mormons, and scientologists.
i have never heard of a methodist or baptist apostate, but surely, there must be such a thing.. i have seen complaints where "apostate" xtians say they were kicked off websites that promote "mainstream xianity" or denominational religions, so there can never really be any deep discussions or debates on those sites.
Many JWs can rightly be called apostates, as many of them have left another religion to join the witnesses.
if you live in the u s a or the united kingdom, this is how the wt society views your government, your nation :-.
yes, as an ugly, evil terrifying beast !
this is based on the book of revelation chapter 13 , quoted as follows in the revelation climax book.
Thanks for that BB. That is a really good point. I've never really thought about it properly. The same goes for the UN which is actually meant to be the world power now I believe, the 8th one. Not much power there. If a nation like U S wants to do something it won't change it's mind just because the U N does not like it. Some world power.
i have just completed an article that compares the situation of malawi, mexico and the oath of allegiance.
it is based on franz's chapter double standards and jehovahs witnesses and national oaths of allegiance by marvin shilmer..
if you notice any errors, please let me know.. .
Nancy, that is exactly the reason so many of us try to help witnesses to get out of it. They think we should just walk away from it, but I need to expose this awful religion whenever I can.
i just watched the bbc panorama program about jw's and their child abuse problems on you tube.. i havn't seen it since it was first aired.
i was watching it and recalling what my reaction was when i saw it for the first time as a commited devout jw.. before the program aired the congregation called a extrodinary meeting in which a letter was read out from bethal.
they seemed to back up every point they made by a scripture read out by another brother also on the platform.
My eldest son thought how terrible it was as well. Two years later he had joined up. He conveniently forgot what he had seen.
I think one of the best responses would be to ask them if it was ful lof lies don't you think the societies legal dept. would have dealt with it.
I know in the U K the Panarame programme where it was aired is regarded as a very, very honest and factual programme.
I didn't know the society said that they wouldn't let the society have their say on the programme.
I know the reporter went out of her way after the programme to say that they would not agree to be on camera or give an interview.
When I was a pioneer the hour requirement was 1200 hours a year. And yes you spend so much time going through all the motions of the religion that you totally loose your own identity. Everything revolves round the organisation
i was talking with my wife today about college and i asked her about why the society makes such a big deal about witnesses not going to college.
in typical dub fashion, my wife tells me that they do not discourage college, but they do not encourage it either.
instead, they encourage placing kingdom interests first.. now i told her about you (billy) and how you were at bethel and are now starting college at the age of 40 (i think that is correct).
In 1968 I was at college studying a printing course. However more and more was being said about there being no point in building a carear in this system as it will soon be destroyed. Particularly the young people were encouraged to pioneer. So that is what my best friend and I did. I gave up my college and pionered. To do that I had to give up being an apprentice as well but felt there was no point doing that if it would all end soon.
Boy was I taken in.
hi everyone i regularly go onto the topix website and on one thread this was said earlier today.. found on facebook this morning:.
"at our service meeting it was announced that there is a change in the manner in which magazines are now to be delivered to the congregations.. .
up until now, magazines were sent to each kingdom hall via ups.
Sorry folks I must have missed the original thread, but wow 2700 views on this item in less than 24 hours. JWnet is alive and well
hi everyone i regularly go onto the topix website and on one thread this was said earlier today.. found on facebook this morning:.
"at our service meeting it was announced that there is a change in the manner in which magazines are now to be delivered to the congregations.. .
up until now, magazines were sent to each kingdom hall via ups.
Hi everyone I regularly go onto the Topix website and on one thread this was said earlier today.
Found on Facebook this morning:
"At our service meeting it was announced that there is a change in the manner in which magazines are now to be delivered to the congregations.
Up until now, magazines were sent to each Kingdom Hall via UPS. In years past magazines were sent t...o each congregation PO's home address via UPS.
Going forward, magazines will be sent only as far as the Assembly Hall. It is the responsibility of each Kingdom Hall to send brother(s) twice a month to drive out there, pick up the magazines, and return.
This of course saves a little bit of money for the Society - shipping larger packages to fewer addresses will cost less.
However, what about the expenseto the local congregations?
A typical Assembly Hall probably has 20-25 circuits assigned to it. Each of those circuits has 20-25 congregations.
That's 400-600 congregations, maybe 200 or 250 Kingdom Halls shared among them. Each of those Kingdom Halls now has to send, twice a month, a van or truck to the assembly hall to pick up the magazines.
Our Kingdom Hall is only about 40 or so miles from the Assembly Hall - but what about congregations out in the sticks? Maybe they are 150, 200, 300 miles away from their assembly hall. Think of the expense - the gasolinealone could run into the hundreds of dollars per month. Multiply that by the hundreds of Kingdom Halls assigned to each assembly hall, then think of the dozens of assembly halls in use in the USA.
As usual, the Society acts to save itself a little money, and in the process, sneeringly gives the finger to the congregations that support it."
Does anyone know if this is truly happening now and is it worldwide.
If it is true, it is yet another indicator of how the society are desperately trying to save money at the congregations expense
i think that this explains it best !!.
one of the critical and most debatable assumptions we have maintained thus far in our arguments is the assumption of successive generations.
in other words, we have assumed that, every period, a new generation arises and the old one dies off.
All you have to do is show any person who knows nothing of the generation doctrine, and they will give the proper sensable meaning to the words Jesus said.
Remember the only reason we have the current meaning of generation is because all the societies other efforts failed miserably. And it only took them 130 years.