Unfortunately they are in their very own JW bubble. Providing they don't talk to anyone who used to be a witness, they will be all right.
The society know this and that is why they continue to demonise anyone who has left the organisation.
the gilead letter was read last night at the meeting, i had to listen in as they have reinstated my phone line, whatever.. so anywho the service overseer gave the part and he said that jehovah's organization is moving so fast that even what they have printed just a few months ago is now old and they just received a letter from the fs that was to be read tonight from the fs!.
the way he read it, he made it very exciting and like jehovah's chosen religion is moving so fast that it can hardly keep up and the letter was just proof.
the way this elder read the letter it made it sound like the married couples school is going to be so wonderful that it would suppress gilead in wonderfulness.. the elder doing the part then went on and on about how our educational programs are so much, much better than anything out in satan's world.
Unfortunately they are in their very own JW bubble. Providing they don't talk to anyone who used to be a witness, they will be all right.
The society know this and that is why they continue to demonise anyone who has left the organisation.
had an interesting chat with my ex re the current debate over working with children checks - of which she has one due to her volunteering at our childrens primary school.
i remember when she had to apply that i made the comment elders & mss should be having background checks due to the history of abuse in the borg and covering up (these discussions normally dont go down well as she is well and truly blinded, well meaning, but blinded).. anywho, she told me about the recent letter that was read to all the victorian congregations, she couldnt tell me verbatim what it said, though the gist was that is no real need for elders to get this check, but rather they are complying with what has been asked legally.. now i dont know if what she said next was based on the letter read or the after discussions at the k/hall, but she made the comment the elders do not need the wcc as they are not strangers, they are our brothers... i tried reasoning that another elder who moves in from interstate is certainly a stranger, until you get to know him on a personal level.
didnt matter how i reasoned or what incidents i bought up, the view amongst her and the other mums that she hangs around in the cong is that the elders getting a wcc check is totally unnecessary and that the jws are being picked on.. next week, i am meeting up with a mate who is an elder here in victoria and trying to step down, so will pick his brains and see if he can get a copy.... .
Can I just add my voice, that it would indeed be really good to see a copy of the letter. I am sure someone will soon get it and post it on the internet.
i would love to see the wtb&ts/ wwc case in victoria austrailia come to national or even international media attention.
i plan on finding as many media sites 'contact us' as i can in the next few days.
if enough of us email/phone/written bltz hit the tv and newspaper media asking for coverage of the story as it unfolds in the coming months, maybe someone will pick it up... anyone up for sending some emails?
Well said wobble. I know it is tempting to get media attention early, but the time to tell al,l is when the society have really been shown up for what they are.
before my mother became a jehovah's witness i remember.
the fun of christmas and opening the beautifully wrapped.
gifts under the christmas tree.
I used to say that when I was a witness as well, and I can remeber practically never giving anyone a present again.
i was watching a tv show that made me think about why the witnesses insist on door-to-door work "in this age of mass communication," to quote jesus christ superstar.
did they not have a radio station at one time?
i remember hearing about it and about the dj becoming too popular so he was axed.
I believe it is all about keeping the sheep busy. Door to door work also has the benifit of making every individual think they are sharing in God's work, and this gives them brownie points to getting God's approval and everlasting life. It also underlines what the society say will happen when you preach, namely that you will get persecuted. As most people have no interest at all in JWs, this simply makes the sheep sure that they must have the truth.
well the 'standout' for me was the generation demo.
you cant have a red blood cell treatment, but you could have a haemoglobin treatment, haemoglobin is a conscience matter.
red blood cells treatment.
Hi Bro Mac,
I too believe that there are many things that the org say, that the witnesses have no idea about. My JW son constantly finds me telling him things that he had no idea about.
Certainly they no little about the recent controversies, i e child abuse, UN and the downsizing in many aspects of the org.
this is nothing new obviously, i'm just using this as a sounding board to see if i'm looking at this thing correctly.
your thoughts are greatly appreciated.. watchtower july 15, 2011 p 15 paragraph 4 under the title "will you heed jehovah's clear warnings?".
4 to elders of the ephesus congregation, paul said: from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things.
September 1, 1980
Dear Brothers:
Keep in mind that to be disfellowshiped, an apostate does not have to be a promoter of apostate views. As mentioned in paragraph two, page 17 of the August 1, 1980, Watchtower, "The word 'apostasy' comes from a Greek term that means 'a standing away from,' 'a falling away, defection,' 'rebellion, abandonment. Therefore, if a baptized Christian abandons the teachings of Jehovah, as presented by the faithful and discreet slave, and persists in believing other doctrine despite Scriptural reproof, then he is apostatizing. Extended, kindly efforts should be put forth to readjust his thinking. However, if, after such extended efforts have been put forth to readjust his thinking, he continues to believe the apostate ideas and rejects what he has been provided through the 'slave class, then appropriate judicial action should be taken.
Also read Watchtower 1980 August 1 st .
Above letter shows that anyone who persists in just BELIEVING other doctrine can be called an apostate by the society. Thereefor, this would have to include anybody that just faded because they disagreed with the society, let alone ones who actually dare tell someone why they left.
my daughter is 80 pages into coc.. it will probably take a few visits to get through it.
i let her know that it speaks of things before her time, but that i was 'in' back then and remember some of the things written about.. any heads up on what to expect from her?.
Hi Oz. You didn't say how old your daughter is, but providing she understands what is written I am sure it will have a profound affect on her.
The good thing about the book, is not only is it written without any bitterness, but also most things that are written can be verified.
Well done for getting her to read it. If only more witnesses would read it, there would be a mass exodus from the kingdom halls all round the world.
do you find that years after leaving the jws birthdays just don't matter?.
i just can't get into it.
in years past the inlaws have made an effort and given a little party but now we are out country its just not a big enough deal to be bothered with.. no presents, no cake.
Hi Oz, yes I feel exactly the same way. I have now retired, so you can imagine I would rather forget I am another year older.
However I do feel some birthdays are worth celebrating. My mother was 90 last birthday. I felt that was definately worth celebrating.
Children too. It is a big thing for them to reach their next birthday.
And certainly if someone is very ill and they make it to their birthday, I think that is worth celebrating.
we've all seen the line-by-line comparison of john 1:1 with the addition of "a god" when "was god" is visible in the left margin under "theos" in the infamous grimace/barney/grape crush purple bible book.
i'd check for myself, but unfortunately, i hastily rid my house of all things wt in a purging fit while beginning my fade.
and let me tell you, the fire was spectacular!
The expression 'mentally diseased is not taken from the bible (any bible). It is from the July 15th 2011 Watchtower.
There it is being applied to people (they call apostates) who leave the organisation and actively speak against the governing body, to the extent of gaining followers for themselves.
However in the past the society view as apostates, anyone who just speaks out against the org. It has not mattered if they had followers or not. In fact in 1980 they said in an elders letter that just believing something different doctrinally could make someone an apostate. See below
September 1, 1980
Dear Brothers:
Keep in mind that to be disfellowshiped, an apostate does not have to be a promoter of apostate views. As mentioned in paragraph two, page 17 of the August 1, 1980, Watchtower, "The word 'apostasy' comes from a Greek term that means 'a standing away from,' 'a falling away, defection,' 'rebellion, abandonment. Therefore, if a baptized Christian abandons the teachings of Jehovah, as presented by the faithful and discreet slave, and persists in believing other doctrine despite Scriptural reproof, then he is apostatizing. Extended, kindly efforts should be put forth to readjust his thinking. However, if, after such extended efforts have been put forth to readjust his thinking, he continues to believe the apostate ideas and rejects what he has been provided through the 'slave class, then appropriate judicial action should be taken.
I too got rid of most of my books when I left. However most are available on line now. Just google the one you want.