Looks like Losch needed a nice holiday so he flew to Australia. One thing you can be sure of with the governing body, they will have all the bases covered. Even if what they are saying is the opposite to what they have said before. That way they can quote what they got right in the future and just forget the cock ups.
Posts by alanv
Losch Zone visit -AUS
by the examinator 2012 inlosch visit 2009/10 he said "jw's will be the only remaining religion when the un rules in the near future!".
he said this with such arrogance and smug certainty!
what deals would have to be done and how would this manifest itself if they were to remain as the only religion?.
Essential Watchtower publications
by peggaloon inhi friends,.
i have a very nice jw friend who is willing to hand me some old copies of books / magazines that they are throwing out.
he comes with a long background of the cult so he has many years of literature (50 years possibly).. which are the essential books / magazines i should try to get off him to help me in my evangelism to the witnesses?.
Surely it is best to see what is available on the Watchtower cd rom online. Then you can ask for anything before that time.
Are JW's really not allowed to view apostate material?
by Joey Jo-Jo inon youtube there is this man who recorded is judicial commitee, the point i am making is that the elders viewed his material on youtube as stated on the recording.. my question his are elders allowed to view apostate material but not non-elders?
when did this happen?
March 2012 Interview with Dr. Fridey, CEO of the Red Cross headquarters in Pomona, Calif.
by Lady Lee inpeople need to see this video.
if you have any lingering doubts about those who critisize ex-jws who try to refute the jw stance on blood transfusions or are unsure where you stand on the issue regarding accepting or even donating blood this is a must see.
it is long but worth watching.. now if only i can figure out how to embed it.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzzotomct38 .
We are having a discussion on the Topix website about one of the points she made about very few people dying these days from blood complications after a transfusion.
Witness Lurkers- A Simple Question
by mrquik inas you are willing to sacrifice not only your life but the lives of your loved ones, what concrete proof do you have that you are the one true religion, led by jesus christ & guided by jehovah's holy spirit?.
Over half the world have not even heard the JW message.
How Does The Message Attract New Converts In Field Service?
by Bubblegum Apotheosis in.
what attracts new ones into the jw fold these days, the message, the friends, someone to listen to their problems, a personal relationship with god?
There will always be ones who are at a low point in their lives. If a JW calls on that person, they can tell the person that all will be ok very soon if blah, blah, blar.
How many new baptisms are family members?
by ilikecheese ini don't know if there is any hard evidence on this or anything, but about how many of the new baptisms each year are children of jws, other family members of jws, or acquaintances?
how many are actual new people who have no ties to them at all?
it seems like the largest number are kids who are sort of pressured into it.
I really wish the society would compile those figures. Unfortunately I guess that will never happen as the sheep would then see how useless the door to door work is.
Biblical precedence for opposing viewpoints within the Congregation
by Momma-Tossed-Me inoften the wtbts uses the gathering of older men in jerusalem as support for the organizational structure used today.
this essay will examine the validity of that claim by way of logic and reason.. .
logically an argument could be formulated that this meeting was not a regularly scheduled or organized group that held weekly or monthly meetings to discuss things related to the early christian congregation but that is a thesis to be explored on another day.. .
Yes thank momma, really interesting. It just shows how all of us should read an account properly and all the way through, not just pick out odd verses as the gov body have done.
Disfellowshipped man tries to poison Elder and his family.
by jemba inthis story happened in my hometown in a hall i helped build years ago.
its no wonder this sort of thing happens, this guy was probably desperate and vunerable when he got df'd.
no pity for this stupid elder, but the poor kids.
I can understand How the man got enraged with the elder, but there is no excuse to poison the family. What he did was 10 times worse than what happened to him. After all he did not have to get disfellowshipped, all it needed was a bit of repentance and he would have stayed a member of the cong. Then if he really waned to get out, he could simply just fade, and at least that way people will still talk to you if that is what he wanted.
Blood transfusion DF/DA
by allyouneedislove ini was reading the following page:.
can a jw still be df or da for taking a blood transfusion, if they are not "repentant"?.
My understanding is that it is still against the religion. If it is not covered by the various changes they have made to the blood doctrine, then a person is actually disassociating themselves. They are in effect saying I am no longer willing to go along with what God's organisation says. Particularly if they were baptised after 1985 when the baptism question included ' are you happy to be called a JW and work along with the spirit led organisation.'